







go (v)

go for (phr v)

He went for the job.

The dog went for the man.

go off (phr v)

They went off to Australia.

Suddenly the lights went off.

go on (phr v)

The meeting went on until six o'clock.

What's going on?

go out (phr v)

The fire has gone out.

Are you going out with Thomas


go with (phr v)

Your tie doesn't go with your shirt.

goal (n)

goat (n)

gold (adj & n)

golf (n)

good (adj)

The film was very good.

to be good at maths

goodbye (exclam)

good-looking (adj)

goodnight (exclam)

goods (n pl)

govern (v)

Page 15

government (n)

grade (n)

gram(me) (n)

grammar (n)

grandchild (n)

grand(d)ad (n)

granddaughter (n)

grandfather (n)

grandma (n)

grandmother (n)

grandpa (n)

grandparent (n)

grandson (n)

grant (n)

He was given a grant to study in

Australia. (n)

grape (n)

grass (n)

grateful (adj)

great (adj)

green (adj)

greengrocer (n)

grey (adj)

grill (n & v)

grocer (n)

ground (adj & n)

group (n & v)

grow (v)

grow up (phr v)

Children grow up fast.

guard (n & v)

guess (n & v)

guest (n)

guest-house (n)

guide (n & v)

guidebook (n)

guilty (adj)

guitar (n)

gum (n)

chewing gum

sore gums

gun (n)

guy (n)

gym(nastics) (n)


habit (n)

hair (n)

haircut (n)

hairdresser (n)

hairdryer (n)

half (adj, adv & n)

hall (n)

hallo/hello (exclam)

hammer (n & v)

hand (n & v)

hand-held (adj)

hand in (phr v)

Please hand in the answer sheet when

youve finished.

hand out (phr v)

Hand out the books please, Tom.

handbag (n)

handkerchief (n)

handle (n & v)

handsome (adj)

handwriting (n)

hang (v)

to hang a picture

hang out (phr v)

to hang out with friends

hang up (phr v)

She hung up at the end of the phone


happen (v)

happy (adj)

harbour (n)

hard (adj & adv)

hardly (adv)

hardly any time

He could hardly wait.

hat (n)

hate (n & v)

have (v)

have got (v)

he (pron)

head (n & v)

to hit one's head (n)

the head of the company (n)

The child was sent to see the Head

Teacher. (n)

to head a ball (v)

headache (n)

headline (n)

health (n)

hear (v)

heart (n)

heat (n & v)

hedge (n)

heavy (adj)

height (n)

helicopter (n)

hello/hallo (exclam)

helmet (n)

help (n & v)

her (det & pron)

here (adv)

hero (n)

hers (pron)

Page 16

herself (pron)

hide (v)

high (adj & adv)

hill (n)

him (pron)

himself (pron)

hire (v & n)

to hire a boat (v)

for hire (n)

his (det & pron)

historic (adj)

historical (adj)

history (n)

hit (n & v)

The song was a great hit. (n)

to hit the ball (v)

hitch-hike (v)

hobby (n)

hockey (n)

hold (v)

hold up (phr v)

He was held up in the heavy traffic for

over two hours.

hole (n)

holiday (n)

home (adv & n)

homepage (n)

homework (n)

honest (adj)

honey (n)

hope (n & v)

horrible (adj)

horse (n)

hospital (n)

hostel (n)

hot (adj)

hotel (n)

hour (n)

house (n)

housewife (n)

housework (n)

hovercraft (n)

how (adv)

how much (adv)

however (adv)

huge (adj)

human (adj & n)

hunger (n)

hungry (adj)

hurry (n & v)

hurt (adj & v)

husband (n)

hut (n)

hydrofoil (n)


I (pron)

ice (n)

ice cream (n)

ice hockey (n)

idea (n)

identity (n)

identity (ID) card

if (conj)

ill (adj)

illness (n)

imagination (n)

imagine (v)

immediate (adj)

immediately (adv)

immigration (n)

import (v)

importance (n)

important (adj)

impossible (adj)

improve (v)

in (adv & prep)

in advance (prep phr)

in any case (prep phr)

in case of (prep phr)

in case of fire

in case of delays

in danger (prep phr)

in the end (prep phr)

in fact (prep phr)

in front of (prep phr)

in half (prep phr)

in ink (prep phr)

in love (prep phr)

in order (prep phr)

in order to (prep phr)

in pencil (prep phr)

in pieces (prep phr)

in place (prep phr)

in private (prep phr)

in public (prep phr)

in stock (prep phr)

in time (prep phr)

in turn (prep phr)

in two (prep phr)

include (v)

income (n)

incorrect (adj)

increase (n & v)

indeed (adv)

independent (adj)

index (n)

the index of a book

individual (adj & n)

Page 17

indoor (adj)

indoors (adv)

industry (n)

influence (n & v)

inform (v)

information (n)

ingredients (n)

inhabitant (n)

initial (n)

His initials are J.B.H.

injure (v)

ink (n)

inn (n)

inquiry (n)

insect (n)

inside (adv, prep & n)

insist (v)

instance (n)

instead (adv)

instead of (prep phr)

instruction(s) (n)

instructor (n)

instrument (n)

musical instrument

insurance (n)

insure (v)

intelligent (adj)

intend (v)

to intend to do something

interest (n & v)

intermediate (adj)

international (adj)

internet (n)

interpret (v)

interrupt (v)

interval (n)

an interval in a play

interview (n & v)

into (prep)

introduce (v)

introduction (n)

invade (v)

invasion (n)

invent (v)

invention (n)

invitation (n)

invite (v)

involve (v)

iron (n & v)

island (n)

issue (n)

IT (Information Technology) (n)

it (pron)

item (n)

its (det)

itself (pron)


jacket (n)

jail (n) (Am Eng) (Br. Eng: prison )

jam (n)

strawberry jam

traffic jam

jar (n)

jazz (n)

jealous (adj)

jeans (n pl)

jet (n)

to go by jet (plane)

jewellery (n)

job (n)

jog (v)

to go jogging

join (v)

The rivers join there.

to join the army

to join (in) a game

joke (n & v)

journalism (n)

journalist (n)

journey (n)

judge (n & v)

jug (n)

juice (n)

jump (n & v)

jury (n)

just (adv)


kangaroo (n)

keen (adj)

He's keen on cycling.

to be keen to do something

keep (v)

keep in (phr v)

She kept the children in as it was so


keep on (phr v)

He kept on talking.

keep up (phr v)

Keep up the good work!

kettle (n)

key (n)

key to a lock

key to success

keyboard (n)

computer keyboard

Page 18

keyboard music

kick (n & v)

kids (n pl)

kilo(gram[me]) (kg) (n)

kilometre (km) (n)

kill (v)

kind (adj & n)

king (n)

kiosk (n)

kiss (n & v)

kitchen (n)

kitten (n)

knee (n)

kneel (v)

knife (n)

knit (v)

knock (n & v)

knock down (phr v)

He was knocked down by the car as

he stepped into the road.

knock out (phr v)

The fall knocked him out.

know (v)

knowledge (n)


laboratory (lab) (n)

labourer (n)

lack (n & v)

ladder (n)

lady (n)

lake (n)

lamb (n)

lamp (n)

land (n & v)

landlady (n)

landlord (n)

landscape (n)

language (n)

laptop (computer) (n)

large (adj)

laser (n)

last (adj, adv & v)

late (adj & adv)

lately (adv)

later (adj & adv)

latest (adj)

laugh (n & v)

laundry (n)

lavatory (n)

law (n)

lawn (n)

lawyer (n)

lay (v)

lazy (adj)

lead (v)

to lead someone by the hand

Where does this road lead?

leaf (n)

learn (v)

least (adj & adv)

the least amount (adj)

at least (adv)

leather (n)

leave (v)

leave out (phr v)

He left out several important facts.

lecture (n & v)

left (n, adj & adv)

leg (n)

leisure (n)

lemon (n)

lemonade (n)

lend (v)

length (n)

less (det, adj, adv & pron)

lesson (n)

let (v)

Let her do it.

Let me think.

Lets go out tonight.

letter (n)

letter-box (n)

lettuce (n)

level (adj & n)

library (n)

licence (n)

a driving/marriage/TV licence

lie (n & v)

life (n)

lift (n & v)

Can you give me a lift, please? (n)

The lift is going up. (n)

Please help me to lift this table. (v)

light (adj, n & v)

lighter (n)

a cigarette lighter

lightning (n)

like (adv, prep & v)

likely (adj)

limit (n & v)

line (n)

a line on a page

a clothes line

a railway line

link (n)

a link to a website

lion (n)

lip (n)

Page 19

lipstick (n)

liquid (n)

list (n)

listen (v)

literature (n)

litre (n)

litter (n)

little (adj & pron)

live (v)

live (adj)

live music/sport

lively (adj)

living (adj)

living room (n)

load (n & v)

loaf (n)

loan (n)

local (adj)

location (n)

lock (n & v)

locker (n)

lonely (adj)

long (adj)

look (n & v)

look after (phr v)

Who's looking after your baby now?

look forward to (phr v)

Im looking forward to the party!

look like (v)

She looks like her sister.

look out (phr v)

Look out or you'll have an accident.

look up (phr v)

Look up the meaning of the word in

your dictionary.

loose (adj)

lorry (n)

lose (v)

lost property office (n)

lot (n)

loud (adj)

lounge (n)

love (n & v)

lovely (adj)

low (adj & adv)

lower (v)

luck (n)

luggage (n)

lump (n)

lunch (n)

lunchtime (n)

lung (n)

luxury (n)


machine (n)

mad (adj)

Madam (n)

made of (adj)

magazine (n)

magic (adj & n)

magnificent (adj)

mail (n & v)

main (adj)

majority (n)

make (v)

make-up (n)

make sure (phr v)

male (adj & n)

man (n)

manage (v)

to manage a business

to manage to do something (succeed


manner (n)

many (adj & pron)

map (n)

mark (n & v)

market (n)

to buy something from a market

marriage (n)

marry (v)

master (n)

match (n & v)

a box of matches (n)

a tennis match (n)

This tie matches your shirt. (v)

mate (n)

material (n)

mathematics/math(s) (n)

matter (n & v)

Is anything the matter? (n)

It doesn't matter. (v)

maximum (adj & n)

maybe (adv)

me (pron)

meal (n)

mean (v)

What do you mean?

What does it mean?

means (n)

measure (v)

mechanic (n)

meat (n)

medicine (n)

medium (adj)

meet (v)

Page 20

melon (n)

melt (v)

member (n)

membership (n)

memory (n)

to have a good/poor memory

happy memories

computer memory

mend (v)

mention (v)

menu (n)

merry (adj)

message (n)

metal (n)

method (n)

modern methods of teaching

metre (m) (n)

microwave (n)

midday (n)

middle (adj & n)

midnight (n)

mild (adj)

mile (n)

milk (n)

millimetre (mm) (n)

mind (n & v)

His mind was on other things. (n)

Would you mind if I called

tomorrow? (v)

I dont mind. (v)

Mind your head! (v)

Who's minding the baby for you? (v)

mine (pron)

mineral (adj)

mineral water (n)

minimum (adj & n)

minister (n)

government minister

minute (n)

mirror (n)

miserable (adj)

miss (n & v)

Miss (n)

mist (n)

mistake (n)

mix (v)

mobile (phone) (n)

model (adj & n)

a model railway (adj)

It's cheap because it's last year's

model. (n)

Shes a fashion model. (n)

modern (adj)

moment (n)

money (n)

monkey (n)

month (n)

moon (n)

more (adj, adv & pron)

morning (n)

mosque (n)

most (adj, adv & pron)

mother (n)

motor (n)

motorbike (n)

motorcycle (n)

motor-racing (n)

motorway (n)

mountain (n)

mouse (n)

moustache (n)

mouth (n)

move (v)

movie (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: film)

movie theatre (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng:

cinema )

movie star (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng:

film star )

MP3 player (n)

Mr (n)

Mrs (n)

Ms (n)

much (adj, adv & pron)

mug (n)

multiply (v)

mum (n)

mummy (n)

murder (n & v)

museum (n)

mushroom (n)

music (n)

musical (adj & n)

musician (n)

mustard (n)

my (det)

myself (pron)

mystery (n)


nail (n)


hammer and nails

name (n & v)

narrow (adj)

nasty (adj)

national (adj)

nationality (n)

natural (adj)

nature (n)

Page 21

nature studies

near (adv, prep & adj)

nearby (adj & adv)

nearly (adv)

neat (adj)

necessary (adj)

neck (n)

need (v)

needle (n)

negative (adj)

neighbour (n)

neighbourhood (n)

neither (pron, adv, conj & det)

nephew (n)

nervous (adj)

a nervous person

to feel nervous

net (n)

network (n)

never (adv)

new (adj)

news (n)

newsagent (n)

newspaper (n)

next (adj, adv & pron)

next to (prep)

nice (adj)

niece (n)

night (n)

nightclub (n)

no (adv & det)

nobody (pron)

noise (n)

none (pron)

nonsense (n)

noon (n)

no one (pron)

nor (conj)

normal (adj)

north (adj, adv & n)

northeast (adj & n)

northwest (adj & n)

nose (n)

not (adv)

note (n & v)

to write a note (n)

a ten-pound note (n)

Please note. (v)

notebook (n)

notepaper (n)

nothing (pron)

notice (n & v)

to read a notice (n)

until further notice (n)

Did you notice anything wrong? (v)

novel (n)

now (adv)

nowadays (adv)

nowhere (adv)

number (n)

numbers 5 to 7

a large number of cars

Whats your (phone) number?

nurse (n & v)

nut (n)


object (n)

obvious (adj)

occasion (n)

occasional (adj)

occupation (n)

ocean (n)

oclock (adv)

of (prep)

of course (adv)

off (adv & prep)

It fell off the table. (prep)

The meeting is off. (adv)

Ive got the afternoon off. (adv)

offer (n & v)

office (n)

officer (n)

often (adv)

oh! (int)

oh dear! (int)

oil (n)

OK/O.K./okay (adj)

old (adj)

old-fashioned (adj)

omelette (n)

on (adv & prep)

on board (prep phr)

on business (prep phr)

on fire (prep phr)

on foot (prep phr)

on holiday (prep phr)

on loan (prep phr)

on purpose (prep phr)

on request (prep phr)

on sale (prep phr)

on time (prep phr)

once (adv)

once a year

I once saw him dancing.


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