1. A ceramic cup is flexible / heat-resistant and hard / soft.
2. A concrete floor is rigid / flexible and brittle / tough.
3. A rubber tyre is rigid / flexible and weak /strong.
4. A fiberglass window frame is heat-resistant / soft and rigid / flexible.
5. A nylon rope is rigid / flexible and strong / weak.
6. The graphite in the middle of the pencil is light / heavy and hard / soft.
7. A polycarbonate road sign is rigid / flexible / and strong / weak.
8. A polystyrene coffee cup is brittle / tough and heavy / light.
14. Find sixteen materials in the puzzle. Read across →, down ↓, and diagonally.
1. | Glass | скло | |
2. | leather | шкіра | |
3. | wood | деревина | |
4. | plastic | пластик | |
5. | rubber | гума | |
6. | metal | метал | |
7. | steel | сталь | |
8. | copper | мідь | |
9. | oil | нафта | |
10. | paper | папір | |
11. | water | вода | |
12. | paint | фарба | |
13. | sand | пісок | |
14. | cement | цемент | |
15. | ceramic | кераміка | |
16. | concrete | бетон | |
17. | gravel | гравій | |
18. | stone | камінь | |
19. | petrol | бензин | |
20. | fiberglass | скловолокно | |
21. | nylon | нейлон | |
22. | gold | золото | |
23. | wool | вовна | |
24. | cotton | бавовна | |
25. | polythene | політилен | |
26. | aluminium | алюміній | |
27. | wax | віск | |
28. | sack | мішок | |
29. | tin | банка | |
30. | tile | плитка | |
31. | bucket | відро | |
32. | brick | цеглина | |
33. | plank | дошка | |
34. | sheet | лист | |
35. | pane | панель | |
36. | to bend | згинати | |
37. | to heat | нагрівати | |
38. | to melt | топитися | |
39. | to scratch | царапати | |
40. | to stretch | розтягуватися | |
41. | to break | бити, ламати | |
42. | to cut | різати | |
43. | to compress | стискати | |
44. | to deform | деформуватися | |
45. | to burn | горіти | |
46. | tough | жорсткий | |
47. | hard | твердий | |
48. | soft | м’який | |
49. | flexible | гнучкий | |
50. | rigid | жорсткий | |
51. | brittle | крихкий | |
52. | combustible | горючий | |
53. | non-combustible | негорючий | |
54. | heavy | важкий | |
55. | light | легкий | |
56. | artificial | штучний | |
57. | ductile | пластичний | |
58. | durable | міцний | |
59. | corroded | з корозією | |
60. | elastic | еластичний | |
61. | heat-resistant | термостійкий |
1. Discuss the following questions.
a) What metals do you know?
b) How much do you know about copper?
c) Whereis copper used today? Make a list of possible applications of copper. Compare it with that of your group-mates.
d) Do you know any copper alloys? What are their constituents?
2. The students are at the seminar on metals technology. Listen to their discussion and learn what properties copper has and where it can be used.
Teacher: Dear students, today we're going to discuss the main properties and applications of copper. So far, what can you say about this metal?
Andrew: If I'm not mistaken, copper is a non-ferrous metal. And it can be found in a free state in nature.
Alice: And as far as I remember, people were able to extract this metal in prehistoric times. Various things such as weapons, tools and decorations could be made of it.
Teacher: Very good. Were those copper tools very reliable?
Andrew: I think not. Pure copper is a soft ductile metal. Strong cutting tools could be made only of copper alloys such as
Teacher: OK. What are the present applications of copper?
Alice: Well, they are numerous. Copper metals can be used in most domestic appliances. Electrical industry is impossible without copper wiring as it is a very good conductor of electricity. Also, copper is corrosion resistant which makes it valuable for marine industry. Besides, this metal is even used in making money!
Teacher: You are quite right. Tomorrow we will be able to study the valuable properties of copper in the practical class.