Cog, n touch, n
throughout, adv appearance, n
sophisticated, adj
What do you think the text is about?
13. Read this text attentively and learn some facts from robot history.
Although the development of robots seems a very modern idea, the principles behind this new technology were known thousands of years ago. Even ancient Greeks and Romans used mechanical cogs and gears which are now an essential part of robot technology. In the Middle Ages there was a real breakthrough in the development of robot engineering. At that time many types of mechanical devices appeared. At the end of the 17th century engineers already knew about most of the mechanical components that make up a modern robot.
Throughout history inventors have produced a variety of seemingly magical mechanical devices capable of quite life-like actions. These devices were not programmable, they were simply performing a set of operations. Different scientists and engineers have applied many advances in this field since that time.
Today's robot is a very complex structure. A metal or plastic frame serves for a skeleton, and a variety of actuators provide muscle power. But the new humanoids are not just bodies; they are also sophisticated sensing machines with cameras, microphones, even specific sensors that imitate the sense of touch. And then there are the brains. Nowadays scientists haven't yet created such a robot that can think. But who knows, maybe in the future it will not only resemble a human being in appearance but will also have the capacity to think and feel.
14. Answer the questions.
1. When did people learn the main principles of robot technology?
2. Did ancient Greeks and Romans know anything about robots?
3. When did engineers learn about most of the mechanical components of a robot?
4. Is today's robot a simple structure?
5. Would you like to have a robot friend?
15. Complete the sentences.
1. Today the students... some facts about... history. 2. Ancient Greeks and Romans used... cogs and gears which are now an... part of....3. At the end of the 17th century engineers already knew about most of the... that... a modern robot. 4. Throughout history... have... a variety of seemingly magical... devices. 5. These devices were simply... a... of operations. 7. A robot consists of a metal or plastic... and a variety of... provide muscle... 8. Today's robots are sophisticated... machines that have..., microphones and specific... that imitate the... of....
16. Expand these sentences with the facts from the text.
1. The basic principles of robot technology were known thousands of years ago.
2. The Middle Ages produced advances in robot technology.
3. There were many mechanical devices in the past.
4. A modern robot is a complex engineering structure.
5. It's difficult to predict what the robots of the future will look like.