1. like teacher, like pupil; 2. let the dead bury the dead; 3. he
who keeps company with the wolves, will learn to howl; 4. the morning sun never lasts a day; 5. to keep a body and soul together;
6. murder will out; 7. of all birds give me mutton; 8. one could have
heard a pin drop; 9. one today is worth two tomorrows; 10. one rotten
apple decays the bushel; 11. people who are too sharp cut their own
fingers; 12. pie in the sky; 13. pigs grunt about everything and noth
ing; 14. pitch darkness; 15. to play a dirty (mean, nasty) trick on one;
16. to point out a mote in one's eye; 17. to poison the fountains of
trust; 18. a pretty penny; 19. a pretty little pig makes an ugly sow;
20. to keep one's tongue between one's teeth; 21. to make it hot for
one; 22. to make mince meat/to make meat of smth.; 23. more power
to your elbow; 24. to pull one's leg; 25. every dog has his day; 26. this
is too thin; 27. to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds;
28. a saint's words and cat's claws; 29. one's sands are running out;
30. never bray at an ass; 31. to find a mare's nest; 32. sounding
brass; 33. to talk through one's hat; 34. to talk a dog's (horse's) hind
leg off; 35. to touch bottom; 36. company in distress makes sorrow
less; 37. tit for tat; 38. tomorrow come never; 39. weeds want no
sowing; 40. we got the coach up the hill; 41. what's Hecuba to me/to
you; 42. when bees are old they yield no honey; 43. the wind in a
man's face makes him wise; 44. scratch my back and I'll scratch
yours. 45. To kill the goose that laid the golden egg.
Exercise VI. Translate in viva voce the following phraseological/idiomatic expressions, proverbs and saying into English. Define the ways in which their meaning can be faithfully conveyed:
1. який Сава, така й слава; 2. що було, то загуло; 3. з ким поведешся, того й наберешся; 4. на світі нема нічого вічного; 5. ледве зводити кінці з кінцями; 6. шила в мішку не сховаєш;
7. найкраща риба - ковбаса /гарна птиця ковбаса; 8. тихо, як у
вусі /чути, як трава росте; 9. не відкладай на завтра те, що можна
зробити сьогодні; 10. одна паршива вівця всю отару поганить;
11. хто сміється, тому не минеться; 12. краще жайворонок у руці,
ніж журавель у небі; 13. людям язиків не зав'яжеш; 14. темно,
хоч в око стрель; 15. підвезти воза /підкласти свиню; 16. чуже
бачити аж під лісом, а свого й під носом не помічати; 17. підірвати
довір'я до себе; 18. грошей добру копійку /грошей дай Боже;
19. всі дівчата, мов квітки, а звідки погані баби беруться;
20. тримати язик за зубами/ ні пари з уст; 21. дати прочухана /
нагріти чуба; 22. не лишити каменя на камені; 23. ні пуху, ні луски;
24. морочити комусь голову; 25. козак не без долі /і в наше віконце
ще загляне сонце; 26. білими нитками шито; 27. служити і вашим, і нашим; 28. м'яко стеле, та твердо спати; 29. недовго (комусь) ряст топтати; ЗО. не водись з дурнем; 31. попасти пальцем у небо; 32. пусті слова/балачки; 33. верзти нісенітницю; 34. наговорити сім мішків/кіп гречаної вовни; 35. узнати/спізнати, почім ківш лиха;
36. в гурті і смерть не страшна /поділене горе - півгоря;
37. око за око/зуб за зуб; 38. обіцянка-цяцянка, а дурному радість;
39. дурнів не орють, не сіють (а вони самі родяться); 40. знайте
нас: ми кислиці - то з нас квас; 41. а яке мені діло/ моя хата з
краю; 42. був кінь, та з'їздився; 43. біда вимучить, біда й навчить;
44. рука руку миє. 45. зарізати курку, що несла золоті яйця.
Exercise VII. Choose in part B of the exercise below the corresponding English equivalents (відповідники) for the following Ukrainian idiomatic/phraseological expressions and substantiate the way in which you decided to translate them.
A. 1. виїденого яйця не вартий; 2. я не я, і хата не моя/ моя
хата з краю; 3. купається /плаває, як вареник у маслі; 4. як тільки
язик повертається; 5. як сніг на голову; 6. лупцювати, як Сидорову
козу; 7. (дивитися) як цап /баран на нові ворота 8. спіймати облизня;
9. чув дзвін, та не знає, де він; 10. як чугуївська верства (високий);
11. чого я там не бачив; 12. спасти на думку; 13. отримати
прочухана; 14. рости як із води; 15. здоров'я - найдорожчий скарб;
16. розбити глек із кимсь; 17. розв'язувати руки комусь; 18. сім
п'ятниць на тиждень; 19. кашу маслом не збавиш; 20. водити за
ніс (когось); 21. морочити комусь голову /піддурювати когось;
22. від долі не втечеш/ у всякого своя доля; 23. клепки не вистачає
(комусь); 24. верзти нісенітницю; 25. справи йшли як по маслу;
26. з вірогідного джерела/ з вірогідних джерел, із свіжих рук;
27. буря в склянці води; 28. гроші /гаманець, або життя; 29. не їла душа часнику, не буде й смердіти.
B. 1. is not worth a straw; 2. it does not concern me/it is not
business of mine; 3. one lives in luxury/on the fat of the land; 4) how
dare(s) one say so; 5. to come plump upon one/ to come like a bolt
from the blue; 6. to beat the life out of one; 7. to look/ be astounded,
to be very surprised; 8. to fail face/be a complete failure; 9. that is
mere hearsay/rumor; 10. (as) tall as a maypole; 11. I've nothing lost
there; 12. to bring back (call) to memory; 13. to grow (take) one's
gruel; 14. to overgrow; 15. good health is above wealth; 16. to have a
quarrel with one/to break off with one; 17. to give rein/to give full scope
(swing) to one; 18. to keep changing one's mind; 19. plenty is no
plague; 20. to pull (one) by the nose; 21. to pull one's leg;
22. every bullet has its billet; 23. (one) has not all his buttons/one has a screw loose, one is a little wanting, one is not right up there; 24. to talk nonsense /bunkum; 25. things went swimmingly/without a hitch, work like butter; 26. straight from the horse's mouth/ straight from the tin; 27. a storm in a tea-pot/tea-cup (Am. a tea-cup/tea-pot tempest); 28. to stand and deliver; 29. people throw stones only at trees with fruit on them.
Exercise VIII. Suggest suitable Ukrainian versions for the following English proverbs, sayings and catchwords (крилаті слова та вирази):
1. actions speak louder than words; 2. not all that glitters is gold; 3. work and no play makes Jack a dull boy; 4. a bad workman always blames the tools; 5. barking dogs seldom bite; 6. beauty is only skin deep; 7. creaking gate hangs long; 8. don't cross the bridge until you come to it; 9. don't put the cart before the horse; 10. the early bird catches the worm; 11. every dog has his day; 12. forbidden fruit is sweetest; 13. if a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing well; 14. its easy to be wise after the event; 15. it's never too late to mend; 16. it never rains but it pours; 17. more haste less speed; 18. no gain without pain; 19. necessity is the mother of invention; 20. never look a gift horse in the mouth; 21. no news (is) good news; 22. one swallow doesn't make a summer; 23. out of sight, out of mind; 24. paddle your own canoe; 25. the proof of the pudding is in the eating; 26. the road to hell is paved with good intentions; 27. the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak (The Bible); 28. still waters are deep; 29. time and tide wait for no man; 30. too many cooks spoil the broth; 31. when the cat's away the mice will play; 32. where there's a will, there's a way; 33. while there's life, there's hope; 34. you can't run with the hare and hunt with the hounds; 35. you may lead a horse to water, but you can not make him drink; 36. man proposes and God disposes; 37. give a man a fish and he eats all day. Teach him catch fish and he eats for a lifetime; 38. education makes people easy to lead but difficult to drive, easy to govern but impossible to enslave; 39. good advice comes from the aged; 40. an old man is like a child; 41. early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise; 42. there is no place like home; 43. one today is worth two tomorrows; 44. a man is old as he feels, a woman is old as she looks; 45. many a good cow has a bad/evil calf; 46. one's eyes drop millstones; 47. a forgetful head makes a weary pair of heels; 48. great talkers are all little doers; 49. a great ship asks deep water/s; 50. great weeds grow apiece; 51. to have not a penny to one's name/to have not a shirt to one's back;
52. keep your mouth shut and youfears open; 53. spare the rod and spoil the child; 54. a sparrow in the hand is better than the pigeon on the roof; 55. a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush; 56. birds of a feather flock together; 57. the ass is known by its ears; 58. a bird is known by its note, and a man by its talk; 59. a bitten child dreads the dog; 60. a burnt child dreads the fire/a scalded cat/dog fears cold water; 61. the face is the index of the mind; 62. a fair face may hide a foul heart; 63. far from eye, far from heart/seldom seen, soon forgotten; 64. to fear as the devil fears the holy water; 65. to fiddle while Rome is burning; 66. one's fingers are (all) thumbs; 67. fish begins to stink at the head; 68. fools will be fools; 69. a fool when he is silent is counted wise; 70. friends may meet but mountains never; 71. friends are thieves of time; 72. God helps those who help themselves; 73. man is known by the company he keeps; 74. a good Jack makes a good Jill; 75. every god has his way; 76. fine feathers make the bird; 77. don't have too many irons in the fire; 78. while there's life there's hope; 79. the wish is father to the thought; 80. a word is enough to the wise; 81. a rolling stone catches no moss; 82. rain at seven, fine at eleven.
Exercise IX. Offer corresponding Ukrainian versions for the following English proverbs and sayings:
A. speak of devil and he will appear; to teach the dog to bark;
you can not wash charcoal white; velvet paws hide sharp paws; he
that will strive, must rise at five; life is not all cakes and ale; little
thieves are hanged, but great ones escape; physician, heal thyself;
rule with the rod of iron; like teacher, like pupil; like master, like land;
like father, like son; like master, like servant; like author, like book;
like mistress, like maid; like priest, like people; as the tree, so the
fruits; as old cock crows, so doth the young; like begets like; as is
the gardener so is the garden; like carpenter, like chips; as is the
workman, so is the work; like likes like; like draws to like; like cures
like. (Sayings)
B. Offer English semantic analogies/equivalents for the Ukrain
ian proverbs and sayings below. Use part A for the purpose where
Який учитель, такий і учень; який господар, таке й поле; яка хата, такий тин/ який батько, такий син; який автор, така й книжка; який піп, така й парафія/зі злої трави-лихе сіно; тернина грушок не родить; яке коріння, таке й насіння; яблуко від яблуні недалеко падає; яка пряжа, таке й полотно; по роботі пізнати майстра; який Яків - стільки й дяки; який пастух, така й череда; які самі, такі й сани; яка грушка, така й юшка; рибак рибака впізнає здалека;
видно пана по халявах; який їхав, таку й здибав/стрів; малі злодії попадаються - великі вириваються.