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Economic aspects of NPP operation


In 2002, after the reorganization according to the decree of the Russian Federation Government of September 8, 2001 № 1207-r, the functions of the Rosenergoatom con­cern were extended to include, in addi­tion to ensuring safe operation and development of nuclear power plant, those of a power generating company, associated with production and sales of electricity and heat by nuclear power plants (NPP generating company). From then on, a unified tariff for the supplied electricity is being set, inclusive of the funds for development and ensuring safety of operation of nuclear power plants.

In 2003, the nuclear power plants of Russia generated 148,6 billion kW-h of electric energy, in excess of the plan tar­get value by 1,3 %. Compared to 2002, the electricity output of nuclear power plants increased in 2003 by 8,86 billion kW-h, or by 6,3 %. Overall share of electricity produced by nuclear power plant of the company in the Russian electricity marked amounted in 2003 to 16,7 %, the share in the federal whole­sale market of electric power and generating capacity («FOREM») being as high as 44, 3%.

The commodity output of the generating company, associated with electricity supply increased in 2003 by 15 % compared to 2002; the investments increased by 29 %.

Besides that, in 2003 nuclear power plants supplied to customers 3 269,7 thousand Gcal of heat totaling at 494,4 billion rubles.

The rates for the electricity, supplied by the NPP generating company in 2003 were established by the federal regulatory authority (Russian Federation FEK) at the level, exceeding the rates of 2002 by 8% (including the increase of investments into development of nuclear power industry, authorized by RF FEK).

Over the year, the average selling rate of the electricity supplied by the company to FOREM was 0, 421 ruble/ (kW-h).

For comparison, it is worthwhile to note that the average selling rate of the electricity produced by federal level fossil power plants was set in 2003 at 0,495 ruble/(kW-h), including 0, 418 ruble/kW-h) for gas-fired plants, 0, 45 ruble/(kW-h) for gas and crude oil fired plants, and 0,63 ruble/(kW-h) for coal fired plants.

While comparing the selling rates of NPP generating company with those of fossil power plants it has to be kept in mind that in the existing price-setting system of FOREM, the investment component is included into the rate of the generating company, constituting a significant part of it (37,8 %). For the fossil plants the investments are not included in the rates, but are rather included into the license fee of the Russian grid company RAO ES joint stock venture, which is collected from customers outside of FOREM. Therefore, the real competitive ability of NPP generating company is significantly higher than it might have seemed from the figures above. Comparing the rates of the electricity suppliers stripped of the investment component, the rates of the fossil power plants supplying elec­tricity to FOREM in 2003 were higher than those of the NPP generating com­pany by the average of 80 %.

Thus, the existing price-setting sys­tem distorts the realistic price message to the customer and forms an obstacle on the way of creating a competitive market.

2 Переведите на русский язык следующие английские словосочетания:

1) development of the nuclear power industry;

2) energy-efficient economy;

3) the main source of funding;

4) contributions from the federal budget;

5) improvement of effectiveness;

6) the usage of rated power;

7) construction of the radioactive waste processing;

8) extension of the life of the unit;

9) to ensure safe operation and development of nuclear power plant;

10) lifetime extension of the first generation reactor units.


3 Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:

1) капитальные вложения;

2) приоритетные работы;

3) реконструкция и обновление;

4) повышение безопасности;

5) развитие и безопасная эксплуатация АЭС;

6) генерирующая компания;

7) производство и реализация электрической и тепловой энергии;

8) товарная продукция генерирующей компании;

9) реальная конкурентоспособность ГК АЭС;

10) система ценообразования.

4 Найдите в тексте слова, имеющие общий корень с данными словами. Определите, к какой части речи они относятся, и переведите их на русский язык:


2) to construct;

3) to improve;

4) to organize;

5) to develop;

6) final;

7) effect;

8) to contribute;

9) to invest;

10) to prepare.

5 Задайте к выделенному в тексте предложению все типы вопросов (общий, альтернативный, разделительный, специальный: а) к подлежащему, б) к второстепенному члену предложения).

RF Nuclear Regulatory body «Gosatomnadzor» issued the license for extension of the life of the unit by 5 years.

6 Выполните анализ данных предложений, обратив внимание на следующие грамматические явления: формы и функции инфинитива, инфинитивные конструкции (сложное дополнение, подлежащее), существительное в роли определения, функции слов one (ones), that (those), условные предложения:

1)The main source of funding (99 %) is the financial reserve of Rosenergoatom for development of nuclear power plant and depreciation costs.

2)The growth of investments achieved in comparison with 2002 amounted to 3 624,9 million rubles (price-adjusted growth of 14%).

3) According to accounting reports, 25 498,2 million rubles (99 %) were appropriated.

4) There was intensive construction of the Kalinin NPP Unit 3 and preparations for its commissioning.

5) In the same time, the prerequisites were created for successful continuation of all the activities in the next year.

6) According to the investment pro gram of Rosenergoatom, the capital investments of 27 117,5 million rubles are to be appropriated in 2004.

7) From then on, a unified tariff for the supplied electricity is being set, inclusive of the funds for development and ensuring safety of operation of nuclear power plants.


7 Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

1) What is the main source of funding (99 %) of Rosenergoatom?

2) What is the amount of electric energy generated by the nuclear power plants of Russia in 2003?

3) What is the subprogram in the framework of which the development of the nuclear power industry is funded?

4) What is the investment pro gram of Rosenergoatom for 2004.

5) What is the amount of heat supplied to customers by nuclear power plants in 2003?

6) What was the average selling rate of the electricity supplied by the company to FORE?

7) Who established the rates for the electricity, supplied by the NPP generating company in 2003 at the level, exceeding the rates of 2002 by 8%?

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