






Quaternio 8

73. Mylius, Phil, ref., p.149. Morienus, "De transmut. metallica", Art. aurif., II, p.45.

74. Morienus, ibid., p.32, Lagneus, "Harmonia chemica", Theatr. chem., IV, p.870.

75. Art. aurif., II, p.32. , .

76. Theatr. chem., V, p.884: " , ".

77. " , ", "Aquariumsapientum", Mus. herm., p.91 (Waite, I, p.83). "... , , ". Mylius, Phil, ref., p. 193. To Penotus, "Regulae et Canones", Theatr. chem.,

II, pp.!53f. ", ", Ventura, "De ratione confic. lap.," Theatr. chem., II, p.333.

78. Bibliotheca chemica, II, Tab. IX, Fig.4. , , Ruska (Turbo) . . " ", . 287.

79. "Rosinus ad Sarrat", Art. aurif., I, p.310.

80. ( "CongeriesParacelsicae", Theatr. chem., I, p.607) , : " ".

81. Opera, p. 159.

82. "Physica Trismegisti", Theatr. chem., I, p.423.

83. Scheftelowitz, "Das Fischsymbol im Judentum und Christentum", p.383.

84. .

85. Nicholas Flamel, His Exposition of the Hieroglyphicall Figures.

86. Liber de errore profanarum religionum, 20,1.

87. .

88. .

89. , " " , , . "lapisangularis", silex (), . . : ", , , , , , , ".

90. . " ", 568, , .

91. Campbell, The Miraculuos Birh of King Amon-Hotep III, p.67. (" ", 55), , - , , , . "" ( , 33): " , , , , "", ".

92. Steeb, Coelum Sephiroticum, p.47.

93. Opera, II, pp. 1447f.

94. Leone Ebreo, Philosophy of Love.

95. Garnerus de S.Victore, Gregorianum (Migne, P.L., vol, 193, col. 166).

96. Papyrus XLVI, British Museum. cm. Preisendanz, Pap. Graec. Magicae, I, p.194, li.401.

97. Diodorus, BibliothekeHistorike, I, 11: " ""... , ". (Loeb edn., I, pp.38f.).

98. Radhakrishnan, Indian Philosophy, I, p.333.

99. cm. Rabanus Maurus, Allegoriae in Sacram Script. (Migne, P.L., vol. 112, col. 1009: " ... ").

100. . " ", pars. 203f., " ", . 388 .

101. Hippolytus, Elenchos, I, 22, 2 (Legge, I, p.58): " , , , ".


102. "Speculativa philosophia", Theatr. chem., I, p.275.

103. . 1:4,5: " , . , ".

104. " , ... , , , , , , , ".Dorn, "Spec, phil.", Theatr. chem., I, p.307.

105. ImagoDei "-" , "", .

106. Theatr. chem., I., p.460. . Aion, pp.37ff.

107. " ". "Spec, phil.", p.308. .

108. " , ". Ibid., p.308.

109. chalybs "", chalybsSendivogii , " ". SalArmoniacus, " " (Ruland, Lexicon, p.281). : "Salammoniac ". (Latinedn., p.771). (Phil, ref., p.314) : " , , ... , ". (=). . "" (" ", . 176).

110. "Spec, phil.", p.308.

111. . " " 37.

112. "Spec, phil.", p.307.

113. 1560 ., , 1588 . , 1605 . .

114. Von hylealischen Chaos, pp.54f.

115. P.63. Cf. Aurora Consurgens, p.97.

116. P.94. , , . . " ", . 388.

117. Pp. 170f.

118. . 217.

119. . 220 263 "".

120. Elenchos, . ( 5:18), (Adv. haer., I, 3, 2) .

121. (pp.265ff.).

122. Symb. aur. mensae, p. 169.

123. . nap. 67.

124. . Voyage d'ltalie, deDalmatie, deGreceetduLevantfaitauxann'ees1675 et 1676, 1, p.53 : " , , , ; Aelia Laelia , a Agatho Priscus , ". . 351: " - , , , ; , ".

125. , Basileasepultaretectacontinu-ata (1661), p.101 Appendix, "Exoticamonumentata".

126. Aelia Laelia Crispis Non Nata Resurgens (1683). ( Pandora), , , .

127. (Bibliothecachemica, I, p.6) 43 . , , , , " , " (.29). , 1683 . ( ). 1522 . 1605 . . " " . , Actaeruditorium, p.333. , . 48.

128. Cf. Ferguson, s.v.Barnaud and Aelia Laelia. "Commentarium" Theatr. chem., Ill, pp.836., , Bibl. chem., II, pp.713ff.

129. (Lexicon, p.91), "capilli" -- lapis Rebis. , , primamateria .

130. . supra, par. 14, "vetula" "vidua".

131. "Neecasta" ( ) .

132. "-", "".

133. " , , ". Symb.aur. mensae, pp.

134. , . ". Mylius, Phil. ref., p.256 Ros.phil., Art. aurif., , .272. ", , ! , ... ... ... , ... ". FirmicusMaternus, Lib. de. err. prof, relig., 21, 2 ved. Halm, Corp. script, lat, II).

135. " ". Djabir, "Livre du Mercure oriental" (Berthelot, Chimie age, III, 213). cm. "Komarios to Cleopatra" (Berthelot, Alch. grecs, IV, xx, 15): " ... ". " , ". Aurora consurgens II, in Art. aurif., I, p.229.

136. " , " "TheVisionsofZosimos", pars. 86, 109f.


137. "Commentarium", Theatr. chem., Ill, p.844.

138. cm. Berthelot, Alch. grecs, II, xviii, 1. , No. 2327 (Berthelot, p.ix).

139. : "... ". . " ", , .37.

140. Theatr. chem., Ill, p.845.

141. ", ,

" (.840).

142. necessarius, "".

143. Theatr. chem., Ill, p.846.

144. " , , , " - , , . Cf. Satires, lib. II, vii, 83f.: " ? , , , , , , , , ". Horace, Satires, Epistoles, and Ars Poetica (trans, by Fairclough), p.231).

145. .

146. Symb. aur. mensae, p.173.

147. Ros. phil., Art. aurif., II, p.246. . : " ( )".


148. Opera, p.351. , " ( ) ". " " , , . (Berthelot, II, iv, 42) , " () ) ea<t>iy(.ievr|), ". ( , " ", .33), " (auvecr<|>i/yH,ev) ", "". . (.) prima materia. (Maier, Symb. aur. mensae, pp.343f., Pernety, Diet, myth-her- metique, p.359). "" " " , Rexmarinus "VisioArislei". "" (/ pisciuml) (Loebedn., I, pp.38f.) "

", ( "" ). (Hippolilytus, Elenchos, V, 9,8) ", , ". . . , (Campbell, TheMiraculousBithofKingAmon-Hotep III, p.67). ( ) . ( . 34). " , ". Ventura, "De ratione confic.lapidis", Theatr. chem., II, p.276.

149. . " ", . 345, 400, 410.

150. " ". " ". Maier, Symb. aur. mensae, Mori-enus, "De transmuta. mettalica", Art. aurif., II, p.33. . . "BookofGraves", , Coptic Apocrypha in the Dialect of Upper Egypt, p.lxvi.

151. " lato , , ". Morienus Art. aurif., II, p.32.


152. " ". ("Tract. Aristot.", Theatr. chem., V, p. 886. "". (Hoghelande, "Dealchemiaediffic.", Theatr. chem., I, p.199) Vas="rpo6- , ". (Ventura, 'De ratione confic. lap"., Theatr. chem., II, p.289) Aurora Consurgens, p. 135, " ".

153. Ruska, Turba, Sermo LIX, p. 162.

154. Dorn, "Physica Trismegisti", Theatr.chem., I (1659), p.436.

155. Berthelot, Alch. grecs, IV, xxiii.

156. Albertus Magnus, "Super arborem Aristot"., Theatr. chem., II, p.527.

157. ", , ... ". (Waite, Herm. Mus., II, .189).

158. Firmicus Maternus, De err. prof, rel., 2, 3: " ".

159. "Liber Alze", Mus. herm., p. 322 (Waite, I, p.267). cm. "luduspuerorum", Art. aurif., II, p.189: " : , nigredo, , ".

160. "Commentarium", Theatr. chem., Ill, pp.847f.

161. ." ", . 23. , , , , , , , , , . . . Lorichius, Aenig-matumlibri HI [fol. 23r], : " ", .. ( infra, .89).

162. , OedipusAegyptiacus (II, ch. 6, p.418), . " ", , . Opera (I, p.69): " , ... , , , , , ".

163. Malvasius, Aelia Laelia, p.55.

164. P. .

165. . , Corp. inscr. lat., XI, PartI, p. 15, No. 88, .

166. P.40.

167. P.90.

168. "Auspicatissimi... Ternarii Cultorem eximum".


169. " , ".

170. " ".

171. . " ", . 26, 209.

172. Cf. the Phibionites, Stratiotics, etc., in Ephiphanius, Panarium, XXVI, 5 (ed. Holl, I, p.281). : Reitzenstein and Schaeder, Studien zum antiken Synkretismus aus Iran und Griechenland, p.346. (. Aion, . 118), (uiottjc) " " () "-, " (ev - ) oiovei) (Hippolytus, Elenchos, VII, 26, 7). . (I. 15:8): " , "*.

173. "", .

174. Theatr. chem., V, .881.

175. " ... ". " ... , , ... , ".

176. Aelia Laelia, p.29.

177. , . "" Plutarch, "Quaeationes Romanae", 92, Moralia (ed. Babbit), IV, pp.!38f.


178. . " ", . 116, " ", . 179, 214.

179. Dendrologia, I, p.211.

180. Corp. inscr. lat., XI, pp.163, 884: MVTINA.

181. .

* : ". . .

182. Dendrologia, I, .215.

183. - , I, .: " " " [ 2:2] , , , ". , , .

184. . " ", Mus. herm., p.659 (Waite, II, p.170). "" . , columbamystica. (Godefri-dius, HomiliaeDominicales, Migne, P.L., vol.174, col.38). . " ", (James, ApocryphalNew Testament, p.388) ("Whois theHeirofDivineThings?"Loebedn.,IV, pp.398f.). "-": , . ("Analytische Beobachtungen", p.541).


185. Abu'l-Quasim Muhhamad, Kitab al'-'ilm al-muktasab, ed. by Holmyard, p.23.

186. , . 231. . Sapientia Dei, Aurora Consurgens, p. 35.

187. "De chemico miraculo", Theatr. chem., I, pp.773ff.

188. P. 799.

189. " , , , " (. 800).

190. . 800.

191. , .

192. "Brunnenstock". . "L", " " , , , .

193. : "Petiirursumutrumfonti Rexessetamicusetfonsipsi? Qui ait, rairum im modum sese vicissim amant, fons Regem attrahit et non Rex fontem: nam Regi velut mater est" p. 801. ( , , . , . , : , .) CatechesesMysta- gogicae, II, 4 (Opera, ed.Reischl, II, p. 361): " , ". . Usener, DasWeihnachtsfest, p. 173.

194. . , , VI: " , , , ". , " " (; opuq) (;).

(Diels, Vorsokratiker, I, p.47). "" - , , : tashmetu, , --, , " ". (Wit-tekindt, Das HoheLied, p. 15) . , 19, , . . , . "Pauly-Wissowa, Realencyclopadie, s.v. "Drys") "ThePhilosophicalTree", pars. 418f., 458ff.

195. . - : " ", ... . "Consil. coniugii", Arschemica, p. 204: " ". " ". (Dorn, "Physica Trismeg.", Theatr. chem., Ip. 430) " " . (.Aurora consurgens II, Art. aurif., I, p. 203).

196. " , , ". ("Consil. coniugii", p. 147).


197. ". ", .257.

198. , (, , , .) . JohnChrysostom, Hamilia XXVI (alias XXV) in Joannem (Migne, P.G., vol. 59, col. 155): " , . . : . , , , , ".

199. (.AdaArchelai, p. 18), , : " -- , . , , ; , ". , , () .


200. . " ," . 8 19.

201. . " ", . 239, 247.

202. "Imponeei" , "imponere" " -". . . , .

203. Sermo 58.

204. De chemia, p.78.

205. , " ". . (. Lippmann, Entstehung undAusbreitungderAlchemie, I, pp. 477f.) , , -

, , . (Chimie moyenage, III, . 124) , , , . . . . , ed., "Three Arabic Treaties on Alchemy by Muhammad Bin Umail" (10-), X. . . X. (". b. Umail: His Date, Writings, and Place in Alchemical History", p. 175).

206. (. 177, . 12) : " , (gabr) . , ".

207. ""?

208. () = ""? "tumtt".

209. , , "", , "". . (. 177, . 14): " , [iecora ] , ". "".

210. "".

211. . . " " (vonFranz, AuroraConsurgens, p. 103). - (Berthelot, Alch. grecs, III, xxv, 3) . , "", , , , : "... . ".


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