- He has got a new car.
- I have got a very interesting book.
- John has a brother and two sisters.
- The students have a lot of homework to do.
- The film has a few good songs in it.
- Mary always has lunch at noon.
- My sister has got a bad cold.
Exercise 30. Make up mini-dialogues according to the example:
e.g. - Have you got a camera?
- Yes, I have. I’ve got a camera.
- No, I haven’t. I haven’t got a camera.
тетрадь, книги на английском языке, учебник, квартира, собака, гитара, сестра, братья, двоюродная сестра, мобильный телефон, свободное время
Exercise 31. a) In pairs. Tell your partner what you’ve got. Name as many things as
Begin each phrase with I’ve got …
B) Report how many things your partner has got and name some of them.
He’s got / She’s got …
The student who’s got the most things is the winner.
c) Challenge the winner: I bet you haven’t got …
штатив – a tripod
операторская тележка – а dolly
микрофонный журавль – a boom
новейшее программное обеспечение – the newest software
необходимое оборудование – the necessary equipment
необходимый реквизит – the necessary props
усилитель – an amplifier
микрофон – a mike / a microphone
громкоговоритель, динамик, колонка – a (loud)speaker
кран для подвески микрофона, камеры – a crane
хлопушка – a clapboard / a slate
экспонометр – a light meter
Exercise 32. a) In pairs. Find out what your partner hasn’t got.
e.g. Have you got a tripod? – Actually, I have.
Have you got a slate? – No, I haven’t, because I don’t need it.
Have you got portable speakers? – Unfortunately, I haven’t. But I’d like to have them.
b) Report what your partner hasn’t got.
e.g. Mary hasn’t got a slate because she doesn’t need it.
Unfortunately, she hasn’t got portable speakers, but she wants to have them.
-’s может обозначать:
Притяжательный падеж is has
Exercise 33. Say what ’s stands for and write full forms.
1. I’m sorry. – That’s all right.
2. There’s someone behind the door.
3. Who’s there?
4. He’s got a nice smile.
5. I don’t like Nancy’s acting.
6. She’s fond of watching period films.
7. It’s Paul’s signature.
8. He’s really punctual.
9. The sound designer’s job is very difficult.
10. Mr. Gordon’s first name’s Michael.
Exercise 34. Translate into English.
- У моего друга много русских книг, но у него нет книг на французском.
- У кого есть вопросы? – У нас есть несколько вопросов.
- Теперь у неё есть время, чтобы заниматься английским.
- У меня новый компьютер!
- В четверг у них две лекции и один семинар.
- У моего дедушки большая библиотека.
- Я завтракаю в 8 часов утра.
- Когда вы обедаете?
- У неё нет друзей в Санкт-Петербурге.
- Отдохните.
Exercise 35. Speak about your flat or room according to the model given in the article "Bedroom in Arles" by Vincent Van Gogh (see ex.27).
Exercise 36. a) Translate into Russian.
- There’s a lot of time left.
- There’s a woman in the other room who wants to talk to you.
- There are a few things we need to discuss.
- There is one thing I’d like to ask you.
- There is very little difference between them.
- There’s a lot of talk about the problem of education today.
- There is no need to argue.
- There’s nothing like travelling.
- Is there any hope?
- Is there anything wrong with that room?
- Is there any other way to do the job?
- Is there anything I can do?
- Is there anything else you want to know?
- There isn’t anything left to say, is there?
B) In pairs. Choose one item and illustrate its usage in a mini-sketch.
C) Show your sketches to the rest of the group.
D) Complete in as many ways as you can.
- There’s / ‘re a lot of … left.
- There’s a … who wants to ….
- There’re a few things we need to ….
- There’s one thing I’d like to ….
- There’s a lot of talk about ….
- There’s no need to ….
- There’s nothing like ….
- Is there anything wrong with …?
- Is there any other way to …?
- Is there anything you want to …?
- There’s nothing left to …, is there?
Exercise 37. Complete this paragraph from a travel book. Put in many, few, much or little.
The main town on the island is very small and does not have many important buildings. The islanders do not have (1)………………money, and they have (2)………………….contact with the outside world. There is not (3)…………………..chance of the place attracting large numbers of tourists. The roads are not very good. There are lots of bicycles but not (4)……………………cars. And there are hardly any of the modern facilities which visitors expect. There are (5)………………………shops, and there is (6)…………………entertainment.
Exercise 38. What is there on the table? What isn’t there on it?
От многих прилагательных можно образовать наречия, прибавив суффикс -ly.
(Прилагательные употребляются перед существительными или после глагола “to be”.)
It's a beautiful song. – Это красивая песня.
This song is so beautiful. – Эта песня такая красивая.
She sings beautifully. – Она красиво поёт.