About five years ago, the topic of the effect of electromagnetic fields on humans became very notorious due to the books and articles by Mr.Paul Brodeur (22), who wrote the most controversial articles to this day in the very popular New Yorker magazine. Since then, he wrote other books and made video films. Simultaneously, but with less notice, researchers in CCCP and Germany were investigating effects of lights, colour and pulsing light, and colour flashes on the brain of animals and humans, as well as on the mind/psyche. I will not go into detail, because new technologies emerged from said endeavours, including the brainwave altering machines in France, Germany, and their American counterpart, like today you see advertised (Zygon,Voyager,etc). New te chnologies emerged, based on light and sound, based on the research of Drs. Thomas Budzynski and Igor Lozanov. I believe Dr.Z and friends know them personally. Anyway, the main theoretical construct behind the so-called “psycho-acoustical stimulation” an d “luminal brain entrainment”, the technologies behind those devices, was the new and revolutionary theory of the “holographic quantum mechanical brain”, or the “Bohm-Pribram Model”, for short. We have copies of those research papers if anyone wants them. 23 See Dr. D, ya?
The area explored by Dr. Budzynski was the Theta, or “twilight state”. To quote him directly, “the areas ranging between 4 to 7 cps and the hypnagogic state”, or spontaneous imagery that supposedly emanates from Jung’s “personal and collective unconsciou s” when the mind is suitably stimulated. Jung used active imagination and mandalas to reach the “unconscious”. Modern technology uses electromagnetic and acoustical stimulation. The fields of “subliminal psychology” and “psychology of the unconscious” postulated by Carl Gustav Jung are the keys to understanding this synergy of brain and psyche. To summarise the brain phenomenology behind these novel technologies of light and sound, brain entrainment occurred by (because of) the auricular and occular pieces of the machine, and the effect was the alteration of the (levels of the) neurotransmitters serotonin, norepinephrine and beta endorphins by Alpha and Theta induced states. They published data, which we critically analysed, and found to be incorre ct and misleading. But, then, these are marketing endeavours, not scientific.
However, we did experiment using the very machines on the market and found most interesting information. We were our own volunteers, or “guinea pigs” - something all scientists should do instead of using animals. (applause) After we recorded and obtain ed all the info we needed and plotted cerebral magnetic fields using the protocol developed by Mrs. Dr.L., we noticed that all three of us, plus four other volunteers, had the same dream for two or three nights in a row. So, we decided to investigate fur ther. We had the available data, so we gave the three devices to Herr Doktor G., the mad scientist with his electronic sniffers (laughter), and he analysed each device down to the silicon microchips! We will not discuss the electronic details. That stuff is beyond our scope of expertise, but what we did find is that there are multiple electronic functions being formulated by the machines that apparently were not in the original set of programs or functions advertised. Very curious indeed. Further resea rch by Dr. G revealed that these devices were powerful receivers for some form of signals that were not straight electromagnetic waves - perhaps higher order electromagnetics24, such as scalar waves. They seem to become more pronounced when these machine s were close to an operating TV set or computer VDT screen. Keep that info in mind for later.
Two or three days later, I had a dream about the DNA and RNA molecules dancing to beautiful music, but when a strange sound was heard, the music stopped, and the DNA and RNA molecules started to go crazy and fight amongst themselves. I awoke frightened, but I recorded the dream in detail. Later in the day, I read a paper describing a new technology of DNA and RNA alteration based on radio frequencies called “in vivo microsurgery” created by MRX, Inc.25 I did not pay much attention to that, but it was sy nchronistic about my previous dream, ya? But that night, when my husband and I were reading and listening to music of Mozart, his flute and harp concerto, I fell asleep on the armchair and had the dream about the DNA and RNA molecules dancing again, but t his time so beautifully, it was almost like a real-life ballet I was watching. Then, I woke up and realised the dream. Sound affects the resonance frequency of the DNA and RNA molecules. Certain specific frequencies, timbres, pitch, and characteristic mus ical themes create either harmonic resonance or dis-harmonic resonance. Naturally, Mozart, Bach, Vivaldi, Telemann and the old masters’ music is very beautiful and harmonious, where “modern music” is highly questionable.
Light, Colour and Geometric Harmonics of Brainwaves
In collaboration with Mrs. Dr. L, we found light and colour frequencies that were geometrical harmonics of the Theta brainwaves emitted during lucid dreaming. We used Fourier and Wiener transforms to create optical patterns and enfolded them in the colou r graphics showing the cerebral magnetic fields you saw in the cine filmstrip. We also determined some resonant vibrations of the sound corresponding to melatonin, the neurotransmitter secreted by the pineal, and responsible for sleep-dream cycles. We found it, and chose a harmonic in the near ultrasonic spectrum, and recorded it onto the soundtrack of the cine filmstrip. We projected it, and 50% of this group had the dream about the audio-visual stimulus that entrained your brain in about 6 minutes. Wonderful, ya? Of course, the implications are truly amazing, as this can be used for wonderful, non-intrusive, non-invasive healing applications, for it affects the DNA and RNA immediately and expediently, per our own research. The simplest and most immedia te application would be for a person to construct a symbol or mandala following Jung’s or Yoga instructions, select a musical piece that one truly loves, preferably harp or flute, like the ancient Egyptians or Greeks, contemplate it while listening to the music, and then go to sleep. Repeating this for a week or so will immediately affect the DNA, RNA and immune system, and healing will occur almost “miraculously”.
Dr. M: Have you tried this technique on sick people already?
Ms.Dr.C: Ya vol, we have indeed tried it on many people. Mrs. Dr. L, in her own medical practice, quite confidentially of course, has tried it with 100% success, both in China and the West. Of course, she used Chinese music in China and Mozart in the Wes t. We are using two pieces by Mozart as our control music. The harp and flute double concerto and the Clarinet Quintet in A, K581, which will be played here Thursday night. We are doing further research in this topic, but very confidentially, because of you all know who, ya? Ya! This may prove to be a blessing to mankind, because this simple process addresses the DNA, RNA and immune system directly, and according to Mrs.Dr.L, also the thymus and pineal glands. Interestingly, it is the locus of the Up per Tan-Tiens and Triple Warmer in Chinese ancient medicine, the Cauldrons and transducers of Chi, or Life Force. Fortunately, both Mrs. Dr. L and I have orthodox medical degrees, and wear the “white coats of medical approval” (laughter).
What we do is to make sure our research patients “entertain” themselves drawing symbols of their dreams in full colour, admiring them before they go to sleep, and listening to the music tapes of Mozart or Master Ludwig von Fu-Man-Chu (roaring laughter). There are some patients in the research hospital to whom we can talk frankly about this technique. Most people respond quite enthusiastically about it, and of course, when they are healed, they tell others about their “secret”! We are collecting fanta stic information and feedback. We are also experimenting with monotonic harmonics, or single frequencies, that may be disguised as “background noise”. Very clever, ya? Any questions?
Dr. R: Are you exploring the application of magnetic fields directly to the brain for inducing cerebral hyperfunctions, like induced psychic powers, astral phenomena and time travel, besides healing?
Mrs.Dr.C: Absolutely! We know government agencies have been doing that for years, but we do have totally different goals. Of course, we are all bound by the strict rules of the Order of absolute non-interference. We can’t even help our own families unle ss they want to be helped. Remember, out Oath of Secrecy is absolute! Alateia Gnosis! (26)
One “pet project” we have is to help our young children to be “deprogrammed” from the influences of schools, TV and radio media, videogames, etc. We do this by inducing creativity in them to create their own symbols and mandalas by playing the music while they are going to sleep. We have four children - three of primary school age. I am sure most of you have children as well, so this may be of great benefit to our own siblings. However, the magnetic field research requires very special helmets, which Her r Dr.G is building for us. We only have one now, and we need at least two more. Our results cannot be discussed at this point. Last question?
Dr.E: What do you think of virtual reality helmets? What do you think of virtual reality as an emerging technology?
Mrs.Dr.C: Ya! Excellent question. Yes, we have researched it. That imaginary space is still very, very far from looking “real”. It also affects the brain and psyche very adversely. Stay away from it. Thank you. I see it is lunchtime! Gut!
1 In deference to government mandated electronic altering of brainwaves, since they want the only game in town. Too bad the NWO does not realize it will be the source of its own undoing. When the equipment is shut down and people awake... wait and see.
2 Perhaps another reason why these agencies did not like “Pandora’s Box”, because it gave away details about the remote transceivers in televisions and other data.
3 Note: The recent linkup of McCaw Cellular, ATT, Disney (who is delving into virtual reality educational modes), Microsoft, the “information highway”, and classified developments in artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, bioelectronics, hyperfield elec tronics and implant technology all point to a concerted effort in this direction. Historically, this kind of process is an off-world one that has existed for millions of years. Those of you having access to Sector 9 Hubbardian material know.
4 Many of these protocols are detailed in Matrix III Volume One.
5 This very fact can also be examined in light of the book Celestine Prophecies, in that those involved in the NWO Mind Control and Domination program must exist as “energy vampires”, since they are unable to draw energy from the Universal Source and are firmly grounded in ego aggrandizement, power and control in an effort to maintain a parasitic “symbiosis” with the mass population, whom they view as having Dasein ohne Leben, existance without life. Extension of WWII Nazi Germany, etc.
6 Instead of “internal technology’”, which is infinitely more powerful.
7 If this is done, it will probably be done very selectively, since some devices that are marketed are themselves designed to “sensitize” the unknowing to existing or planned electromagnetic and scalar protocols. Best to stick with internal modes entirely, folks.
8 Thus, the rationale for agency trafficking in specific drugs that ground a person to lower brain states (opiates and derivatives, street drugs, etc) and form a neuro-chemical basis for sensitization for nested overlapping chemical and electronic paradig ms. See Matrix III, Volume One.
9Including over-the-counter drugs available on a common basis in society.
10Supplemented with public attention to Neurolinguistic programming, et al.
11Standard reference electronics for television signals nationwide comes from Boulder Colorado, at the former National Bureau of Standards, which interfaces with the rest.
12We have been advising people about this for a least two years. You know where to get these devices if you have been paying attention to your surroundings.
13 Of course, by injecting enough disabling co-factors into the environment, the power structure is making sure that the public does not have access to burgeoning psychic abilities and telepathic interchange. They’d rather you use your cellular phone.
14 Which lends itself to the notion that any scientist who is employed, on tenure or steeped in academia, cannot truly function as a scientist, since truth and revelation does destroy structure and provide novelty - the average scientist, afraid of losing funding and afraid of professional censure, cannot publically ackowledge any degree of developmental truth which would collapse a set of major paradigms upon which employment depends. After all, Penrose doesn’t want to be a Sheldrake, does he?
15 See Matrix IV: The Equivideum-Paradigms and Dimensions of Human Evolution and Consciousness.
16 Commonly, “hydrophobic” and “hydrophyllic”, water-hating and water loving, respectively.
17 See Matrix IV for further information and explanation.
18 Editor Note: Dr. Fritz Popp (see Matrix III V1) did research detailing the photonic emissions and electromagnetic interaction relative to DNA/RNA.
19 Which also lends a new view to the existence of pyramidal-shaped cellular structures within the brain - specifically, cells shaped like two pyramids base to base - exactly the same configuration as the Delta-T antenna. Get it?
20People who experience synesthesia phenomena.
21 The paradigm in Matrix III V1 proposes a model for thought, brain attenuation thereof, and processes where thought descends into particulate mass.
22 See New Yorker magazine for 1989, June 12, June 19 and June 26. Paul Brodeurs’ three-part article entitled “Annals of Radiation”, about EMF hazards.
23 This has been discussed during the past year in the Unified Field and Consciousness series in The Leading Edge.
24 See Matrix III for a review of higher order EM functions and discussion thereof. My own personal opinion is that you should put your light-sound machine on the floor and jump on it, or hit it with a hammer and get rid of it.
25 As synchronicity would have it, we received data on MRX technology just before receiving the data for this presentation. Some of the MRX data is in this LE issue.
26 Truth and knowledge is foremost!
III. History of MK-ULTRA. CIA program on Mind Control.
- Started during WWII with research on hypnosis for interrogation, secure courier duties, and reducing fatigue. Also research into effects of primitive drugs like barbiturates and cannabis as far as drug-assisted interrogation goes.
- George Estabrooks was the leading proponent of hypnosis as the be-all and end-all of manipulating peoples minds. His book, 'Hypnotism', published in the early forties, has been decried as too fantastic and improbable in terms of describing the capabilities of hypnosis with certain very suggestible subjects, but his arguments and examples remain valid to this day.
Estabrooks admitted in 1971 to creating hypnotic couriers and programmed multiple personalities for Military Intelligence purposes in this 1971 Science Digest article. MUST READ!!
- Start of Cold War and Korean War in particular gave a big boost to mind control research with the emergence of 'Brain Washing' as a common term. Supposedly a development of the dastardly Chi-Coms, the term was actually coined by a magazine writer later found to be on the CIA payroll as an agent of influence. Postulating a 'brainwashing gap' The CIA got the go-ahead for research into countering communist mind control efforts and developing their own to aid in the espionage wars.
- Hypnosis, drugs, and psycho-surgery; separately and combined, were the tools of this quest for the ultimate truth serum on the one hand, and the capability to create an agent who could not have his or her mission tortured out of them, or even be aware that they were carrying secret information given to them in an altered state of consciousness. More and more sophisticated drugs were experimented with, such as LSD, Ketamine, and Psilocybine. Lobotomy and the implantation of electrodes were considered as methods for creating a compliant agent. Electro-Convulsive Shock, combined with LSD, sedation for days at a time, and constantly replaying the patient’s own voice through helmet-mounted headphones was a notorious Canadian researcher’s recipe for mind control.
- One of the most remarkable cases of mind control involves a famous model of the late 40’s and 50’s named Candy Jones. In the book, “The Control of Candy Jones” the author reviewed hours of tapes made by Candy Jones and her husband which revealed a systematic program to create and manipulate alter personalities as the foundation for programmed couriers resistant to torture, where the primary personality would not even be aware of the secret information being carried. The information could be summoned forth via a post-hypnotic command or response to a pre-programmed cue.
- Research continued into early 70's by CIA's own admission during the Church hearings. John Marks, author of the best study of CIA mind control experiments, makes the subtle differentiation that the CIA congressional witnesses might truthfully say that all research done by the TSS Directorate had ended, since the programs were moved into other areas once operational techniques had been developed. Many of the names mentioned in reference to mind control research turn up in the few references to supposed dead-end research in ESP.
There have been persistent rumors of Navy research involving attempts at telepathy from submarines under water, the Nautilus being the most famous of these. Detection of enemy submarines, and communicating with our own, has continued to be an important area of conventional research for the Navy, so it is no surprise that researching the use of ESP for these purposes would be of interest. Communicating with a submerged submarine is the only kind of communications where the very act of receiving puts the receiver in danger, since submarines must normally stick an antenna out of the water for high speed radio traffic, or rely on trailing a long wire antenna under water relatively near the surface to receive very slow speed traffic using ELF radio waves. Newer techniques may involve the use of blue-green wavelength lasers, but evidently penetration to any depth is still a problem.
If you look at telepathy as a problem in the transfer of information in a very noisy environment, then certain existing solutions suggest themselves: There have already been experiments in the transmission of five distinct symbols via telepathy, namely Zener card symbols. I suggest that there is already a way of transmitting information using two symbols only, namely Morse Code. Current ELF or VLF radio transmission methods for communicating with fleet ballistic missle submarines to issue them their launch orders involve very low data transfer rates, on the order of 3 to 30 bits per minute, if I am not mistaken. Messages are very short, consisting of pre-formulated action or targeting codes. I suggest that telepathic 'Zener Morse' is an operational technique for information transfer under severe signal to noise conditions. In fact the use of five Zener symbols would increase data transfer rates, but at the expense of a higher error rate due to the problems in discriminating between five and just two symbols.