- Amenity values
- Conservation
- Contamination of land, water, air (deliberate or inadvertent leak, spill or release)
- Dust
- Endangered species
- Hazardous chemicals and materials
- Heritage values
- Latent conditions
- Legislative and regulatory constraints
- Noise
- Recycling
- Debt: equity ratios, gearing
- Equity funding and ownership
- Financing costs
- Funding sources
- Funding withdrawn or delayed
- Investment conditions
- Taxation effects
- Working capital requirements, liquidity
Industrial Relations
- Award suitability
- Flow-on effects
- Job security
- Labour laws, regulations
- Loss of management control
- Strength of unions
- Strike leading to delays
- Strike settlement leading to higher costs
Interpretation of the Brief, Understanding the Requirements
- Interpretation may cause overestimation and low value for money
- Misunderstanding of user expectations
- Poor technical knowledge in new area
- Quality and detail of specification
- Quality level not met
- Requirements not understood fully
- Timetable not met
- Users' expectations not met, different user groups have different expectations
- Variations in contract
Joint Venture, Partnership
- Complexity of the agreement and documentation
- Complexity of the business structure
- Level of control
- Level of responsibility
- Partner financially unstable
- Partner lacks technical resources
- Partner withdraws from joint venture
- Potential for litigation
- Probity
- Requirement for skills or equity contribution
- Staging aspects
- Approval processes
- Conflicts of interest
- Inadequate terms and conditions
- Lack of knowledge of applicable laws and regulations
- Unclear contract
Natural Events
- Drought
- Excessive heat, cold
- Fire
- Flood
- Landslip, subsidence
- Lightning
- Seismic event, earthquake
- Storm
Political and Social
- Community consultation
- Community support
- Government endorsement
- Government or political intervention
- Policy change
- Political change (effect of change of Government)
- Pressure groups
- Public misinterpretation of decision without all facts available
Product Life Cycle Stage
- Mature
- New
- R&D required
- Additional capital investment needed
- Availability of critical components or materials
- Availability of critical equipment
- Availability of funds (internal, external)
- New plant or equipment required
- Contract safety
- Drugs (use, testing)
- Equipment failure
- Human error
- HSE processes
- Legal requirements, local regulations
- Product contamination
- Project safety
- Safety guidelines issued in or referenced in contract