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www. med. ualberta. ca / ebm / ebm. htm


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: (SGL),

(): .

(): , .

(): - MCQ,. MCQ - 50% 40 %. 10% (-100 % ).

(): MCQ

4,0 95-100
- 3,67 90-94
+ 3,33 85-89
3,0 80-84
- 2,67 75-79
+ 2,33 70-74
2,0 65-69
- 1,67 60-64
+ 1,33 55-59
1,0 50-54
F   0-49

60 %, 40 %.



MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) ()

SAQ (short answer questions) -

OR (oral report) -

SGL (small group learning) -


, , ,





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