






Listing Cell Notes

Archive for the OpenOffice Basic Category

Previous Entries

Macros: A Lotto Number Generator

Saturday, October 22nd, 2005

I have plans to implement a Keno game in the OOo basic language - but first a simple Lotto number generator. If you go into the source, you can configure to your own requirements. Generating a random number between 1 and 49 is really simple. Making sure that number has not already been picked slightly complicates matters.

Download it here

Sub Lotto
Dim i
Dim j
Dim val
Dim match
oSheet = ThisComponent.Sheets(1)
For i = 1 To 6
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(1,i)
match = False
val = int(rnd()*49) + 1
For j = 1 To i
If val = oSheet.getCellByPosition(1,j).getValue() Then
match = True
End If
Next j
Loop Until (match = False)
Next i
End Sub

Posted in OpenOffice Basic | No Comments

Listing Cell Notes

Wednesday, September 14th, 2005

Here is a simple macro that creates a new sheet in the Calc document with a listing of all the notes (comments) found.

Notes can be added to any cell with Insert - Note - see below.

The Basic code for gathering all of these notes and adding them to a new sheet is given below. Items in the listing Id like to draw your attention to..

Creating new sheets with the insertNewByName method.

The PrintableAddressOfCell and ColumnNumberToString routines convert row and column cell offsets to human readable notation - and were written by Andrew Pitonyak.

The notes (annotations) for each sheet are traversed using a For loop in the exact same way as the sheets of the document.

Sub AddCommentSheet

Dim oSheets, oSheet
Dim oRange, oCell
Dim oAnnotations, oNote
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer

oSheets = ThisComponent.Sheets

oSheets.insertNewByName (Comments, oSheets.getCOunt())

oSheet = oSheets.getByName(Comments)

oRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByName(B1:C1″)

oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(1,0)
oCell.setString(Comment listing)
oCell.CellBackColor = 16764057
oCell.HoriJustify = com.sun.star.table.CellHoriJustify.CENTER

oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(1,1)
oCell.setString(Created on & Now())

oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(1,3)
oCell.CellBackColor = 16764057
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(2,3)
oCell.CellBackColor = 16764057
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(3,3)
oCell.CellBackColor = 16764057

CurRow = 4
For j = 0 To oSheets.getCount()-1
oSheet2 = oSheets.getByIndex(j)
oAnnotations = oSheet2.getAnnotations()

For i = 0 To oAnnotations.getCount()-1
oNote = oAnnotations.getByIndex(i)
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(1,CurRow+i)
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(2,CurRow+i)
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(3,CurRow+i)
CurRow = CurRow + i

End Sub

Function PrintableAddressOfCell(oCell) As String
If IsNull(oCell) OR IsEmpty(oCell) Then
PrintableAddressOfCell = Unknown
PrintableAddressOfCell = ColumnNumberToString(oCell.CellAddress.Column) &_
End If
End Function

Function ColumnNumberToString(ByVal nColumn As Long) As String
Dim s As String
Do While nColumn >= 0
s = Chr$(65 + (nColumn MOD 26)) & s
nColumn = nColumn \ 26 - 1
ColumnNumberToString = s
End Function

The newly created comment sheet is shown below.

Posted in OpenOffice Basic | No Comments


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