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Phrasal verbs with TAKE

1) Take after To look or behave like smb., пойти в кого-то внешностью или характером § He takes after his mother.
2) Take down to write smth., записать что-то (часто под диктовку) § He read out the names and his secretary tookthem down.
3) Take in § To deceive smb., обмануть кого-то § To receive smb. as a guest,приютить   § At first he took us in by his stories and we tried to help him, but later we learnt that his stories were all lies. § The owner tookus inand gave us a bed for the night.
4) Take off § To remove clothing, снимать § To leave the ground, взлетать (о самолёте) § I took off my coat. § The plane took off at seven.
5) Take on To give smb. a job, брать на работу § They’ve taken on several more men.
6) Take to To form a liking for smb or smth, пристраститься, привыкнуть к чему-то, § He took to drinking (began drinking too much) § We took to our new teacher immediately.
7) Take up do an activity, begin a hobby, sport or kind of study, начать что-то делать, заняться чем-то § Paul has taken up swimming.


Phrasal verbs (most often used)

1) be into smth To enjoy doing a particular activity very much; нравиться что-то делать § I’m not really intostamp collecting.
2) be up to(smth) To be able to do smth.; намереваться сделать что-то, затевать § It’s very quiet. I bet little Jimmy’s up to some mischief again.
3) blow out To extinguish, задуть, погасить § The wind blew out the candle.
4) blow up § To destroy by explosion, взлететь на воздух § To be angry with smb,; вспылить, выйти из себя § They blew up the bridges so that the enemy couldn’t follow them. § He blows upevery time he sees me.
5) break down § To destroy; stop working; сломаться, ухудшаться, провалиться § The plans broke down. § The police brokethe door down.
6) break up § To divide into smaller pieces, to destroy; разбивать, разрушать, расходиться § They broke up but remained friends. § The ship was last seen breaking up in the storm.
7) bring up § To mention or introduce a subject; поставить, поднять, затронуть (вопрос, проблему) § To educate, raise (a child); вырастить, воспитать § At the class meeting Bob brought up the idea of picnic. § Bringing up children is both difficult and rewarding.
8) call back § To return a telephone call; перезвонить по телефону § If I get some information, I’ll callyou back.
9) call by/in § To look in, drop in; забежать, заглянуть, заскочить (в гости) § Call in on your way home and tell me how the interview went.
10) call for § To visit a place; заходить за кем-то § To demand; требовать § I’m going to a pop concert with Tom. He is calling for me at 8. § How much money will your research call for?
11) call off § To cancel smth; отменить § If it rains the tennis match will have to be called off.
12) call on § To visit smb. formally; навещать § He promised to call on me when he was in Oxford.
13) call smb down § To scold smb.; отчитать, пропесочить, устроить разнос (отругать) § My supervisor calledme down for being late.
14) call up § To summon for military service; Призывать в армию § To telephone; Звонить по телефону § In countries where there is conscription men are called up at the age of 18. § I called Tom up and told him the news.
15) carry on § =keep on; to continue; продолжать что-либо, не бросать (вести дело), осуществлять какую-то деятельность § Please, carry on reading.
16) carry out § to do smth planned, promised; выполнить, проводить(ся), осуществить § Every possible test was carried out to decide the nature of her illness. § They are carrying out essential repairs to the bridge.
17) catch up with § to reach the same standard or level as smb else; догонять кого-то, наверстать § To move and reach the same position as smb else; идти в ногу, не отставать § You start cycling and I’ll you catch up. § You’ll need to work harder if you want to catch up with the others.
18) check in To go to the desk of a hotel or airport and say you have arrived; зарегистрироваться § Please check in two hours before your flight.
19) come across § To find by chance; случайно натолкнуться, встретить § To be understood; донести смысл, идею (быть понятым) § I came across several interesting facts about Mexico in that book. § Her speech was carefully prepared, but it didn’t come across very well.
20) come up with To produce an excuse, a suggestion, the correct answer, etc.; выдвигать идею, придумать § He came up with a brilliant idea for her birthday present. § Can you come up with a more convincing example?
21) drop in To pay a short visit; заходить, заглядывать § Could you just drop in for a moment?
22) drop off § To let a passenger leave a car, bus, etc.; Высадить (из машины) § Забросить (завести по дороге), отдать § Drop me offat the corner, and I’ll walk from there. § Would you drop this dress off at the dry cleaner’s for me?
23) fall behind § To move more slowly so that others are further ahead; to make slower progress than others; отставать, не закончить что-то вовремя § If you fall behind, you can get lost. § Your son has fallen behind with his schoolwork.
24) Fix smb./ smth. up with Fix up § To arrange a meeting; сводить кого-то с кем-то (устраивать свидание) § To repair a home and make it attractive; чинить, ремонтировать § My best friend fixed up a date for me withher brother. § They fixed up John withmy cousin. § My dad fixed up the flat for us. § They are busy fixing up their house.
25) hang on = hold on, to stay on the phone; не вешать трубку, подождать у телефона § Hang on, I’ll see if she’s still here.
26) hang up To end a phone call by putting down the phone; повесить трубку   § If you shout, I’ll hang up. § She just hung up in the middle of the conversation.
27) Keep back To keep secret; скрывать, утаивать § She can keepnothing back from her friends.
28) Keep off To stay awat from; держаться в отдалении, не приближаться § Keep off the grass!
29) Keep on = carry on; to continue doing smth.; продолжать делать что-либо   § He keeps on asking silly questions.
30) Keep out   To not be active in smth; Держаться вне чего-либо, не лезть (не вмешиваться), остерегаться § Keep the dogs out! § I try to keep out of discussions about politics.
31) leave for(somewhere) To start a journey to a place; Отправиться куда-то § The train will be leaving for Madrid in one hour.
32) let smb down To make smb. feel disappointed because you didn’t do smth. you promised; подвести кого-то, подставить, бросить в трудную минуту § You’ve agreed to feed the cat while I’m away – don’t letmedown. § Never letyour friendsdown.
33) make up make up(with) § To say or write smth. that is not true; сочинить что-то, придумать § To put cosmetics on your face; накладывать макияж, гримироваться § To become friendly with smb. after a quarrel; помириться с кем-то § She made up a ridiculous excuse. § Your face is made up before you go on television. § After a quarrel that lasted more than a week, we decided to make up. § I heard you made up with an old enemy of yours.
34) make out § To manage to see smth. through bad light, a telescope, etc.; разобрать с трудом (разглядеть) § Understand, see, hear clearly; разобрать (уяснить) § To claim that you are smb. that you aren’t or you can do smth. you can’t do; притворяться, делать вид § We could just make out a dark shape moving across the field. § He made out that he could swim to the island but he couldn’t. § I can’t make out the address, he has written it so badly. § Mary has always made out that her parents were rich, but it isn’t true.
35) pick up § To collect smb. and let them ride in your car or taxi; забрать (зайти, заехать за кем-то) § To meet, become friendly with smb.; подцепить (познакомиться) § To take smth. from the ground; поднять с пола, с земли § To learn smth. such as information; набраться, нахвататься (знаний, умений), освоить, научиться чему-то (например иностранному языку) § I’ll pick you up at 7 o’clock. § That’s the girl Sam picked up at the disco. § You dropped the books so you must pickthem up. § Where did you pick up your Spanish? § You can alwayspick up new ideas if you keep your eyes open.
36) put aside = to save (money or time); отложить   We’ve put some money aside for a holiday.
37) put off To delay (event), postpone; отложить, перенести Tonight’s concert will be put off till next week, as one of the singers has hurt her throat.
38) put on § To dress in a pieces of clothing; надеть что-то (из одежды) § To pretend; притворяться, прикидываться, делать вид § to gain weight or size; набирать, прибавлять в весе § To start working; включить что-то § To perform a play, show; ставить пьесу, спектакль § Put on a clean shirt. § Mary isn’t really ill; she’s only putting on. § If I put on another inch, I shan’t be able to wear this dress. § Please put the television on. § Which play is the National Theatre putting on?
39) put up with(smb/ smth) To accept an unpleasant person or situation; to tolerate; мириться с чем-то/ кем-то (не жалуясь); терпеть § I don’t think I can put up with this job for much longer. § My sister cannot put up with my behaviour any longer.
40) run out(of) To have no more supplies of smth; закончиться (о продуктах), исчерпать запасы, иссякнуть § We haven’t run out of milk again, have we? Yes, the milk’s run out.
41) set in To begin or appear and continue; прийти, установиться § Cold weather has set in.
42) set off To start to move; отбыть § We set off on a walk to the lake.
43) set out To start a journey; отправляться куда-то § We must set out early tomorrow.
44) set up § To put smth in a particular position § To arrange a meeting § I’ll set up another meeting for next week.
45) settle down To start living, to make yourself comfortable in a new home; поселиться, обосноваться, расположиться § How are you settling down in England?
46) show off To show or describe your own abilities in order to make people admire you; Делать что-то напоказ § Stop showing off! § Joe hasn’t missed a chance to show off his muscles since that pretty girl moved in next door.
47) speak out To say in public what you think or feel § If people spoke out, the war might end.
48) speak up § To speak more loudly § = to speak up § Speak up - we can’t hear you.
49) turn up § To appear, arrive; объявиться, появиться, нагрянуть § To increase smth; усилить (звук, свет)   § He turned up with a friend of his. § His name turns up in the newspaper now and then. § The TV was turned up loudly so that no one would hear them talking.

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