phrasal verb | meaning / use | example |
1) go after | § to try to catch smb., преследовать кого-то | § I saw the dog going after him toward the school. |
2) go ahead | § to move in front, go forward, идти, двигаться вперёд § to improve, advance, прогрессировать | § Go straight aheadand you’ll see the railway station. § Can you go ahead with this case? § Is your translation going ahead? |
3) go back | § to return, возвращаться на прежнее место | § I went back to the office and found my wallet. |
4) go back on | § to fail to fulfil (a promise / agreement), обмануть, подвести, нарушить своё слово (обещание) | § He always goes back on his promises. § You should never go back on your promise to a child. |
5) go by | § to pass, move past smth/ smb., проходить, проезжать мимо, заглянуть | § Did any cars go by? § If he goes by, I’ll tell him everything. |
6) go down | § to move to a lower place, change to a lower amount, price, etc., снижать, падать (о ценах, температуре, уровне) § to be received with approval, быть принятым, одобренным | § We expect the price of oil to go down. § The sun went down behind the clouds. § Do taxes ever go down?. § How did your speech go down? § Jim went down well with Mary’s parents on his first visit. |
7) go down with | § to become ill with a particular disease, заболеть | § People often go down with the flu this time of year. |
8) go off | § to burst into pieces and cause damage, взрываться, выстрелить, сработать (о будильнике, бомбе) § to become bad, портиться, протухать, скисать § to leave smth., уходить, уезжать, убегать, сбегать | § Fortunately the bomb didn’t go off. § I’m afraid it’s gone off. Don’t eat it. § He always goes off without saying good-bye. § Five days a week Sally’s alarm goes off at 7 a.m. |
9) go on | § (=carry on) to continue doing smth., продолжать § to happen, происходить, случаться | § If you go on doing nothing, you will fail your exam. § What’s going on here? |
10) go out 11) go out with | § to leave a place (with smb.),, выходить, сходить куда-нибудь развлечься § to have smb. as your girlfriend/ boyfriend, бывать в обществе кого-то, гулять с кем-то проводить время с кем-то, встречаться | § I don’t think you should go out with that bad cold. § Let’s go out tonight; there’s a good film showing at the local cinema. § Are you going out with anyone at the moment? § Lisa’s mother doesn’t let her go out with Tom |
12) go over | § to examine smth. to see that it is good / correct, обсуждать детали, проверить, повторить | § They haven’t gone over their plan yet. § Let’s go over this scene again until you’re sure you know it. |
13) go through | § to pass through smth., suffer, пережить, выдержать что-либо, пройти через что-либо § to repeat, practice smth., (=run through) просматривать, повторять какой-либо материал | § He wouldn’t like to go through such difficult training again. § Have your parents gone through your grade book yet? § Go through your story again from the beginning. |
14) go up | § to move to a higher place, increase, повышаться (о стандартах, уровне, ценах) § to travel to a university or important place, ехать из провинции в город § (=blow up), to be destroyed by explosion, взорваться, сгореть, пойти насмарку, свестись к нулю | § Can you go up (the stairs)? § Prices have gone up again. § Apples have gone up. § We are going up to Murmansk tomorrow. § The house went up in flames. § All you did has gone up. |