Part-time jobs for American students are very popular and usually begin during their high school days. Besides working in fast food restaurants and small cafeterias, a very popular job for a teenager in America is baby sitting. This has its greatest appeal among teenage girls and a good baby sitter can earn quite a bit if she is reliable, responsible and mature.
It is not necessarily an easy job and requires both social skills and general competence. Such a job often involves working on Friday and Saturday nights when many married couples like to spend the night going to a movie or the theatre.
Other part-time jobs which are popular especially among young boys is managing a paper route or mowing the lawns of people in one's neighbourhood. These jobs also require a sense of responsibility and can be a source of good income for a high school student. Young boys who run paper routes are required to get up early in the morning to deliver the daily news regardless of the weather. This job has no holidays and requires the newspaper to be delivered every day without exception. In America there are no newspaper holidays.
Part-time jobs for high schools students in America are often seen as an opportunity to teach young people about work responsibility and respect for others. The young people learn how to become part of the adult world and to share in the making of society.
Неполный рабочий день для подростков.
Неполный рабочий день для американских студентов очень популярный, и обычно начинается в течение их дней средней школы. Помимо работы в ресторанах быстрого питания и небольших кафе, очень популярна работа для подростка в Америке сиделки с ребёнком. Это имеет наибольший спрос среди девочек-подростков, и хорошая няня может заработать совсем немного, если она является надежной, ответственной и зрелой.
Это не обязательно легкая работа и не требует социальных навыков и общей компетенции. Такая работа часто включает в себя работу в пятницу и субботу, когда многие супружеские пары хотели бы провести вечер, собираясь в кино или театр.
Другие виды работы неполного рабочего дня, которые пользуются популярностью, особенно среди молодых парней- это разносить газеты или косить газоны людей в своем районе. Эти рабочие места также требуют чувства ответственности и могут быть источником хорошего дохода для студента средней школы. Молодые ребята, которые разносят газеты, должны вставать рано утром, чтобы доставить ежедневные новости, независимо от погодных условий. Эта работа не имеет праздников и требует, чтобы газета быть доставлена каждый день без исключения. В Америке нет праздников у газет.
Неполный рабочий день для студентов вузов в Америке часто рассматривается как возможность научить молодых людей рабочей ответственности и уважению к другим людям. Молодые люди учатся, как стать частью взрослого мира, участвовать в создании общества.
1. The title of the text is PART-TIME JOBS FOR TEENAGERS
2. This text is about part-time jobs for teenagers in America.
3. Teenagers can work in fast food restaurants and small cafeterias, baby sitting on Friday and Saturday.
4. Some teenagers can deliver newspapers.
5. They have to get up early in the morning and work in any weather.
6. Part-time jobs for high schools students in America teach them to beresponsibleand respect for others.
7. I think that having a part-time job is very useful.
1. Are part-time jobs for American students very popular?
2. Why dostudents in America have part-time jobs?
3. In America there are no newspaper holidays, aren’t there?
4. Can teenage girls and a good baby sitters earn little or a lot of money?
5. Who can have part-time job in America?
2. Говорение.
Ваш друг звонит Вам и с опозданием поздравляет Вас с Днем рождения. У Вас по этому поводу была вечеринка. Расскажите ему: - сколько гостей пришло, кто они такие, где все происходило; - кто помог Вам все подготовить; - что Вам подарили. | You friend phones you to congratulate on your birthday though it is late. You had a party on this occasion. Tell him/her: - how many guests came to you, who they were and where the party took place; - who helped you to prepare for the party; - whatyouwerepresented. |
1. Birthday is such a wonderful day for me!
2. I like to celebrate it.
3. I was born on the 15th of June.
4. On this day in the morning my parents came into my room and said, "Happy Birthday!"andgave me a present.
5. It was a new smartphone, which was my secret wish.
6. I celebrated my birthday at home on Saturday so everybody could come.
7. We had invited my friends and relatives to the party.
8. There were 12 people.
9. My parents helped me organize this party.
10. My father and I went shopping to buy food and everything we need for the party and my mom stayed at home to start cooking.
11. I helped my mom with cooking in the kitchen.
12. At five o'clock my relatives and friends arrived to congratulate me and I was happy to see them.
13. They brought a lot of flowers, presents, postcards and sweets.
14. I thanked them all.
15. We had a tasty holiday dinner and everybody was merry.
16. We danced, made jokes, sang karaoke, played games, spoke about different things.
17. My mom brought the birthday cake and I blew the candles out.
18. Everyone enjoyed the party very much.
19. It was one of the best holidays for me.