Have you ever tried a strawberry pizza? If you went to Oxnard, the ‘‘Strawberry Capital of California,” in May, you could!
Oxnard is in Southern California and this part of the state takes its strawberries very seriously. At the two-day California Strawberry Festival you can see and try strawberries prepared in all sorts of ways. In addition to traditional treats such as strawberry shortcake, strawberry jam, strawberry tarts and strawberries dipped in chocolate, there is strawberry pizza! This dessert pizza is topped with strawberries, sour cream, cream cheese and whipped cream on sweet bread baked like a pizza. Strawberry kebabs dipped in powdered sugar are another delicacy. And drinks such as a strawberry smoothie can wash it all down.
Strawberries are big business in Oxnard. The annual strawberry revenues are $100 million from Oxnard’s bountiful 6,600 berry acres. Twenty-four companies harvest and cool nearly 16 million trays of berries, which are shipped throughout North America as well as to Germany and Japan. The festival, which attracts more than 85,000 visitors, features three stages with musical entertainment, 335 arts and crafts exhibits, strolling musicians, clowns, artists, face-painting, contests, and a “Strawberryland” for children with puppets, magicians, musicians, and a pet zoo.
КАЛИФОРНИЙСКИЙ ФЕСТИВАЛЬ КЛУБНИКИВы когда-нибудь пробовали клубничную пиццу? Если бы вы поехали в Окснард, в столицу клубники в Калифорнии, в мае, вы бы смогли попробовать!Окснард в Южной Калифорниии эта часть государства занимается клубникой очень серьезно. В двухдневном Калифорнийском Клубничном фестивале вы можете увидеть и попробовать клубнику, приготовленную разными способами. В дополнение к традиционным угощениям есть такие как торт из клубники, клубничный джем, клубничные пироги и клубника в шоколаде, есть клубничная пицца! Эта десертная пицца увенчана клубникой, сметаной, плавленым сыром и взбитыми сливками на сладкомхлебе,испечённомкак пицца. Шашлыки из клубники, смоченныe в сахарной пудре, еще один деликатес. И напитками, такими как клубничный коктейль, можно всё это запить.Клубника --большой бизнес в Окснарде. Ежегодные доходы от клубники$ 100 млн от обильных 6600 ягодных акров в Окснарде. Урожай 24 компаний и приблизительно почти 16 миллионов лотков с ягодами, которые отправляют на кораблях в Северную Америку, а также Германию и Японию. Фестиваль, который привлекает более 85000 посетителей, имеет три сцены с музыкальнымиразвлечениями, 335 выставок декоративно-прикладного искусства, уличные музыканты, клоуны, художники, живопись на лицах, конкурсы, и «Стробэрилэнд» для детей с куклами, магами, музыкантами, и зоопарком.
1. The title of the text is CALIFORNIA STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL.
2. The text is about Strawberry Festival in California which takes place in May.
3. At this festival one can try strawberry shortcake, strawberry jam, strawberry tarts and strawberry pizza.
4. Strawberries are big business in Oxnard.
5. The annual strawberry revenues are $100 million.
6. The festival attracts more than 85,000 visitors.
7. There are a lot of crafts exhibits, strolling musicians, clowns, artists, face-painting, contests, and a “Strawberryland” for children with puppets, magicians, musicians, and a pet zoo at the festival.
8. I like this story because it’s interesting.
1. What is the title of the text?
2. Can everyone try a strawberry pizza at this festival?
3. Strawberries are big business in Oxnard, aren’t they?
4. Does the festival attract more than 85,000 or 100,000 visitors?
5. What can we see at this festival?
2.Говорение. Tell your friend about the role of mobile phones in modern society: whether you use a mobile phone; what the advantages of using mobile phones are; what the disadvantages of using mobile phones are.
Mobile phones
1. Nowadays mobile phone became an integral part of our life.
2. We do not imagine our life without this gadget.
3. People use mobile phones as a means of communication.
4. This device allows you to keep in touch whenever you want, despite distances.
5. They are good for emergencies, too.
6. Your parents don’t have to worry about you because you can always phone them.
7. Having phones has some disadvantages.
8. Kids sometimes lose their phones at school or use them in lessons.
9. I’ve heard that a mobile phone is harmful to health and causes various diseases including cancer.
10. Usingmobile phones is not always appropriate.
11. For example, you can not use the phone at the theatre, cinema, church.
12. It’s very dangerous to use the phone when you are driving.
13. And at last it’s better to talk to people without phones.
Билет № 9