Dialogue A
At the Footwear Department
Salesgirl: What can I do for you, madam?
Customer: I’d like a pair of strong walking shoes for everyday wear.
Salesgirl: What size do you take in shoes?
Customer: My size is 37.
Salesgirl: Will you try on these brown shoes?
Customer:Don’t you think that the heels are a bit too high for everyday wear?
Salesgirl: Oh, no. Such heels are all the fashion now. But you can try on another pair. This is a pair of nice flat-heeled shoes. Do they pinch?
Customer: I like them much better than those ones. Will you give me a shoe for the left foot, please? It’s a perfect fit. How much are they?
Salesgirl: 90 roubles.
Customer: Will you wrap them up, please? Where is the cashdesk?
Salesgirl: It’s at the end of the department. Thank you.
Customer:Thank you. Good-bye.
Dialogue B.
At the Ready-Made Clothes Department
Customer: I’d like a summer frock.
Salesgirl: Certainly. What is your size?
Customer: 46. I’m stock size.
Salesgirl: The dresses on that rail are all size 46. Look them through and you may find something to your taste.
Customer: May I try on this cotton dress? Does it fit me?
Salesgirl: It fits you perfectly but I don’t think the colour becomes you. It’s too dark.
Customer: Have you got something a shade lighter?
Salesgirl: I’m afraid, we haven’t. Would mind trying on this light-blue one?
Customer: But it’s artificial silk. It’s too hot for summer wear.
Salesgirl: Will you drop in in a couple of days? We are expecting most of our summer stock at the end of the week.
Customer: Yes, of course. Thank you. Good-bye.
Salesgirl: Good-bye.
Dialogue C.
Buying Food Stuffs
Mother: Ann, will you, please, do the shopping today? I’m very busy.
Ann: Of course, I shall. What am I to buy?
Mother: I want to make a festive dinner tomorrow. Your aunt Liza and her husband promised to come and see us on Saturday.
Ann: What are you going to cook? Shall we have something special?
Mother: For the first course I want to make chicken broth. Buy a chicken, but mind, it mustn’t be very fat.
Ann: Must I buy anything else at the butcher’s?
Mother: If they have lean mutton, buy 2 kilos, I’ll make mutton chops for the second course.
Ann: Is that all?
Mother: I’m afraid we’ve run out of potatoes and tomatoes. Drop in at the greengrocer’s and get two kilos of potatoes and one of tomatoes.
Ann: I believe, that is all now?
Mother: Not yet. Will you look in at the cake shop and buy a chocolate cake? Aunt Liza is very fond of it. That seems to be all. Here is the money.
Ann: Give me a shopping bag and I’ll start.
Dialogue D.
At the greengrocer’s
Jane: Good morning. Have you got any nice pears?
Salesman: We have some, but they are not very good, I’m afraid.
Jane: Let me see what you’ve got. Oh, yes, they are very hard, aren’t they, Natasha?
Natasha: Yes, they are. Haven’t you got any better ones?
Salesman: Sorry, we have no other pears. Try some of these apples instead. Look, aren’t they nice?
Jane: Let’s take two pounds of the apples, Natasha, and some strawberries. Have you got any?
Salesman: Oh, yes, we have some very good ones.
Jane: How much are they?
Salesman: They are 10 roubles a pound.
Jane: Well, one pound of these, please. Here’s money.
Salesman: And here are your apples, and your strawberries and here’s your change. Thank you.
Natasha: Just a moment, Jane. Have they any sweets in the shop? Let’s get some chocolates to take home.
Jane: They haven’t got any chocolates here. They’ve only got fruit and vegetables. Let’s go to the confectioner’s. They have all sorts of sweets.
Natasha: OK, let’s go there.
2. Give the English equivalents for the following:
1) гораздо дешевле чем..... 2) вещи, сделанные на заказ... 3) сколько это стоит? 4) давать чек и сдачу… 5) заворачивать товар.... 6) класть в пакет (сумку).... 7) все что нужно.... 8) платить в кассу.... 9) для повседневной носки.... 10) примерять туфли.... 11) быть в моде.... 12) жать(о туфлях)…. 13) Какой у вас размер? 14) найти что-либо по вкусу.... 15) на тон светлее.... 16) заглянуть через пару дней.... 17) летний ассортимент.... 18) готовить праздничный обед.... 19) вот ваша сдача.
3. Answer the questions on the text:
1. Where must you go when you want to buy anything? 2. What is sold at the grocer’s (at the butcher’s; at the greengrocer’s; at the confectioner’s; at the outfitter’s)? 3. Clothes bought in a shop are tailor-made, aren’t they? 4. Where do you go to buy jewellery? 5. What does a salesgirl do? 6. Does the cashier give us a bill or a check? 7. Where do we put the goods bought in a shop? 8. Are there any shops where we can buy nearly everything we need? 9. What is a self-service shop?
4. Give the words corresponding to the following definitions:
1. long tables, on which goods are shown; 2. a person, working at a cash desk;
3. to roll something into paper; 4. maker of suits, trousers and overcoats; 5. a woman serving in a shop; 6. the department, where socks and stockings are sold; 7. a person, who comes into a shop to buy something; 8. things that are bought and sold; 9. the department, where people buy thread, pins and needles; 10. a thing, with the help of which a salesgirl weighs the goods; 11. a shop, where there are no salesgirls or salesmen.
5. Insert the missing articles and translate the sentences:
1...... bread is sold at..... baker’s. 2. We go to..... greengrocer’s for.....carrots, cabbage and other vegetables. 3...... butcher’s is at..... corner of our street. 4. I had to do..... lot of..... shopping yesterday. 5...... customers ask salesman or salesgirls to show..... things they want to buy. 6. If they buy some food-stuffs..... salesgirl first weighs..... thing on..... scales and only afterwards wraps it up and gives it to them