







Ada 95 Toots (. 17.33).

1. CourseOffering.

2. Tools:Ada95: Code Generation .

Code Generation Status (. 17.34).


3. Close.

. 17.33. Tools: Ada 95



. 17.34.


Rational Rose , . , . . , , , Rational Rose. , , , , .

, Rational Rose.

.ads-, CourseOffering, . 17.35. , , . , Rational Rose , .

--##begin module.privateDeclarations preserve=yes

--##end module.privateDeclarations

. 17.35. , Rational Rose


module.privateDeclarations . preserve=(yes/no) , . ##begin ##end.


--##begin module.cp preserve=no

--##end module.cp

-- Specification CourseOffering (Package Specification)

-- Dir: C:\Program Files\Rational\Rose\ada95\source

-- File: courseoffering.ads

--##begin module.withs preserve=yes

--##end module.withs

package CourseOffering is

--##begin module.declarations preserve=no

--##end module.declarations

-- Class CourseOffering

-- Documentation:

-- CourseOffering is

-- Concurrency: Sequential

-- Persistence: Transient

-- Cardinality: n

type Object is tagged private;

type Handle is access Object'Class;

-- Array declarations

type Array_0f_0bject is

array (Positive range <>) of Object;

type Access_Array_Of_Object is

access Array_0f_0bject;

-- Standard Operations

function Create return Object;

function Copy (From: in Object) return Object;

procedure Free (This: in out Object);

function Create return Handle;

function Copy (From: in Handle) return Handle;

procedure Free (This: in out Handle);

-- Accessor Operations for Associations

function Get_The_Course (This: in Object)

return Course.Handle;

pragma Inline (Get_The_Course);

-- Association Operations

procedure Associate (This_Handle: in Handle;

This_Handle: in Handle);

procedure Associate (This_Handle: in Handle;

This_Array_Of_Handle: in Array_Of_Handle);

procedure Dissociate (This: in Handle);

procedure Dissociate (This: in Handle);

procedure Dissociate (This: in Array_Of_Handle);

-- Other Operations

function offeringOpen (This: in Object) return Integer;

--##begin module.additionalDeclarations preserve=yes

--##end module.additiona1Declarations


--##begin module.privateDeclarations preserve=yes

--##end module.privateDeclarations

type Object is tagged


-- Data Members for Class Attributes

numberStudents: Integer;

-- Data Members for Associations

The_Course: Course.Handle;

--##begin CourseOffering.private preserve=no

--##end CourseOffering.private

end record:

--##begin module.additionalPrivateDeclarations preserve=yes

--##end module.additionalPrivateDeclarations

end CourseOffering;

, .adb-, CourseOffering, . 17.36.

. 17.36. , Rational Rose



--##begin module.cp preserve=no

--##end module.cp

-- Body CourseOffering (Package Body)

-- Dir: C:\Program Files\Rationa1\Rose\ada95\source

-- File: courseoffering.adb

with Unchecked_Deallocation;

--##begin module.withs preserve=yes

--##end module.withs

package body CourseOffering is

--##begin module.declarations preserve=no

--##end module.declarations

-- Standard Operations

--##begin CourseOffering.CreatefcObject.documentation preserve=yes

--##end CourseOffering.Create%Object.documentation

function Create return Object is

--##begin CourseOffering.Create%Object.declarations preserve=no

--##end CourseOfferi ng.Create%Object.declarations


--##begin CourseOffering.Create%Object.statements preserve=no


--##end CourseOffering.Create%Object.statements

end Create;

--##begin CourseOffering.Copy%Object.documentation preserve=yes

--##end CourseOfferi ng.Copy%Object.documentation

function Copy (From: in Object) return Object is

--##begin CourseOffering.Copy%Object.declarations preserve=no

--##end CourseOffering.Copy%Object.declarations


--##begin CourseOffering.Copy%Object.statements preserve=no


--##end CourseOfferi ng.Copy%Object.statements

end Copy;

--##begin CourseOffering.Free%Object.documentation preserve=yes

--##end CourseOfferi ng.Free%Object.documentation

procedure Free (This: in out Object) is

--##begin CourseOffering.Free%Object.declarations preserve=yes

--##end CourseOfferi ng.Free%Object.decl arati ons


--##begin CourseOffering.Free%Object.statements preserve=no


--##end CourseOffering.Free%Object.statements

end Free;

--##beginCourseOffering. Create%Handle. documentati on preservers=yes

--##end CourseOffering.Create%Handle.documentation

function Create return Handle is

--##begin CourseOffering.Create%Handle.declarations preserve=no

--##end CourseOffering.Create%Handle.declarati ons


--##begin CourseOffering.Create%Handle.statements preserve=no


--##end CourseOfferi ng.Create%Handle.statements

end Create;

--##begi n CourseOffering.Copy%Handle.documentation preserve=yes

--##end CourseOffering.Copy%Handle.documentation

function Copy (From: in Handle) return Handle is

--##begin CourseOffering.Copy%Handle.declarations preserve=no

--##end CourseOfferi ng.Copy%Handle.declarations


--##begin CourseOffering.Copy%Handle.statements preserve=no


--##end CourseOfferi ng.Copy%Handle.statements

end Copy;

--##begin CourseOffering.Free%Handle.documentation preserve=yes

--##end CourseOfferi ng.Free%Handle.documentation

procedure Free (This: in out Handle) is

--##begin CourseOffering.Free%Handle.declarations preserve=yes

--##end CourseOffering. Free%Handle. declarations


--##begin CourseOf feri ng.Free%Handle. statements preserve=no


--##end CourseOffering.Free%Handle.statements

end Free:

-- Other Operations

--##begin CourseOffenng.offeringOpen%Object.940157546.documentati on preserve=yes

--##end CourseOfferi ng.offeringOpen%Object.940157546.documentation

function offeringOpen (This: in Object) return Integer is

--##begin CourseOfferi ng.offeri ngOpen%Object.940157546.declarations preserve=yes

--##end CourseOfferi ng.offeri ngOpen%Object.940157546.declarations


--##begin CourseOfferi ng.offeri ngOpen%Object.940157546.statements preserve=yes


--##end CourseOf feri ng. of f eri ngOpen%Object. 940157546. statements

end offeringOpen;

-- Accessor Operations for Associations

--##begin CourseOffering.Get_The_Course%Object.documentati on preserve=yes

--##end CourseOfferi ng. Get_The_Course%Object. documentati on

function Get_The_Course (This: in Object) return Course.Handle is

--##begi n CourseOfferi ng.Get_The_Course%Object.declarati ons preserve=no

--##end CourseOffering. Get__The_Course%Object. declarations


--##begi n CourseOfferi ng.Get_The_Course%Object.statements preserve=no

return This.The_Course;

--##end CourseOfferi ng.Get_The_Course%Object.statements

end Get_Jhe_Course;

-- Association Operations

--##begin module.associations preserve=no


type Role_Type is tagged private;

type Access_Role_Type is access Role_Type'Class;

type Index is range <>;

type Array _Of_Access_Role_Type is

array (Index range <>) of Access_Role_Type;

type Access_Array_Of_Access Role_Type is

access Array_Of_Access_Ro1e_Type;

package Generic_Tagged_Association is

procedure Set (This_Access_Array: in out


This_Array: Array_Of_Access_Role_Type;

Limit: Positive:= Positive

((Index'Last - Index'First) + 1));

function Is_Unique (This_Array: Array_Of_Access_Role_Type;

This: Access_Ro1e_Type) return Boolean;

function Unique (This_Array: in Array_Of_Access_Role_Type)

return Array_Of_Access_Role_Type;

pragma Inline (Set, Is_Unique, Unique);

end Generic_Tagged_Association;

package body Generic_Tagged_Association is

procedure Free is new Unchecked_Deallocation



procedure Set (This_Access_Array: in out


This_Array: Array_Of_Access_Role_Type;

Limit: Positive:= Positive

((Index'Last - Index'First) + 1)) is

Valid: Boolean;

Pos: Index:= This_Array'First;

Last: constant Index:= This_Array'Last;

Temp_Access_Array: Access_Array_Of_Access_Role_Type;


if Positive(This_Array'Length) > Limit then

raise Constraint_Error;

end if;

if This_Access_Array - null then

-- Allocate entries.

This_Access_Array:= new



end if;

for I in This_Array'Range loop

Valid:= Is_Unique (Th1s_Access_Array.all. This_Array (I));

pragma Assert (Valid);

end loop;

-- Reuse any empty slots.

for I in This_Access_Array'Range loop

if This_Access_Array (I) = null then

This_Access_Array (I):= This_Array (Pos);

Pos:= Pos + 1;

if Pos > Last then return;

end if;

end if;

end loop;

if Positive(This_Access_Array'Length + (Last - Pos + 1)) > Limit then raise


end if;

-- For any remaining entries, combine by reallocating.

Temp_Access_Array:= new Array_Of_Access_Role_Type'

(This_Access_Array.all & This_Array (Pos.. Last));

Free (This_Access_Array);

This_Access_Array:= Temp_Access_Array;

end Set;

function Is_Unique (This_Array: Array_Of_Access_Role_Type;

This: Access_Role_Type) return Boolean is


if This = null then return False;

end if;

for I in This_Array'Range loop

if This_Array (I) = This then return False;

end if;

end loop;

return True;

end Is_Unique;

function Unique (This_Array: in Array_Of_Access_Role_Type)

return Array_Of_Access_Ro1e_Type is

First: constant Index:= This_Array'First;

Count: Index:= First;

Temp_Array: Array_Of_Access_Role_Type (This_Array'Range);


for I in This_Array'Range loop

if Is_Unique (Temp_Array (First.. Count - 1).

This_Array (I)) then

Temp_Array (Count):= This_Array (I);

Count:- Count + 1;

end if;

end loop;

return Temp_Array (First.. Count - 1);

end Unique:

end Generic_Tagged_Association;

package Role_0bject is new Generic_Tagged_Association






--##end module.associations

procedure Associate (This_Handle: in Handle: This_Handle

: in Handle) is

--#begin Associate%38099E7D0190.declarations preserve=no

use Role_0bject;

--##end Associate%38099E7D0190.declarations


--##begin Associate%38Q99E70Q190.statements preserve=no

pragma Assert (This_Hand1e /= null);

pragma Assert (This_Handle /= null);

pragma Assert (This_Handle.The_Course = null or

else This_Handle.The_Course = This_Handle);

This_Handle.The_Course:= This_Handle;

Set (This_Handle.The_CourseOffering. Array_Of_Handle'(1 =>


--##end Associate3%38099E7D0l90. statements

end Associate;

procedure Associate (This_Handle: in Handle;

This_Array_Of_Handle: in Array_Of_Handle) is

--##begin Associate%(1,N)38099E7D0190.declarations preserve=no

use Role_0bject;

Temp_Array_Of_Handle: constant Array_Of_Handle:= Unique


--end Associate%(l,N)38099E7D0190.declarations


--##begin Associate%(l.N)38099E7D0190.statements preserve=no

pragma Assert (This_Handle /= null);

pragma Assert (Temp_Array_Of_Handle'Length > 0);

for I in Temp_Array_Of_Handle'Range loop

pragma Assert (Temp_Array_Of_Handle (I).The_Course = null or else

Temp_Array_Of_Handle (I).The_Course - This_Handle);

Temp_Array_Of_Handle (I).The_Course:= This_Handle;

end loop;

Set (This_Handle.The_CourseOffering. Temp_Array_Of_Handle);

--##end Associate%(1,N)38099E7D0190.statements

end Associate;

procedure Dissociate (This: in Handle) is

--##begin Dissociate38099E7D0190.declarations preserve=yes

--##end Dissociate38099E7D0190.declarations


--##begin Dissociate%38099E7D0190.statements preserve=no

pragma Assert (This /= null);

for I in This.The_CourseOffering'Range loop

if This.The_CourseOffering (I) /= null then

if This.The_CourseOffering (I).The_Course = This then

This.The_CourseOffering (I).The_Course:= null;

This.The_CourseOffering (I):= null;

end if;

end if;

end loop;

--##end Dissociate%38099E7D0190.statements

end Dissociate;

procedure Dissociate (This:= in Handle) is

--##begin Dissociate%38099E7D0190.declarations preserve=yes

--##end Dissociate%38099E7D0190.declarations


--##begin Dissociate%38099E7D0190.statements preserve=no

pragma Assert (This /= null):

for I in This.The_Course.The_CourseOffering'Range loop

if This.The_Course.The_CourseOffering (I) = This then

This.The_Course.The_CourseOffering (I):=null;



end if;

end loop;

--##end Dissociat%38099E7D0190.statements

end Dissociate;

procedure Dissociate (This: in Array_Of_Handle) is

--##begin Dissociate%(M)38099E7D0190.declarations preserve=yes

--##end Dissociate%(M)38099E7D0190.declarations


--##begin Dissociate%(M)38099E7D0190.statements preserve=no

for I in This'Range loop

if This (I) /= null then

Dissociate (This (I));

end if;

end loop;

--##end Dissociate%(M)38099E7D0190.statements

end Dissociate;

--##begin module.additionalDeclarations preserve=yes

--##end module.additionalDec!arations


--##begin module.statements preserve=no


--##end module.statements

end CourseOffering;


, , , , constructor, destructor get/set. . , , () . help-.


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