


Другие языки
Охрана труда





Unit VII. Health. At the doctor’s здоровье. У врача


Задание 1. Запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:

to feel well - хорошо себя чувствовать

to take the temperature - измерять температуру

nevertheless - тем не менее

to advise - советовать

to consult - советоваться

to call up -звонить по телефону

to make an appointment - записаться на прием

fixed - назначенный

to wait - ждать

soon - вскоре

consulting room - приемная врача

What is the trouble? - Что Вас беспокоит?

to examine - обследовать

to loose appetite - терять аппетит

slight - легкий, незначительный

headache - головная боль

to strip to the waist - раздеваться до пояса

to feel the pulse - пощупать пульс

to show the tongue - показывать язык

to listen to the chest - прослушать грудную клетку

heart - сердце

lungs - легкие

breathe deeply - дышать глубоко

throat - горло

mouth - рот

a sore throat - больное (воспаленное) горло

to pay attention to - обращать внимание на

voice - голос

hoarse - хриплый

to cough - кашлять

flu - грипп

quite - вполне, совершенно

to have a rest - отдыхать

to be going to do something - собираться ч-л. делать

to prescribe - прописывать (лекарство)

to need - нуждаться

medicine - лекарство

lately - в последнее время

sleeping tablets - снотворные таблетки

pill - пилюля


Задание 2. Прочтите и переведите текст А.

Ivanov hadn't been feeling well for some days, but when he took his temperature it was quite normal. Nevertheless his wife advised him to see (consult) a doctor.

So in the afternoon Ivanov called up the clinic and made an appointment with the doctor. At the fixed time he went to the clinic and sat down to wait. Soon he was asked into the consulting room.

"Good afternoon", said the doctor. "Sit down, will you. What is the trouble?"                                                                                        

"I want to be examined. I haven't been feeling well for some days. I have lost my appetite and I've been having a slight headache most of the time."

"Did you have your temperature taken?” asked the doctor.

"I haven't any temperature," answered Ivanov.

The doctor told him to strip to the waist. Then he felt Ivanov's pulse and asked him to show his tongue. After that the doctor took his stethoscope to listen to his chest and heart. When he listened to Ivanov's lungs he told him to breathe deeply and when he listened to his heart he told him to stop breathing.

"Let me have a look at1 your throat", said the doctor. "Open your mouth and say Ah! You've had a sore throat, haven't you?" "Yes, I had a sore throat a few days back but I had no temperature so I didn't pay much attention to it. It really wasn't even a sore throat, my voice was just a little hoarse and I coughed".

"Well, you have been having a slight attack of the flu. You should have seen a doctor2 before and gone to bed. But you have a very strong constitution3 and a strong heart. You're quite well now, though a bit run down4. I advise you to have a good rest. I'm not going to prescribe you anything - you've get over5 your flu and don't need any medicine".

"I haven't been sleeping well lately, maybe something..."

"Well, I'll prescribe you sleeping tablets, but a nice walk in the fresh air6 just before going to bed is much better than pills. Here's your prescription".

"Thank you, good-bye".



1. Let me have a look at... - Разрешите посмотреть...

2. You should have seen a doctor - Вам следовало бы показаться врачу

3. a strong constitution - сильный организм

4. a bit run down - переутомлен

5. to get over an illness - побороть болезнь

6. fresh air - свежий воздух


Задание 3. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту А:

1. Who hadn't been feeling well? 2. Did Ivanov have fever (высокая температура) or was his temperature normal? 3. What aid his wife advise him to do? 4. With whom did Ivanov make an appointment? 5. Did Ivanov have his temperature taken? 6. What did Ivanov complain of (жаловаться)? 7. What did the doctor tell him to do? 8. Ivanov had had a sore throat, hadn't he? 9. Had Ivanov paid attention to his sore throat? Why? 10. What did the doctor advise Ivanov to do? 11. Do you think that Ivanov needed medicine? 12. What should a person do when he does not sleep well?


Задание 4. Запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:

be ill - болеть

diagnose - ставить диагноз

stomachache - боль в желудке

have a cold - простудиться

pain - боль

body - тело

call a doctor - вызывать врача

hurt - причинять боль

catch (caught) a cold - простудиться

chemist’s shop = drugstore - аптека

obey - слушаться

follow - следовать

order - (зд.) предписание

get better - (зд.) поправляться

to stay in bad - оставаться в постели

hospital - больница

if - если

ambulance - скорая помощь

illness - болезнь


Задание 5. Прочтите и переведите текст Б:


When we are ill, we call a doctor, and he examines us and diagnoses the illness.

When we have a headache, a stomachache, a sore throat, a cold, or a pain in some part of the body, we call the doctor. He takes our temperature and feels the pulse. He examines our heart, our lungs, our stomach or the part of the body which hurts and tells us what is the matter with us. He says:"You have a slight tempera-re' or: You have the flu, or: You have caught a cold".

The doctor prescribes medicine and gives us a prescription, which we take to the chemist's shop.

We must obey the doctor and follow his orders, if we want to get better. If we have a temperature, we must stay in bed and take the medicine he prescribes. If we cannot get better at home we must go to hospital. If we are too ill to walk, we go to hospital in ambulance.


Задание 6. Перескажите содержание текста Б.


Задание 7. Запомните слова и выражения к тексту С.

pass - проходить мимо

dentist - зубной врач

reception room - приемная

nurse - медсестра

card - карта

receive - принимать

fill a tooth - запломбировать зуб(ы)

pull out - удалять

apply a drill - сверлить

check up - проверять

surgery - хирургический кабинет

mirror - зеркало

pointed - заостренный

fill a cavity - запломбировать дупло (полость)

immediately - немедленно

trouble - беспокойство

pleasant - приятный

clean out - очищать


Задание 8. Прочтите и переведите текст С.

At the Dentist's

On his way out1 of the clinic Ivanov passed the dentist's reception room and decided to see the dentist. He asked the nurse to take his medical card in and sat down to wait.

There were a few people waiting to be received by the dentist. Some had come to have teeth filled, others to have a tooth extracted (pulled out) and some for a check up.

Soon it was Ivanov's turn2 and he was called into the surgery. The dentist examined Ivanov's teeth using a small mirror and a pointed instrument.

"You haven't seen a dentist for a long time, have you?" asked the dentist- "No, I haven't,' replied Ivanov. "It's a good thing that you came", said the dentist". "You'll have to have a cavity filled immediately or you'll be having trouble with your teeth soon. And a toothache is not a pleasant thing to have".

"Go ahead;"3 said Ivanov.

So the dentist applied the drill, cleaned out the cavity and filled it. It was all over in a few minutes. Then the dentist said that he shouldn't eat anything for a few hours.



1. On his way out of... - по пути из...

2. Soon it was Ivanov's turn - Вскоре подошла очередь Иванова.

3. go ahead! - Давайте! (Приступайте к делу!)


Задание 9. Просмотрите заболевания. Найдите хороший совет для каждого


Illness   (Заболевание)

a bad headache (сильная головная боль)

a sore throat

a backache(боль в спине)

a cough

a toothache

a fever (высокая температура)

a burn (ожог)

the flu

a bit run down (легкое недомогание)

Advice  (Совет)

a) Drink lots of liquids (жидкость)

b) Take some aspirin.

c) Get some medicine from the drugstore.

d) Take some vitamin C.

e) Don't lift anything heavy (тяжелый).

f) See the doctor.

g) Go to bed and rest.

h) Don't drink a lot of coffee.

i) See the dentist.

j) Put some lotion (примочка) on it.


Задание 10. Запомните следующие диалоги и воспроизведите их в парах:

А. - Hi! How are you?

- Oh, not so good.

- What's the matter?

- I have d terrible cold.

- Really? (Правда?) That's too bad. Have you taken anything for it?

- No, not yet (нет еще).

- Well, do you know what you should do? Chop up (измельчи) some garlic (чеснок) and cook it in chicken stock (бульон). Then drink a cup every half an hour. It really works! (это действительно помогает).


В. - How are you, Mrs. Webb?

- Well, I'm fine. But I'd like (Я бы хотела) something for my husband. He doesn't have any energy these days.

- Oh, that's too bad.

- Can I have some multi-vitamins with vitamin E?

- All right. Do you want a large or small bottle?

- Could I have two large ones, please?

- Why yes (ну конечно), Mrs. Webb. Here you are. (вот, пожалуйста)


Задание 11. Запомните выражения, с помощью которых Вы можете начать диалог в аптеке:

Can I have a bottle of multi-vitamins?

Could I have something for a sore throat?

May I have a package of Smecta?

Можно мне...

I would like some sun burn cream, please.

I’d like some sleeping tablets.

I’d like something for a cold.

Я бы хотел(а)...

Закончите следующие диалоги:

1. А.... (a box of cold tablets) (таблетки от простуды).

В. Oh, sure (конечно). These are pretty good (очень хорошие). Anything else?

A. No, that's all, thanks.

B. OK. That's $ 5.75.

2. A.... (something for a sunburn).

В. Of course. Try (попробуйте) this cream. It’s very good.

A. … (a stomachache)

B. Here you are. That’ll be $ 8.95 altogether (всего).

3. А.... (a sore throat).

And... (a package of cough drops) (капли).

B. OK. Do you want a large or a small package?

A. A small one, please.

B. All right. Let me get that for you.


Задание 12. Ролевая игра:  “В аптеке”.

Student A.: You are a customer in a drug store. You need: something for a sunburn, some vitamins, a tube of toothpaste.

Student В.: You are a clerk (Служащий) in a drug store. A customer needs some things. Use this information:

Sunburn lotion ($3.30) Vitamin С ($1.45) Toothpaste ($2.59)


Задание 13. Опишите свой последний визит к терапевту или зубному врачу.


<== предыдущая лекция | следующая лекция ==>
Unit VI. Shops and shopping   Магазины и покупки | Topics for self-studying and retelling
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