


Другие языки
Охрана труда





Еда дома и в гостях, в ресторане

Задание 1. Запомните следующие слова:

to have breakfast - завтракать                      knife - нож

to have dinner - обедать                                plate - тарелка

to have supper - ужинать                    dish - блюдо

bread and butter - хлеб с маслом        napkin - салфетка

cup - чашка                                                   tablecloth - скатерть

glass - стакан                                       to taste - попробовать

spoon - ложка                                      tasty - вкусный

fork - вилка                                                   delicicus - восхитительный

                                                             tasteless - безвкусный

Café, restaurant, etc.                             Кафе, ресторан и т.п.

canteen - столовая                               waiter - официант

pub - пивная                                        waitress - официантка

snack-bar - закусочная                        customer - посетитель

to serve - обслуживать                        cash deck - касса

On the menu:                                         В меню:

bacon and eggs - яичница с беконом            steak - бифштекс

fried eggs - яичница                             fried fish - жареная рыба

porridge - каша                                    boiled/fried potatoes -

cheese - сыр                                                   вареный/жареный картофель

sausage - колбаса                                          mashed potatoes -картофельное пюре

ham - ветчина                                      vegetables - овощи

soup - суп                                            cucumber - огурец

clearsoup - бульон                               pie - пирог

cabbage soup - щи                                         for dessert - на десерт

roasted/stewed meat -                           stewed fruit - компот

    жареное/тушеное мясо                       cake - пирожное, торт

mutton/pork/veal chop -                                sweets - конфеты

    баранья/свиная/телячья отбивная


Задание 2. Запомните следующие разговорные фразы:

I'm hungry - Я голоден (голодна).

What shall we have for breakfast (lunch, dinner, supper)? -

Что мы будем есть на завтрак (ланч, обед, ужин)?

Will you have some fruit/bread, butter/ - Хотите фруктов (хлеб, масло)?

 Have another cup of tea/coffee - Выпейте еще чашку чая/кофе.

Help yourself to... - Угощайтесь/Берите...

How вo you find the soup? - Вы/ты находите суп?

Pass me the salt (sugar, mustard, pepper) - Передайте мне соль (сахар, горчицу, перец)

Here you are - Вот, пожалуйста.

Nо, thank you. - Нет, спасибо.

No, thanks, no more... - Нет, спасибо, больше не хочу...

Toasts I'd like to propose a toast to peace (health, love, success, friendship) - Я бы хотел предложить тост за мир (здоровье, любовь, удачу, дружбу)

Here is to you/to Mary - За Вас/ за Мэри.


Задание 3. Прочитайте следующие диалоги, запомните их и воспроизведите в парах.

1. - How do you find the salad?

- Oh, it's tasty.

- Will you have some more?

- Yes, with pleasure (с удовольствием)

- Here you are.

- Thank you very much.

2. - What shall we have for breakfast?

- Fried eggs.

- I don't like eggs. I like porridge.

- I'm sorry but I haven't much time. I'm in a hurry (тороплюсь)

- And to follow?

- A cup of coffee with a cake or with a cheese sandwich.

3. Waitress     - Good evening! Table for three?

Mr. S. - Yes, please.

Waitress - This way, please.

Mr. W. - Would you please kindly show us the menu.

Waitress - Here you are, sir. What kind of soup would you like?

Mrs. В. - A clear soup for me.

Mr. S. - May I have a steak, please?

Waitress - What kind of meat: pork, mutton, veal or beef?

Mr. S. - A beefsteak, please.

Waitress - And you, sir?

Mr. W. - A beefsteak, too.

Waitress - Any vegetables? We have cabbage, potatoes.

Mrs. B.    - Some cabbage, please.

Waitress - And for dessert?

Mr. S. - Three ice-creams, please.

(An hour later)

Mr. B. - Thank you very much. The dinner was delicious.

Mr. S.  - Waitress, the bill (счет), please!


Задание 4. Составьте короткие диалоги, используя следующие слова (представьте, что вы за столом):

a) salad, apple-pie, buttered toast, ice-cream, cheese, biscuits, milk, coffee, sweets, etc,                     I

b) have some (more), have another cup of..., help yourself to..., will you have...

c) Yes, please; No, thank you, no more…

d) salt, mustard, some sugar, some brown/white bread, some fruit.

Задание 5. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами:

1. We usually have soup, meat and vegetables and an apple-pie for…

2. I like porridge with milk and a cup of strong coffee for...

3. Do you take you tea with …?

4. When we come home in the evening we have...

5. I do not like... for lunch.

6. Children usually have... for supper.

7.... is the biggest meal a day.


Задание 6. Прочитайте текст. Следующие слова помогут вам понять его содержание:

strong coffee- крепкий кофе          fish - рыба

weak coffee - некрепкий кофе            lay the table - накрыть на стол

white coffee - кофе с молоком                      clean the table - убрать со стола


I have three meals a day: breakfast, dinner and supper. I do not have lunch. For breakfast I usually have bread and butter, fried or boiled eggs, sometimes sausage. Then I drink a cup of tea or coffee. I like strong coffee, but my parents like weak coffee as usual. They drink white coffee. I do not have fish dishes for breakfast. My younger sister eats porridge for breakfast. She likes milk very much. As she is a little girl she does not drink coffee. I don't have dinner at home. I have it at the canteen. I have some salad, soup, beefsteak and vegetables. For dessert I have stewed fruit. I do net have tea or coffee at dinner. When I come home I have supper: meat or fish dish, cheese, bread and butter and tea. My mother usually lays the table and I clean it.


Задание 7. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. How many meals a day do you have? 2. What do you have for breakfast (dinner, supper)? 2. Where do you usually have dinner? 4. What are your favourite dishes? 5. Do you have soup for breakfast? 6. Do you like strong or weak coffee? 7. Who likes white coffee in your family? 8. Who lays the table for supper in your family? 9. At what time do you have your supper? 10. Do you like fried, boiled or smashed potatoes? 13. What dishes do you prefer (предпочитать): meat or fish? 12. What do you cook for your birthday (holidays)? (день рождения, праздники)


Задание 8. Запомните название фруктов, овощей, ягод:

apple - яблоко                                     banana - банан

pear - груша                                        orange - апельсин

apricot - абрикос                                 tangerine - мандарин

peach - персик                                     lemon - лимон

grapes - виноград                                         pine-apple - ананас

carrot - морковь                                  cherry - вишня

onion - лук                                           strawberry - клубника

tomato - помидор                                         gooseberry - крыжовник

radish - редис                                      raspberry - малина

beetroot - свекла                                  cranberry - клюква

melon - дыня                                        black/white/red currant - черная/

water-melon - арбуз                                      белая/красная смородина


Задание 9. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами:

1. Children roust eat... to grow strong. 2. Are these... tasty? 3. For our second course we usually have such vegetables as.... 4. Have you ever eaten...? 5. They grow here different hinds of fruit:.... 6. In our garden we have many berries:....

7. Would you like a slice (ломтик) of... in your tea? 8. In August we like to have... for dessert.


Задание 10. Прочитайте текст. Следующие слова помогут вам понять его содержание:

bird - птица                                                   poultry - домашняя птица

plant - растение                                   egg - яйцо

cow - корова                                        wheat - пшеница

sheep - овца                                         oat - овес

pig - свинья                                              maize - кукуруза

pork - свинина                                     flour - мука

ham - ветчина                                      bake - печь

mutton - баранина                               fresh fruit raw - свежие фрукты

duck - утка

hen - курица


We get food from animals and birds, plants and fish. We get meat from cows, pigs and sheep. From the cow we also get milk. From milk we make butter and cheese. From the cow we get beef, from the pig we get pork, bacon and ham, from the sheep we get mutton. And what do we get from ducks and hens? We get poultry and eggs from them.

We grow wheat, oat, maize and other cereals. From them we make flour. From flour we bake bread, cakes and biscuits.

What else do we eat besides meat and cereals? We also eat various kinds of vegetables, such as potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, carrots, onions, radish, beetroot. We usually eat such fruit as apples, pears, apricots, peaches, grapes, oranges and bananas. In our gardens we grow strawberries, gooseberries, raspberries, black, red and white currants.

In summer and autumn we eat fresh fruit raw. In winter and spring we eat preserved and stewed fruit.

We drink tea, coffee, cocoa, milk, wine and beer.


Задание 11. Составьте рассказ по теме "Еда", используя активную лексику урока.


Задание 12. Выучите и воспроизведите в парах следующий диалог:

Mrs. Green - Have some more coffee, George, your cup is nearly empty (почти пустая).

Mr. Green - Oh, no, it isn't, darling, it's half full (полная). This is lovely (чудесный) coffee, so strong and sweet and the cake is delicious.

Mrs. G. - Well, I know you don't like weak coffee, George. May I give you some more cake?

Mr. G. - Yes, darling, please.

(Mrs. Green gives her husband another piece of cake).

Mr. G. - Thank you, dear.

Mrs. G. - Don't mention it. (пожалуйста)

Mr. G. - Well, Mary, this is a pleasure. It fs the best coffee and cake I ever tasted.

Mrs. G.- I'm so glad you like it, George.



- Waiter, bring me a ham sandwich.

- With pleasure.

-No, with mustard (горчица).


- Waiter, I can't eat this soup.

(Waiter takes the plate of soup and brings another one).

-I think you are going to like this soup, sir.

-I can't eat this soup either.

-Why? This soup is wonderful. Why can't you eat it?    

-Because I have no spoon.


"Your husband is too fond of strong coffee. You mustn't let him have it. He gets too excited", says the doctor.

"But doctor, you don't know how excited he gets when I give him weak coffee".


to let - позволять

gets too excited - становится слишком возбужденным



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Unit IV. My friends. Appearance друзья. Описание | Unit VI. Shops and shopping   Магазины и покупки
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