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Ex. 1. Translate these sentences into English.

V Семестр

ІX. Змістовий модуль «Компанія. Інформація про галузевий під розподіл»

Практичне заняття № 1

Тема: Типи компаній

1. Читання, переклад та переказ тексту. Виконання після текстових вправ.


Ltd. Company is a business organization selling goods or services. The most popular business legal form in Ukraine is Ltd. This type of companies is registered on a standard chart and in the earliest possible dates. The founders of Ltd. can be naturals persons or/and legal persons (residents or/and non-residents). Thus founders do not carry responsibility for a company and actions of its public servants, and their possible losses are limited to the size of part in share capital. Limited companies can conduct practically any types of activity, including licensed. Alike types of companies in Europe is GMBH (in Germany, Switzerland, Austria) and Ltd. (in England).From recent time, the Ukrainian legislation does not select CFI (company with foreign investments) (no less than 10 % foreign capital) and FC (foreign company), as a separate legal form of business too.

Joint-stock company. Joint-stock companies in Ukraine can be public (PJSC) and private (PrJSC) types. This type of companies has a great number of analogues in the whole world. Mainly, JSC are created for a bank, insurance and other financial types of activity, and also for organization of activity of large production capacities and enterprises with the closed loop of production.

Representative office. It is separately possible to select such form of business in Ukraine, as a representative office of foreign company. Status of representative offices allows to get the row of additional tax and custom deductions, and also to use otheradvantages for work in Ukraine.

Types of Companies in the USA and Great Britain

In the United States a limited company with limited liability is called a corporation. In Great Britain «corporation» has another mean­ing. It is not a limited company but a local government body. A public Corporation in Great Britain is an organization that operates the nationalizing branch of industry and belongs to the government.

A company is a body corporate created by royal charter or by a spe­cific Act of Parliament. A Company will not exist until it has received its certificate of incorporation. Incorporation is the act of forming a company by carrying out the necessary legal formalities. A Company is a legal person separate and distinct from the people who own it, usu­ally with limited liability.

Liability of members may be limited by shares, or by guarantee, or may be unlimited. Where the word «limited» does not appear, the organization is not a company in the legal sense. The phrase «one-man company» is often used to describe a small private company, where control is effectively in the hands of a person. By law there must always be more than one member. In the United Kingdom under the Companies Act 1985there are three classes of companies:

1. a limited private company;

2. an unlimited private company;

3. a public limited company.

Ex. 1. Translate these sentences into English.

1. Для того щоб зареєструвати компанію, засновники склада­ють її статут і реєструють його в державній установі.

2. Відмінності між компаніями з обмеженою відповідальністю закритого і відкритого типів у США незначні.

3. У Великобританії для малих компаній встановлено нижчі корпоративні податки.

4. Згідно з корпоративним актом у Великобританії існує три ти­пи компаній: приватна компанія з обмеженою відповідальністю, приватна компанія з необмеженою відповідальністю, відкрите акціонерне товариство.

5. Відповідальність членів компанії за її борги може бути обме­женою або вкладеним ними капіталом, або гарантіями партнерів.

6. Зареєстрована компанія є юридичною особою і може бути або компанією з обмеженою відповідальністю відкритого типу, або приватною компанією.

7. Після назви корпорації ставлять літери Inc. Це означає, що така компанія зареєстрована як корпорація.

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