








a posteriori (of an argument) = reasoned from effect to cause

a priori (of an argument) = reasoned from cause to effect

conditio sine qua non = indispensable condition

ergo = consequently

ibidem (ib, ibid.) in the cited source

in situ = at the site

in vitro = in a test tube

per se = by itself

proviso = on condition that

sic! = important =

status quo = initial condition

sui generis = in its kind via through

, ,

, , ,




analysis analyses , -
apparatus apparatuses, ) , -
axis axes ,
basis bases , -, , -
crisis crises , -
criterion criteria , -
curriculum curricula , -
datum data , -
erratum errata ,-
foot feet , -, , -
formula formulae , -
helix helices , -
index indices , -
lamina laminae ,
locus loci , -
maximum maxima , -
medium media , -
minimum minima , -
phenomenon phenomena , -
radius radii , -
stimulus stimuli , -
stratum strata , -
terminus termini ,-
thesis theses , -
tooth teeth , -
vertex vertices . , -

3 -

hereafter ; ;

hereat ,


hereof , ,

hereto ;

heretofore ;

hereunder ;

hereupon , ,

herewith ();

thereabout(s) , , ,

thereafter , , ;


thereas ,

thereat , ; ,

thereaway ,

thereby , ;

therefore , ; ,

therefrom , ; ,

therein , , , ; ;


thereof , ; , ;

thereon , ; , , ; ,

thereonto , ,

thereout ,

thereover ; ,

therethrough ; ;

thereto , , ; ; ,

theretofore ,

thereunder ; ;

thereupon , ; , ; , ; ,

therewith , ; , , ; , ; ;

therewithin , ; ,

whereby , ,

wherefore ; , ,

wherein , ; ,

whereinsoever ,

whereinto ,

whereof , ;

whereon , ; , , ,

whereout ,

wherethrough , ;

whereto , ; ,


whereupon , ; ,

wherever , ; ,

wherewith , ;



: 2018-10-15; !; : 181 |



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