


Другие языки
Охрана труда





Conclusion of the lesson. Marks.


Unit 4. Theme of the lesson: Work and profession.

Ціль: Ознайомити з новими ЛО. Розвивати навички монологічного та діалогічного мовлення. Тренувати у письмі. Виховувати повагу до представників різних професій. Удосконалювати техніку читання.

Хід уроку:

Greetings. Привітання.

- Hello! I’m glad to see you!


1)How was your weekend?

2)What did you do?

3)Where were you?

4)Did you travel?

5)Are you ready to start our lesson?

6) Do you have a material to the lesson that I gave?

- Good. Let’s start.

Aim. Today we’re going to talk about professions and career. I prepared interesting tasks to our lesson which we will do after a few minutes.

Task 1. Read and translate the phrases.

(учні читають фрази та перекладають їх усім класом та записують переклад поряд, за необхідністю записують транслітерацію).


1) To apply for – подати заявку на….

2) I attended – я був присутній

3) I graduated from - я закінчив

4) I’ve taken a course for – я взяв курс

5) I’ve earned – я заробив

6) I pursued an activity – я проводив діяльність

7) I’d like to focus on – я хотів би зосередитись на

8) I attach my - я додаю мій

9) To contribute to the family income - внести свій внесок в сімейних дохід

10) To get a promotion – отримати підвищення по службі

11) To save up money – заощадити гроші

12) To get a student loan – отримати студентський кредит

13) To answer the requirements – відповідати вимогам

14) To earn a fortune – заробити стан

15) To have an ambition to become – мати прагнення стати

16) To be worth the rewards – бути вартим нагороди

17) To base one’s life around smth – засновувати своє життя навколо чогось

Task 2. Make up sentences using new phrases.

(учні складають речення з новими фразами, у будь-якому часі в усній формі)

Task 3. Vocabulary training by the theme "Choosing a profession"

The next task for you is to complete the sentences with the words on the cards. You will have 10 sentences and 5 minutes to complete them with the following words.

(Учні виконують завдання протягом п'яти хвили, вони повинні підставити слова, яких недостає у поданих нижче реченнях.. При перевірці даного завдання учні по черзі зачитують речення і переводять їх. У деяких реченнях можливо два і більше варіантів відповіді).

Complete the sentences with the following words: successful, occupation, career, creative, architect, vet, responsible, noble, prestigious, librarian, fireman.


1. A profession of photographer is very....

2. My sister says that teaching is a... profession.

3. We have always thought that any job in the hospital is....

4. Careers of computer programmer are very... nowadays.

5. My cousin wants to be an....

6. Will you write your... on this form?

7. A... is a person who works in the library and helps people to choose books and magazines to read.

8. I am sure that the profession of a... is rather dangerous.

9. His... as a driver came to an end after a bad road accident.

10. Iam going to be a... because I like animals and birds.


1) creative; 2) noble; 3) responsible; 4) successful; 5) architect; 6) occupation; 7) librarian; 8) fireman; 9) career; 10) vet.

Переклад слів: 1) творчий; 2) благородний; 3) відповідальність; 4) успішно; 5) архітектор; 6) рід занять; 7) бібліотекар; 8) пожежним; 9) кар'єри; 10) ветеринар.


Task 4. Fixing entered vocabulary in speech and writing. Закріплення введеної лексики в усній і письмовій формі.

Teacher: Well, now I'll give you some other professions and the descriptions of them. Your task is to match the description and the profession. Is it clear?

(Учні поєднують назви професій з їх описами).

1. This is a person who treats people from different diseases. (Doctor)

2. This is a person who catches criminals and keeps his/her eye on observing the law. (Policeman)

3. This is a person who does sport. (Sportsman)

4. This is a man who prevents fire and saves people from fire (Fireman)

5. This is a person who works in a firm and deals with money. (Book-keeper)

6. This is a person who works in a shop. (Shop assistant)

7. This is a person who works with little kids or a person who works in a hospital and helps the doctor. (Nurse)

8. This is a person who treats our teeth. (Dentist)

9. This is a person who delivers letters. (Postman)

10. This is a person who steers a plane. (Pilot)

11. This is a person who creates buildings before the construction. (Architect)

Список слів: doctor, policeman, sportsman, fireman, book-keeper, shop assistant, nurse, dentist, postman and pilot, architect

доктор, поліцейський, спортсмен, пожежним, рахівник, продавець-консультант, медсестра, стоматолог, листоношею і пілот, архітектор

Task 5 Cards. Speak about a person, his profession, daily routines. What time will you use?

(учень повинен скласти речення, використовуючи правильний час та розповісти, що людина цієї професії робить кожен день, завдання розраховано на 8 учнів).

Task 6. Read the text "Stress at work".



Statistics show that more and more of us are suffering from stress and that much of this is caused by our jobs. It appears that many of us are working too hard and this is taking a toll on our health.
There is, experts tell us, simply too much pressure put on many employees these days. In many jobs, in sales or production departments, for example, unrealistic targets are set for the workforce. People are, in fact, trying to do the impossible and making themselves ill by doing so.
In many countries, more and more people are working longer hours. Some workers have to do this to cope with their workload, while others think that staying late will impress the boss so much that he will promote them. This extended presence in the workplace is known as presenters.
Such overwork often results in extreme fatigue, or even total exhaustion, with many people also suffering from insomnia. When the workers get home, instead of resting or enjoying a leisure pursuit, they simply cannot switch off. Their minds are still full of work worries.
Most people used to be able to leave behind the tension and anxiety of the workplace when they went on holiday. Unfortunately, modern communication systems, such as mobile phones and email, have made this a thing of the past. We find it almost impossible to leave our work behind.
Neither the body nor the mind can go on doing too much indefinitely. Workers reach a point beyond which they cannot cope, and have to take time off. Some may experience burn-out and some may become mentally ill. Meanwhile, a study by some American universities has shown that stress can weaken the immune system.
The fact that stress at work leads to illness is supported by findings by the British HeaIth and Safety Executive. These indicate that 60 per cent of absence from work is a result of stress. It is time for us all to take stress seriously and to reconsider the ethos of modern working conditions. Working hard is important but everyone must realize that even productivity is less important than our health.

Write true or false:

1. In many jobs, in sales or production departments, for example, unrealistic targets are set for the workforce.__________________

2. Some people think that staying late will impress the boss so much that he will promote them.________________

3. The author says that it is time for us all to take stress seriously and to reconsider the ethos of modern working conditions.______________

Conclusion of the lesson. Marks.

Teacher: Very good. You have had a very professional discussion. Well,our lesson is over. You have worked very well today and all of you get excellent marks.

Homework. Your home task is: learn new words and phrases. Write down the summery and prepare to retell it to the class.

Thank you for the lesson. See you next time. Good-bye.


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