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Tentative list of SIW and SIWT themes

1. Advanced scientific directions in Biochemistry.

2. Biopolymers in the human body structure.

3. The cell is a base of the living organism.

4. The classification of proteins and essential amino acids.

5. Nucleic acids in the cell.

6. ATF and role in metabolism.

7. The structures of RNA and DNA.

8. Properties of protein, dehydratation and denaturation.

9. Fermentative hydrolyze of starch.

10. Properties of carbohydrates.

11. Glycogen, inulin, pectin substances.

12. Cellulose and hemicelluloses.

13. Lipids, saturated and unsaturated acids.

14. Properties of lipids.

15. Phospholipids. Enzymatic conversion of phospholipids.

16. The relationship between the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids.

17. Application of enzymes in the food industry.

18. Factors for the enzyme activity.

19. Cofactors and coenzymes.

20. Deficiency and excess of vitamins.

21. Foodstuff as a source for the energy.

22. Biological oxidation.

23. Anabolism and catabolism processes in human organism.

24. Photosynthesis is a source of carbohydrates forming.

25. Biosynthesis of amino acids.

26. Energy metabolism.

27. Growth stimulators of plants and microorganisms.

28. Hormones and pancreatic gland.

29. Types of the cell: prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

30. Biochemistry of proteins.

31. Protein deficiency in the modern human nourishment

32. Types of metabolism.

33. Hormones and toxins.

34. Balanced diet and dietotherapy.

35. Morphology of prokaryotes

36. Morphology of eukaryotes

37. The structure, chemical composition and functions of the structures of bacterial (prokaryotic) cells

38. Classification and morphology of filamentous fungi

39. The method of propagation of fungi and yeasts

40. Actinomycetes

41. Hemogeterotrophs

42. Metabolism in Microorganisms

43. Requirements microorganisms for nutrients. Types of food.

44. Energy metabolism in microorganisms

45. Cultivation and growth of microorganisms

46. Abiotic factors of microorganisms

47. Biotic factors of microorganisms

48. Anaerobic processes using microorganisms in the food industry

49. Microbiology canning of fruits and vegetables

50. Microorganisms and the environment

51. Microbiology of wine

52. Microbiology of feed

53. Physical influences on microorganisms

54. Chemical influences on microorganisms

55. Carbon cycle and oxygen

56. The biological nitrogen cycle

57. Microbe-plant relationships

58. The shape and structure of the microbes

59. Genetics of Microorganisms

60. The metabolism of microorganisms

61. The effect of environmental factors on microorganisms

62. Pathogens of viral infections

63. Antibiotics and producers

64. Transformations of microorganisms compounds of nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur and iron


Main literature

1. Food Biochemistry and Food Processing - 2nd edition, edited by Benjamin K. Simpson et al, (2012) Willey-Blackwell.

2. Alibekov R.S., K.A.Urazbayeva Study guide in discipline “Biochemistry of food products” with laboratory manual. M.Auezov’ South Kazakhstan State University, Shymkent, 2012, ISBN 9965-19-918-3, p.82

3. Molecular biology. Charlotte J. Avers. Addison – Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. 1986.812 p.

4. Lehninger. Principles of biochemistry. 4th edition. W.H. Freeman and Company. New York. 2005. 1117 p.

5. Albert’s B., Johnson A., D. Lewis, Raff M., Roberts K., & Walter P. (2002) Molecular Biology of the Cell, 4th edn, Garland Publishing, Inc., New York.

6. Lodish H., Berk A., Matsudaira P.,Kaiser C.A., Inc (2003) Molecular Cell Biology, 5th edn, W.H. Freeman and Company, New York.

7. Vollhardt K.P.C. &Shore, N.E. (2002) Organic Chemistry Structure and Function, W.H. Freeman and Company. New York.

8. Biochemistry. Higher secondary - second year. Edited by D.Sakthisekaran, Tamilnadu, (2005) Textbook corporation.

9. Jenks W.P. (1987) Catalysis in Chemistry and Enzymology. Dover Publications, Inc., New York.

10. Segel I. H. (1975) Enzyme Kinetics:Behavior and Analisis of Rapid Equilibrium and Steady State Enzyme Systems, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York.

11. Н.Г.Ильяшенко, Е.А.Бетева, Т.В.Пичугина, А.В.Ильяшенко Микробиология пищевых производств: Учебник.- М.:Колосс, 2008.-411с

12. Жарикова Г.Г. Микробиология продовольственных товаров. Санитария и гигиена: Учебник.- М.: Академия, 2005.- 299с

13. CтепаненкоП.П. Микробиология: учебник для студ.вузов / Cтепаненко,П.П. - 3 изд.,прераб.и доп. - М.: ООО "Все для Вас.Подмосковье", 2003. - 415 с.

14. Шоканов Н.К., Микробиология, Алматы, 2001 -320 с.

15. Мармузова Л.В. Основы микробиологии в пищевой промышленности: учебное пособие / Л. В. Мармузова. - М.: ИРПО "Академия", 2003. - 136 с. - (Мин. образ. РФ. Ин-т разв. проф. образ.)

16. Королева Н.С. Микробиология молока и молочных продуктов / Н. С. Королева, В. Ф. Семенихина. - М.: Пищевая пром-ть, 2002. - 256 с

Additional literature

1. Teaching-methodical complex of the subject, abstracts of lectures, methodical instructions, cases, portfolios, manuals, periodicals, internet resources, etc.

2. Биохимия: учеб. для вузов / В.П.Комов, В.Н.Шведова – 3-е изд., - М.: Дрофа, 2008. – 638с.

3. Пищевая биотехнология. Кн.2 Переработка растительного сырья / Л.А.Иванова, Л.И.Войно, И.С.Иванова – М.: Колос, 2008. – 472с.

4. Биохимия: Краткий курс с упражнениями и задачами /Под ред. Е.С.Северина, А.Я.Николаева. – М.: ГЭОТАР-МЕД, 2005. – 448 с.

5. Микробиологический контроль мяса животных, птицы, яиц и продуктов их переработки: справочник. - М.:КолоС, 2003. - 288 с

6. Санитарная микробиология. Микробиологический контроль мяса, мясных продуктов, яиц и яйцепродуктов: Метод.указ. к лабораторным занятиям. - М.: МГУПБ, 2000. - 32 с

7. Санитарная микробиология. Микробиологический контроль молока, заквасок и молочных продуктов: Методические указания к лабораторным занятием М.: МГУПБ, 2000. - 37 с

8. The methodical instruction for laboratory works on discipline "Microbiology", Saparbekova A.A, Shakirov B.S., Shymkent, M. SKSU, 2008.г

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