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Tentative list of theme laboratory classes

Ф. 7.03-07




M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University


I approve

The prorector on EMR

_________Sabyrkhanov D.S.

«______» ___________ 2016



Disciplines «Biochemistry and Microbiology of processing production products» for students of higher educational institutions

On a specialty: 5V072800 – Technology of processing production



Number of credit – 4


Shymkent, 2016


The study program is prepared by ___________ PhD in Chemistry, associate

Professor Alibekov R.S.,

___________senior teacher Aitbayeva A.Zh.


The study program has been discussed at the meeting of the chair «Food engineering» minutes № ___ dated from __________2016.



Head of the chair ______________ Urazbayeva K.A.


The course program has been approved by the Committee on innovational technologies of training and Methodical provision of higher school of «Textile and food engineering», minutes № ____ dated from __________2016.


Chairman of the Committee_________________ Sabalakhova A.P.


The study program were approved and confirmed at meeting of EMS of M.Auezov SKSU (minutes № ___ dated from __________2016)


Chief of EMU________________Turebekova G.Z.


© M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University



1. Explanatory note …………………………………………………….4.

2. Discipline content …………………………………………………..5

3. Tentative list of theme laboratory classes……………………….…...6

4. Tentative list of SIW and SIWT themes …………………………….8

5. Literature ……………………………………………………………11



Explanatory note

The currently worldwide advanced scientific directions develop on the narrow border sciences, such as biochemistry and microbiology. Microbiology is the study of living organisms, divided into many specialized fields that cover their morphology, physiology, anatomy, behavior, origin, and distribution. And chemistry is the study of the composition, structure, properties and change of matter. Hereout the biochemistry is the study of chemical processes within and relating to living organisms. By controlling information flow through biochemical signaling and the flow of chemical energy through metabolism, biochemical processes give rise to the complexity of life. Today, the main focus of pure biochemistry is in understanding how biological molecules give rise to the processes that occur within living cells, which in turn relates greatly to the study and understanding of whole organisms. Much of biochemistry deals with the structures, functions and interactions of biological macromolecules, such as proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates and lipids, which provide the structure of cells and perform many of the functions associated with life.

Leaning the basic chemical compounds and properties of food constituents and the variable effects of processing on those constituents in accordance organic, analytical, biochemical, physical-chemical methods of research. To teach future specialists theoretical background and practical skills to produce quality products, which implement in food production and at the enterprises of bakery products.

Microbiology refers to the study of microorganisms. As the name suggests, microorganisms are organisms that are so small they can only be seen using a microscope. Bacteria, fungi (such as yeasts and molds), protozoa, viruses, algae, and some parasites are all types of microorganisms. Some people also list prions as microorganisms even though they are proteins and not actually organisms. Microorganisms are all around us, and they are capable of surviving in a wide array of environmental conditions. They are a necessary part of our world and perform a variety of useful functions.

Microbial foodborne illness is often divided into two broad categories: food intoxication and food infection. Food intoxication occurs when the pathogenic microorganism secretes a toxin in the food. Eating the food that contains the toxin disrupts a particular target, such as the gastrointestinal tract or the nervous system. The symptoms of intoxication vary from bouts of vomiting and diarrhea to severely disrupted muscle function, as with botulism. Food infection occurs when the microorganism multiplies in food until it reaches the minimum infective dose (MID), which is the number of microorganisms needed to cause illness in humans. When the food is eaten, the microorganism acts directly on the intestines. In some cases, the microbes infect the surface of the intestine; in others, they invade the intestine and other body structures. Most food infections result in some degree of diarrhea and abdominal distress. Food infection also can result in toxin production, causing the same disease signs. However, in food infection, microbes growing in the infected tissue release the toxins, unlike food intoxication, where the toxins are already present in the food.

Сontent of discipline


Biochemistry is the study of chemical processes within and relating to living organisms. By controlling information flow through biochemical signaling and the flow of chemical energy through metabolism, biochemical processes give rise to the complexity of life. Today, the main focus of pure biochemistry is in understanding how biological molecules give rise to the processes that occur within living cells, which in turn relates greatly to the study and understanding of whole organisms.

Microbiology refers to the study of microorganisms. As the name suggests, microorganisms are organisms that are so small they can only be seen using a microscope. Bacteria, fungi (such as yeasts and molds), protozoa, viruses, algae, and some parasites are all types of microorganisms. Some people also list prions as microorganisms even though they are proteins and not actually organisms. Microorganisms are all around us, and they are capable of surviving in a wide array of environmental conditions. They are a necessary part of our world and perform a variety of useful functions.


Main part

Theme 1. Structure of cell and its relation with nourishment. Chemical compounds of living organism.

Structure of cell and its relation with nourishment. Cell theory. Photosynthesis. Chemical energy passes plants to animals. Object and tasks of biochemistry. Relations of biochemistry with other sciences. Role of biochemical processes in living organisms. Tasks of biochemistry in food technology. Chemical compounds of living organism.The structure of a cell. Organic and inorganic substances. Structures of nervous and digestive systems. The role of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, vitamins in metabolism and in human and animal nutrition.

Theme 2. Morphology and classification of microorganisms

A brief history of microbiology. The position of the microorganisms in the living world. Methods for studying microorganisms. Bacteria (prokaryotes). The shape and structure of bacteria. Growth and reproduction of bacteria ways. Classification of bacteria. Viruses and phages. The shape and structure of cells viruses. Growth of virus multiplication and methods. Classification of viruses. Fungi. General characteristics of fungi. The structure of the fungal cells. Methods of reproduction of fungi. Classification of fungi. Yeast. The shape and structure of the yeast cell. Reproduction of yeast. The main representatives of yeast. Production of yeast.

Theme 3. Biopolymers. Synthesis of biopolymers. Carbohydrates are food molecules of the cell. Lipids are components of the cell membranes. Nucleotides are subunits of DNA and RNA.

Nucleotides. Nucleic acids, Chemical structure of DNA. Chemical structure of RNA. Comparison of DNA and RNA. The Central Dogma: from DNA to RNA to Protein.

Metabolism and interchange of chemical compounds in human organism. Enzymes. Active sites. Enzyme Parts List. Classification of enzymes. Practical utility of enzymes.

Digestive tract enzymes. Major digestive tract enzymes. Pancreatic and intestinal juice. Water soluble vitamins. Fat soluble vitamins. Classification of vitamins and similar to vitamins compounds. Deficiency of vitamins and illnesses.

Theme 4. Physiology and biochemistry of microorganisms. The structure of microbial cells. Water, proteins, and lipids. Enzymes microorganisms. Terms and physiology of microbial growth.

Theme 5. Proteins as polymers of amino acids. Chemical properties of amino acids. Physico chemical properties of amino acids. Levels organization of proteins. Biuret reaction. Denaturation (denativation) and renaturation (renativation) of proteins.

Theme 6. Sanitary and microbiological studies of the environment. Microbiology of soil, water and air. Sanitary assessment of soil, water and air.

Theme 7. Carbohydrates. Monosaccharides (glucose, mannose and fructose). Disaccharides (maltose, sucrose and lactose). Olygosaccharides and polysaccharides. Starch. Structure of amylase and amylopectin. Lipids. Saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. Properties of lipids. Phospholipids.

Theme 8. Biochemical processes caused by microorganisms. Characteristics of the fermentation process. Fermentation in anaerobic conditions. Alcoholic fermentation. Lactic fermentation. Butyric acid fermentation.

Theme 9. General metabolism processes. Nutrition, metabolism and energy. Energy from Food. Hans Krebs cycle. Anabolic and Catabolic reactions. ATP and ADP.

Theme 10. Microbiology of grain products. Microbiology of flour. Qualitative and quantitative composition of the microflora of flour. Types of microbial spoilage of flour. Microbiology of bread.

Theme 11. Carbohydrates metabolism. Respiration. Cellular respiration. Basic process of photosynthesis.

Theme 12. Microbiology of sugary products. Microorganisms pests of sugar beet and sugar refining production. Microbiological control of sugar beet and sugar refining production. Microorganisms - pests manufacture of starch and starch products

Theme 13. Proteins metabolism. Digestion of proteins. Proteolytic degradation of dietary proteins. Nitrogen balance.

Theme 14. Microbiology of alcohol production. Microorganisms used in the production of alcohol. Microbiological processes occurring in the production of alcohol. Microbiological and sanitary control in the distillery.

Theme 15. Lipids metabolism. Lipid digestion and absorption. Fatty acid oxidation. Lipoproteins metabolism.

Theme 16. Microbiology of brewing and nonalcoholic production. Microorganisms - pests production. Microbiological and sanitary control of Beer and Beverage Industry.

Theme 17. Hormones. Functions of the Endocrine System. The Pituitary Gland. The Thyroid gland. The Adrenal Glands. The Gonads. Balanced diet. Dietotherapy.

Theme 18. Microbiology of winemaking. Microorganisms of grapes, berries, fruit, must and wine. The microorganisms used in the production of wine. Microorganisms that cause diseases of wine. Microbiological and hygienic control of wine production


Tentative list of theme laboratory classes

1. Chemistry of proteins. Qualitative colored reactions for proteins and amino acids.

2. Chemistry of proteins. Physical chemical properties of proteins.

3. Chemistry of proteins. Identification of protein isoelectric point. Dialysis of proteins.

4. Lipids (part1)

5. Lipids (part2)

6. Monosaccharides (part1)

7. Monosaccharides (part2)

8. Vitamins (part1)

9. Vitamins (part2)

10. Enzymes

11. Sugar

12. Starch

13. Investigation of milk

14. Extraction casein from milk

15. Investigation of nucleic acids compound

16. Microbiological laboratories. Device of Microscope.

17. Methods of sterilization of laboratory utensils and culture mediums.

18. Microbiological culture medium. Methods of microorganisms cultivation

19. Natural culture mediums

20. Method of preparation, fixation and coloring of smears. Gram’s stain method.

21. Microbiologacal control of industrial yeasts quality.

22. Method of objects preparing "crushed" and "hanging" drops.

23. Lactic acid fermentation.

24. Butyric fermentation

25. Qualitative account of bacteria in researched water. Determination of coli titer in water

26. Microbiological analysis of air

27. Microflora of meat

28. Microbiology of grain products.

29. Microbiology of sugary production

30. Sanitary- microbiological research of food products.

31. Microbiology of alcoholic production.

32. Microbiology of brewing production.


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