bt | [t] | debt, doubt, subtle. | |
ch (tch) | [t∫] | chess, catch, fetch, such, speech, each, bench, match, chap. | |
sh | [∫] | shoot, show, shake, sharp, sheep, ship, clash, wash, fish. | |
ck | [k] | back, lack, neck, kick, cock, stick, lock, stock, Nick. | |
ght | [t] | light, right, night, fight, knight. | |
kn | [n] | know, knife, knit, knowledge. | |
ph | [f] | photo, philosophy, physics. | |
qu | [kw] | queen, question, quarter. | |
ng | [ŋ] | long, song, young, king, bring, thing, being, wing, doing. | |
ng + l, r,w | [ŋg] | English, England, angry, hungry, single. | |
nk | [ŋk] | thank, think, conquer, uncle, links, tank, frankly. | |
th | [ð ] | other, mother, father, rather, this, that, bathe, with, gather, thus, then, they, breathe, weather, further, lathe, those. | |
wh | ![]() | [w] | which, when, what, where, why, whip, white, wheat. |
[h] | who, whose, whom, whole. | ||
wr | [r] | write, wrap, wreck, wrist, wretch, wrench, wreak. | |
w + or | [wә:] | work, worker, word, worse, worst, world, worth [Ө]. | |
w(h) + a | [o] | was, what, want, watch, swamp, swan, wander, wash. | |
ture | [t∫] | lecture, picture, pasture, feature, future. | |
![]() | [∫n] | nation, station, national, mention, fiction, solution. | |
ssion | sesion, com´mission, dis´cussion, ex´pression. | ||
гласн. + sion | [ʒn] | in´vasion, oc´casion, ex´plosion, con´clusion, col´lision, il´lusion, di´vision, de´cision, pro´vision, con´fusion. | |
гласн. + sure | [ʒ] | measure, pleasure, treasure, com´posure, en´closure. |
Прочитайте слова, обращая внимание на правила чтения.
Shy, whale, fetch, sixth, back, quite, wheat, whose, ring, wrist, whether, them, chick, faith, bank, singing, which, speech, stitch, wrong, theme, thing, whole, wheat, sheep, when, whose, catch, whim, tank, quickly, lack, fifth, wrong, fish, shame, quiz, lynch, bring, stick, drink, gang, sick, width, worship, Russian, o`ppression.
Запомните следующие слова и словосочетания, используйте их в вашей речи.
Introducing/Meeting people. | Представление и знакомство. |
May I ask your name? | Могу я узнать Ваше имя? |
What is your name? | Как Вас зовут? |
Pleased to meet you | Приятно познакомиться. |
Nice to meet you too. | Мне тоже приятно познакомиться |
Allow me to introduce you to | Разрешите познакомить Вас с… |
I’d like to introduce you to | Я хотел бы познакомить Вас с… |
Please, itroduce me to... | Пожалуйста, представьте меня …. |
Let me introduce myself. | Разрешите представиться |
This is a pleasure, Mr./Mrs… | Очень приятно. |
Glad/pleased/nice to meet you | Рад с Вами познакомиться. |
Delighted to meet you. | Счастлив с Вами познакомиться. |
Your face seems familiar to me | Ваше лицо мне знакомо. |
Your name sounds familiar | Я о Вас слышал. |
I fancy I’ve met you before (I have a feeling we’ve met before) | Мне кажется, что мы уже где-то встречались |
Have we met before? | Мы встречались раньше? |
Haven’t we met before? | Мы раньше не встречались? |
Where are you from? | Вы откуда? |
Where do you live? | Где Вы живёте? |
What are you? | Кто Вы? Чем Вы занимаетесь? |
What are your hobbies? | Какое у вас хобби? |
Do you work or study? | Вы работаете или учитесь? |
What year are you in? | На каком курсе Вы учитесь? |
I. Вы ведете разговор с незнакомцем. Постарайтесь ответить на реплики, используя слова и выражения уроков.
Stranger: Hi! My name is Jane. What’s yours?
You: ……………………………………...
Jane: You aren’t from Belgorod, are you?
You: ……………………………………..
Jane: Where exactly do you come from?
You: ……………………………………..
Jane: Oh, yes. I am living at the hostel at the moment. What about you?
You: ……………………………………..
Jane: How do you like studying, by the way?
You: ……………………………………..
Jane: What subjects do you have?
You: ……………………………………...
Jane: Interesting. Look, how about coming to our conference tomorrow? Here’s the newsletter.
You: ………………………………………..
Jane: It was nice to meet you.
You: ……………………………………..
II. Прочитайте и воспроизведите диалог.
A Family Album
– Look at our family album!
– With pleasure.
– Here it is.
– Who are these people?
– They are our grandparents. This man and this woman are my parents. These are my mother-in-law and my father-in-law.
– I see. Your father is very handsome. Your mother is very young and beautiful in this picture. And who is in this picture? Is he your son?
– No, he isn’t. He is my nephew. And this is my daughter.
– Oh, such a nice girl! How old is she?
– She’s seven. She is at school.
– What a lovely face! Who’s that?
– That’s my wife’s cousin. She is a student.
– This is a very old photograph… Who’s this funny little baby? A boy, isn’t it?
– Yes, and a very big boy now.
– Oh! It’s not you, is it?
– But it is!