Тихомирова Г.И.
Английский для магистрантов
Учебно-методическое пособие
Новосибирск 2011
От составителя
Данное учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для магистрантов 1-2 курсов, обучающихся по экономическим специальностям.
How to Work with Information
Переведите данные слова и словосочетания на русский язык:
To source from, to publish, to issue, to inform, to give/provide the information about, to announce sth., to dwell upon, to speculate about, to draw readers’ attention to the fact that…, to point to the fact that, to point out, to underline, to emphasize, to highlight sth., to argue, to take a stance, to have a point, to pose a question, to support, to oppose, to be/protest against against, to claim for, to result in, to view sth. as sth., to come across, to find out, to conclude.
1. Переведите предложения на английский язык. Выпишите фразы, которые будут полезными при анализе прочитанной информации – книги, статьи и т.д. Например: “ the article published yesterday in the pages of “the Times Style Magazine” или “statement issued by the Spanish representative”:
1. Я прочитал несколько статей в журнале «Экономист».
2. Ты читал вчерашнюю статью в «the Times Style Magazine»?
3. Я не читал этой статьи! А что в ней?
4. Прочитав данную статью, я узнал один интересный факт.
5. Не прочитав книгу до конца, ты не узнаешь самого главного.
6. В статье под заголовком «Новые тенденции» автор знакомит читателей с новыми направлениями в бизнесе.
7. Мне попались две короткие статьи под одинаковыми заголовками.
8. Заголовок статьи, напечатанный жирным шрифтом, сразу бросался в глаза.
9. Два слова в заголовке были напечатаны курсивом.
10. Последняя строка доклада была выделена красным.
11. Под машинописным текстом стояла подпись, сделанная от руки.
12. В своем произведении писатель рассуждает о роли интеллигенции в жизни общества.
13. В первой главе книги автор знакомит читателя с повседневной жизнью сельских жителей.
14. Во втором параграфе я натолкнулась на заявление о возможном слиянии, сделанное испанским представителем.
15. Вступление звучало так: «Это – не руководство к действию, а всего лишь дружеский совет!»
16. Основное текст письма было посвящен организационным вопросам.
17. В конце первой главы автор еще раз обращает наше внимание на сложный характер главного действующего лица.
18. Сторонники радикальных мер организовали митинг перед зданием горсовета.
19. Противники данного подхода, однако, не отрицали его эффективности в других обстоятельствах.
20. Профсоюзы объявили об очередной акции протеста, которая запланирована на 1 июля.
21. Я хочу обратить ваше внимание на то, что сказал господин Вудс в начале нашей встречи.
22. У нашего зарубежного партнера были свои соображения по данному вопросу.
23. Чтобы привлечь наше внимание к данной проблеме, докладчик подготовил много видеоматериалов.
24. Позвольте мне указать вам на некоторые серьезные ошибки!
25. Все восприняли данное заявление как шутку.
26. Я не мог не отметить блестящую речь выступающего.
27. Начальник отдела кадров доложил руководству о двух открывшихся вакансиях.
28. Заместитель директора фирмы должен нести полную ответственность за данное решение.
29. Председатель совета директоров решил уйти с поста.
30. На собрании акционеров присутствовали все, кроме госпожи Робертс.
2. Проанализируйте несколько сообщений из прессы сначала на русском, затем на английском языках, используя выражения из упр.1. Сообщите об источнике информации, выделите основные идеи, сообщите некоторые подробности:
A. London Economics International (LEI)
We are a global economic, financial, and strategic advisory professional services firm specializing in energy, water, and infrastructure. The firm combines detailed understanding of specific network and commodity industries, such as electricity generation and distribution, with sophisticated analysis and a suite of proprietary quantitative models to produce reliable and comprehensible results.
The firm has advised private sector clients, market institutions, and governments on privatization, asset valuation, deregulation, tariff design, market power, and strategy in virtually all deregulated markets worldwide.
For structurally weak regions in England will create 21 of the ministers called Enterprise Zones. In this environment, building and labor will be relaxed in order to promote the regional economy. The high youth unemployment, he wants to cut the German model. In the next four years to 250,000 additional training places to be created. In Germany taking a one in four companies, only one in ten in England. “This must change.”
B. Economics NewsPaper.com: The greatest gift to his constituents Osborne picked up at the very end. In recent months the British had protested repeatedly against the skyrocketing fuel prices. Osborne missed a set up by the previous government’s plan after the gasoline tax increase with inflation, planned instead to increase the levy as they fell on Wednesday with immediate effect by a penny per liter. The additional revenue would bring in the State two billion pounds (2.3 billion Euros) through higher taxes. “The oil price has risen over the past five months by 35 percent,” said Osborne. Oil companies made unexpectedly high profit, they should now share with the citizens…
C. The Telegraph: The Royal Family
Royal tour: Prince William's luck runs out in street hockey
Having beaten his wife in a dragon boat race, the Duke of Cambridge clearly felt he was on a winning streak when he decided to take penalties in a game of street hockey yesterday. Children welcome the royal couple to Yellowknife
By Gordon Rayner, Chief Reporter in Yellowknife
12:13 a.m. BST 06 Jul 2011
But the Duke’s luck ran out when he faced 6ft 3in goal-minder Calvin Lomen, as he failed to hit the target with any of his three shots.
Prince William joined teenagers playing street hockey, or “shinny” in Yellowknife, the capital of Canada’s vast Northwest Territories. After he and his wife were presented with red Canada ice hockey tops with “Cambridge” and the numbers 1 (for the Duchess, naturally) and 2 for the Duke, he joked with 20-year-old Mr Lomen: “You realise you’ve got to let one in!” Then he tried to outfox the goalie by telling him “top left corner” before going for the right, but all three shots were either saved or went wide. The Duchess, meanwhile, said: “I would have taken a shot if I wasn’t wearing high heels,” as she restarted the game by dropping the ball for a face-off.
The Royal couple was experiencing the sights, sounds and traditions of Canada’s native peoples after arriving in Yellowknife on the sixth day of their tour of the Commonwealth realm.
Around half of the region’s population of less than 44,000 has Aboriginal heritage, and members of the Inuktitut and Chipewyan tribes were among those who welcomed the Royal couple to the regional capital. Drummers performed on caribou-skin drums, joined by dancers from the Inuvialuit tribe.
Then teenagers demonstrated Arctic sports including the “Alaskan high kick”, which involves balancing on one hand and kicking a target. The Duke did not fancy his chances at the high kicking, but he did try the street hockey in a break in the game at the Somba K’e civic plaza overlooking Frame Lake. The Duchess, wearing a cream linen dress by Malene Birger, a Danish high street designer, told a player: “I’m not used to the cameras, there are so many!”
The regional government presented the Duchess with a platinum and diamond pave brooch in the shape of the region’s official polar bear logo, made from 4.5 carats of diamonds mined locally at the Diavik mine. The Duke was given a pair of cufflinks to the same design.
Later the couple was due to take a float plane to a Ranger station at Blatchford Lake Lodge, a remote outpost used for surveillance patrols. The couple will fly to Slave Lake in Alberta today to meet rescue workers who fought wildfires that devastated the area last month.
Ответьте на вопросы, используя информацию из упр. 2.
1. What’s LEI specializing in?
2. Is LEI a manufacturing company?
3. What’s LEI aimed at?
4. Against what have the British protested recently?
5. How have oil companies managed to make high profit over the past five months?
6. Why did the Royal couple find themselves in Yellowknife?
7. Did Duke and Duchess of Cambridge enjoy playing street hockey with local teenagers?
8. What is the couple’s purpose to visit Slave Lake in Alberta?