


Другие языки
Охрана труда





I. Observe the position of the lips and the tongue for the sound [εə]. Read the

Words in the columns. Make the glide very smooth. Pay attention to the

Positional length of [ε].

air airs [ı ə - εə ]ear - air

bear bears beer - bear

hare hares pier - pear

share shares hear - hair

pear pears tear - tear

chair chairs mere - mare

their theirs dear - dare

II. Read the sentences. Follow the tonetic marks.

1. There! There! Успокойтесь!


2. I dare swear. Могу поклясться.


3. What’s the air – fare? Сколько стоит билет на самолет?


4. It’s late to tear your hair. После драки кулаками не машут.


5. It’s their fair share. Это им полагается по праву.


6. Blair’s one of the fair-haired boys there. Блер там всеобщий любимец.


7. It’s unbearable how Clare gives herself airs. Невыносимо видеть, как Клер


8. The square was carefully prepared for Площадь была тщательно

the parade. подготовлена для парада.


III. Match the following English idioms, proverbs and sayings with their Russian

equivalents. Make up situations to illustrate their usage.

1. Neither here, nor there. a. в ремонте

2.Take care of the minutes and the b. полагаю

hours will take care of themselves.

3. wear two hats c. обмениваться впечатлениями

4. fair and square d. Минута час бережет.

5. I daresay e. справедливый, прямой

6. bear-garden f. «испариться», улизнуть

7. compare notes g. Ни к селу, ни к городу.

8. under repair h. работать по совместительству

9. make oneself scarce i. шумное сборище, «базар».

IV. Observe the correct pronunciation of the rhythmic groups and the diphthong


'That’s 'rare `pair.| 'That’s 'rare 'pair for `Mary. | 'That’s 'rare 'pair for 'Mary to `wear.| 'That’s 'rare 'pair for 'Mary to 'wear every day. ||

V. Pronounce the tongue twister in the quickest possible way. Observe the correct

articulation of [εə].

I cannot bear to see a bear

Bear down upon a hare.

When bare of hair he strips the hare,

Right there I cry, “Forbear!”

Section 3

I. Test. Tick the words you recognize in the sentences you hear:

1. a) cheers; b) chairs

2. a) beer; b) bear

3. a) pier; b) pear

4. a) here; b) hair

5. a) dear; b) dare

6. a) clear; b) Claire

II. Listen to the dialogue and learn it by heart.

A Pair of Hairbrushes

Mary: I’ve lost two small hairbrushes, Claire. They’re a pair.

Claire: Have you looked carefully everywhere?

Mary: Yes. They’re nowhere here.

Claire: Have you looked upstairs?

Mary: Yes. I’ve looked everywhere: upstairs and downstairs. They aren’t


Claire: Hm! Are they square, Mary?

Mary: Yes. They’re square hairbrushes. Have you seen them anywhere?

Claire: Well, you’re wearing one of them in your hair!

Mary: Oh! Then where’s the other one?

Claire: It’s over there under the chair.

Review questions and tasks.

1. How are adverbial phrases pronounced in sentence initial and final positions?

2. What are possible ways of saying intonation groups when enumerating something?

3. How does the position in a sentence influence the intonation of direct address? Give examples and use them in conversational contexts.

4. Describe the peculiarities of uttering the author’s words. Pick out some examples from fiction. Read them aloud.


Unit 19

Section 1

Read the text below. Observe the tonetic marks.

Ad'vantages of Pho,netics

The 'first and 'most `evident ad vantage of pho netics is the 'inde pendence it gives us. In the 'first place, it 'makes us inde'pendent of 'residence a broad. 'Even if the 'learner in'tends to `go to the country where the 'language is spo­ken, it is a 'great ad vantage to him to start with a 'thor­ough 'practical 'knowledge of the `sounds in 'which he is to practise him self.

ˇSecondly, pho'netics 'makes us 'inde pendent of 'native teachers. It is `certain that a pho'netically 'trained English­man who has a 'clear knowledge of the re'lations between 'French and 'English sounds can teach 'French sounds to

English people better than an 'unphonetic Frenchman — still more,

an 'unphonetic Belgian, Swiss, or Pole — who is un'able to com'municate his

pro nunci'ation to his pupils, and per'haps 'speaks a vulgar or dia`lectal form

of French him`self.

A gain, pho'netics e'nables an in'telligent adult to get a 'sound ele'mentary

knowledge of the 'sounds of a 'foreign language wi'thout `any help from

out`side — 'that is, if he has an 'adequate pho'netic a nalysis and trans cription to

work with.

But the `gain of a pho netic grasp of a language ex tends 'far be`yond such

special con.side rations. A se'cure 'grasp of the 'sounds of a language is a 'great

strengthening of the mastery of its 'forms and meanings. A mi'nute discrimi nation of 'similar sounds in closely `allied lan­guages is the 'surest safeguard against 'otherwise i'nevitable con fusions.

Hence also the `literary and aes`thetic use of pho netics. Pho'netics a.lone can 'breathe life into the 'dead 'mass of letters which 'constitute a 'written

language, it a`lone can bring the 'rustic 'dialogues of our novels before 'every in­'telligent reader as 'living re alities, and 'make us realize the 'living power and

beauty of the 'ancient 'classical lan­guages in 'prose and verse.

Pho'netics is 'not merely an 'indirect strengthener of gram'matical associ ations, it is an es'sential 'part of 'gram­mar it self.

A 'knowledge of `sentence- stress and into`nation is 'not only an es'sential 'part of elo`cution and cor'rect pronunci`ation, but is 'also an 'integral part of the

syntax of many languages.

In short, there is 'no branch of the 'study of language which can af fordto dis pense with pho netics.

(Henry Sweet. The Sounds of English.. 1908)

Section 2

[ uə ]

(the nucleus is back-advanced, close (broad variant), slightly rounded)

I. Observe the position of the lips and the tongue for the sound [uə]. Read the

words in the columns. Make the glide very smooth. Pay attention to the

positional length of [uə].


tour tours [u:- uə] too - tour

sure surely shoe - sure

poor poorly pooh - poor

moor moors moo - moor

bewer brewers brew - brewer

boor boors boo - boor

II. Read the sentences. Follow the tonetic marks.


1. Well, I’m sure. Ну, знаете!


2. For sure. Безусловно.


3. It’s a usual cure for a cold. Это обычное лечение при простуде.


4. Curiosity is incurable. Любопытство неизлечимо.


5. Not all the tourists will endure to Все туристы до конца, конечно,

the end, surely. не выдержат.


6. The truer my friends the surer I feel. Чем надёжнее у меня друзья, тем

увереннее я себя чувствую.

7. Do you feel secure about your fuel? А у вас хватит горючего?


8. I’ll surely speak more fluently after Конечно же, я буду говорить более

a tour to Europe. бегло после поездки в Европу.



III. Observe the correct pronunciation of the rhythmic groups and [u∂].

I’m 'sure that 'Muriel will be `cured. | I’m 'sure that 'poor 'Muriel will 'soon be `cured.| I’m 'sure that 'poor 'Muriel 'injured at the 'tournament will 'soon be `cured.||


IV. Match the following English idioms, proverbs and sayings with their Russian

equivalents. Make up situations to illustrate their usage.

1.What can’t be cured must be endured. a. быть скучным собеседником

2. Curiosity killed the cat. b. любопытство до добра не


3. a poor company c. приходится мириться с тем,

чего нельзя исправить




1. Практическая фонетика английского языка: Учеб. для фак. англ. яз. пед. ин-тов / Соколова М.А., Гинтовт К.П., Кантер П.А., Крылова Н.И., Тихонова И.О., Шабадаш Г.А. - М.: Гуманит. изд. центр ВЛАДОС, 2001. – 384 с.

2. Меркулова Е.М. Английский язык для студентов университетов. Введение в курс фонетики. – СПб.: Союз, 2000. – 144 с.

3. Crystal, David. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language – Cambridge University Press, 2001. – 489 c.

4. Baker, Ann. Ship or Sheep? An intermediate pronunciation course. – Cambridge University Press, 1999 (аудиокурс - 3 кассеты).

5. Кунин А.В. Большой англо-русский фразеологический словарь. – М.: Живой язык, 1998.

6. Фонетика английского языка. Нормативный курс. / Васильев В.А., Катанская А.Р., Лукина Н.Д., Маслова Л.П., Торсуева Е.И. – М.: Высш. Школа, 1980. – 250 с.

7. Антипова Е.Я., Каневская С.Л., Пигулевская Г.А. Пособие по английской интонации. – М.: Просвещение, 1985. – 224 с.

8. Лебединская Б.Я. Фонетический практикум по английскому языку. – М.: Международные отношения, 1978. – 176 с.

9. Теоретическая фонетика английского языка. Учебник для фак. англ. яз./ Соколова М.А., Гинтовт К.П., Тихонова И.С., Тихонова Р.М. – М.: ВЛАДОС, 1996 – 286 с.



Методические указания

к практическим занятиям по дисциплине «Практическая фонетика»

для студентов специальностей 022900 «Перевод и переводоведение»,

023000 «Теория и практика межкультурной коммуникации»

(Часть II)


Составитель: Гончарова Н.Л.



Подписано в печать

Формат Усл.п.л.__. Усл. изд.л. __

Бумага офсетная. Тираж 50. Заказ №

355029, г. Ставрополь, пр. Кулакова,2

Типография Северо – Кавказского государственного технического университета


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