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04 2014

tour [tuə], poor [puə]
: o + w: how [hau], down [daun] - (. ) o + u: round [raund], pout [paut] : [əu]
o : stone [stəun], lonely [´l əunli] o + w ( ): blow [bləu], crow [krəu] - (. ) ou: soul [səul], foul [fəul] oa+ : coach [kəut∫], toad [təud] old ( ): cold [kəuld], gold [gəuld]. : -: both [bəuθ]; [au]


Diphthongs - () - , . "" , . , , . , .
Phonetic Symbol Rules and examples
: a : game [geim], pale [peil] ai : pain [pein], rail [reil] ay ( ): pray [prei], hay [hei] ey (, ) : grey [grei], survey [´sε:vei] : [i:]: key [ki:]
: i : fine [fain], price [prais] ie : pie [pai], die [dai] y : rhyme [raim], syce [sais] : my [mai], cry [krai] ye : dye [dai], rye [rai]
: oi ( ) - poison [´poizən], noise [noiz] oy ( ) - boy [boi], alloy [´æloi]
    : ea + r: hear [hiə], near [niə] e + r + e: here [hiə], sere [siə] ee + r: deer [diə], peer [piə] : , [ε:] - dearth [dε:θ]. - beard [biəd] : i + r + e: fire [faiə], hire [haiə] y + r + e: tyre [taiə], pyre [paiə]    
: a + r + e: dare [deə], flare [fleə] ai + r: hair [heə], fair [feə]

, : , - .

( - , )?



1. ( , : night [naɪt] daughter ['dɔ:tə] stomach ['stʌmək]). , , .

2. . , :

['kɔntent] ,
[kən'tent] ,

[kəm'pækt] ;
['kɔmpækt] ; ( )

3. , ( ), , .

4. , , , . , .

5. . , , : .

: game, like, stone - , .

: pen, cat, bus - .



tion [∫ən]: celebration [´seli´brei∫n], tuition [tju:´i∫n] cious [∫əs]: delicious [di´li∫əs], vicious [´vi∫əs] cian [∫ən]: musician [mju:´zi∫ən], politician [poli´ti∫ən] , , sh: sheep [∫i:p], shoot [∫u:t]
usually, pleasure, beige
home, help, hat, here, happy, ham, hot
come, mummy, map, mouse, milk, swim
pen, no, name, night, neck, nut
+ ng: sing [siŋ], hungry [´hΛŋgri], wrong [wroŋ], hang [hæŋ] -
ball, table, lamp, look, live, old, last
read, rain, ride, rest, rock, rabbit
, , super [´su:pə]: u : mute [mju:t], huge [hju:d3] ew: few [fju:], lewd [lju:d] y + : yard [ja:d], young [ja:ŋ]
week, well, twelve, what, where, why, wall, want /



Consonants -
Phonetic Symbol Examples -
lamp, puppy, plate, pupil, pen
board, club, big, back, bad, bus
city, letter, ten, table, two, toast, tree
hand, date, do, word, idea, dish
week, speak, kid, cry, quarter
go, game, dog, grape, gold, goose
: ch: chair [t∫eə], child [t∫aild] t + ure: creature [´kri:t∫ə], future [´fju:t∫ə]
gin, page, job, joke, jungle
life, knife, phone, photo
five, very, vase, visit, violet
th. , ( ), [ð]: without [wi´ðaut] , , [θ]: thanks [θænks], faith [feiθ] () ()
glass, test, ice, city, son, seven
zoo, size, rose, news, rose
, ( ):
Phonetic Symbol Rules and examples
: e + e (): meet [mi:t], deep [di:p]; e : tree [tri:], Steve [sti:v]; e + a: meat [mi:t], beam [bi:m] : (ea) [e] ()
i : hit [hit], kill [kil] y : gym [d3im], cylinder [´silində] : [ai]
a : flag [flæg], married [´mærid]
: a + r: dark [da:k], farm [fa:m] (. ) a : last [la:st], father [fa:ðə] - , .. a [æ] cat [kæt]; + alm : palm [pa:m], calm [ka:m] : a + r [o:] warm [wo:m]; : salmon [sæmən] ()
: o + r: corn [ko:n], fortress [´fo:trəs], more [mo:] a + u: fauna [´fo:nə], taunt [to:nt]; , , aunt ( w) + a + w: dawn [do:n], hawk [ho:k]. a + ll: tall [to:l], small [smo:l] a + ld (lk) : ()
bald [bo:ld], talk[to:k] , ou + r, : pour [po:], mourn [mo:n]. ()
put, foot, could, butcher, woman
, . . , . . : o+o: foot [fut], boot [bu:t], took [tuk], moon [mu:n] pu : put [put], push [pu∫] ( p) - (. ) ou + : could [ku:d], wound [wu:nd] ( ). r + u+ + : prune [pru:n], rumour [ru:mə] : u [Λ]: cut [kΛt], plus [plΛs], punch [pΛnt∫] ()
u : dust [dΛst], Sunday [´sΛndei]. : ouble: double [dΛbl], trouble [trΛbl] ove: glove [glΛv], dove [dΛv] : : move [mu:v], flood [flΛd], blood [blΛd]
: i /e /u + r ( ): skirt [skε:t], person [pε:sən] turn [tε:n], burst [bε:st] - (. ( )


) ea + r: pearl [pε:l], learn [lε:n] : o + r w : word [wε:d], work [wε:k] ( )
\ : famous [feiməs], computer [kəmpju:tə]
e : get [get], vet [vet] ea: dead [ded], pleasure [´ple3ə] : [i:]
o : pot [pot], lottery [´lotəri], a w: wasp [wosp], swan [swon]



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