The pupil … an interesting book.
A)was reading B)is reading C)has reading D)to be reading E)are reading 15.Синонимом слова «common» является:
A)good B)special C)particular D)definite E)general
Test 5
1. Выберите слово с III типом слога:
A) Barn B) Base C) Cat D) Same E) Clare
2. Выберите правильно написанное слово:
A) Brakfast B) Brekfast C) Breakvast D) Breakfast E) Breakfact
Слово interesting сочетается с
A) water B) path C) house D) street E) TV programme
4. Выберите фразовый глагол со значением «присматривать»:
A) Look at B) Look for C) Look through D) Look after E) Look with
Найдите лишнее слово в данном тематическом ряду.
A) street B) sum C) buildings D) house E) city
6. Образуйте прилагательное с противоположным значением слова “happy”:
A) Ilhappy B) Inhappy C) Imhappy D) Dishappy E) Unhappy
7. Определите часть речи данного слова: “perfectly”
A) Глагол В) Наречие С) Существительное D) Прилагательное Е) Причастие
8. Выберите сложное слово:
A) Development B) Socialist C) Employment D) Straighten E) Greenhouse
9. Выберите правильный вариант. В феврале 29 дней.
A) February has twenty-nine days. B) February has the twenty nine days. C) February has twenty nine day. D) February has twenty of nine day. E) February has the twenty ninth days.
Выберите правильный вариант вспомогательного глагола.
You had some time yesterday, …?
A) did you B) had you C) don’t you D) do you E) didn’t you
11. Синонимом слова “journey” является:
A) Trip B) Pie C) Reason D) Change E) Call
12. “Nobody” является антонимом слова:
A) Anybody B) Everything C) Every time D) Anything E) Everybody
13. Артикль указывает на конкретный смысл существительного в предложении:
A) Give me a book to read tonight. B) Do you like books? C) I read a book all day long yesterday. D) I like books. E) How did you like the book?
14. Выберите правильный вариант. John lives in flat ….
A) fortieth B) the fortieth C) forth D) fourty E) forty
15. Степени сравнения образуются отлично от других у прилагательного:
A) Sad B) Little C) Smart D) Happy E) Large
Test 6
1. Найдите порядковое числительное:
A) Twelvth B) Twelfth C) Twelve D) Twelveth E) Twenty
2. Закончите предложение: The shortest word in this group is...
A) July B) February C) May D) July E) April
Выберите правильный вариант местоимения.
That butterfly looks like a flower. Aren’t... wings wonderful?
A) her B) other C) its D) their E) ours
4. Выберите предложение с правильным указательным местоимением:
A) These big black box is rather new. B) This big black box is rather new.
C) That big black boxes are rather new. D) These big black box are rather new. E) Those big black box is rather new.
5. Выберите правильный общий вопрос к предложению:
There wasn’t anything in the bag.
A) What there something in the bag? B) Was there something in the bag? C) Was there anything in the bag? D) There was nothing in the bag, wasn’t there? E) There wasn’t anything in the bag, wasn’t it?
6. Вставьте нужное слово. Where do... live?
A) oxes B) oxens C) oxs D) oxen E) ox
7. Выберите правильную форму глагола “to be”.
I... in the 8 form three years ago.
A) was B) were C)am D) are E) is
8.Выберите глагол в форме Present Indefinite:
A) Taughted B) Teaching C) Teached D) Teaches E) Taught
9. Поставьте глагол в предложении в Past Continuous Tense:
The children (to sleep) when their parents came home.
A) was sleeping B) were sleep C) was sleep D) were sleeping E) were to sleeping
10. Выберите правильную форму глагола в страдательном залоге:
How many buildings (to build) in your city every year?
A) Are built B) Has been built C) Were build D) Will be build E) Have build
11. Выделенное слово является существительным в предложении:
A) He stands at the window every evening. B) Why are you standing here? C) The stand with many books is in the corner of the room. D) Stand up, please. E) The computer for children stands in the room.
12. Выберите правильный вариант фразового глагола «to give”:
The mother...... and let the boy watch TV.
A) gave up B) gave out C) gave away D) gave back E) gave in
Выберите правильный вариант ответа или вопроса в диалоге.
- I’ve got an awful toothache.
- Open your mouth, please. I can see it. The tooth looks very bad.
-.... Well, I’m frightened.
A) Nonsense. B) I’m very happy. C) Can you pull it out? D) Can you examine it out? E) Can you show it out?
14. Закончите пословицу: As you make your bed...
A)... by halves. B)... than to go astray. C)... three minutes behind. D)... so you must lie on it. E)... too late to learn.
15. Укажите предложение, где глагол “to be” является модальным:
A) She was sixteen last year. B) She was at the cinema. C) Mother is at home.
D) What are you doing? E) The delegation is to come on Monday.
Test 7