The topic of visual arts is vast and a rough outline of different forms of these arts is presented above. Many other art forms like literature and performing arts are, however, not included. The brief account of different types of art presented above should help readers gain a better understand- ing of them.
type of art | Words that go with it | Material |
4. Listening and writing
Listen to the text and write down the types of art that are mentioned there. (See Lesson 60)
5. summary
What art form do you like best?
6. Homework
Write a short paragraph about your favourite type of art.
Lesson 60
Цілі: вдосконалювати лексичні навички й навички вимови; вдосконалювати навички аудіювання, читання й усного мовлення; розвивати логічне мислен- ня; виховувати правильне ставлення до мистецтва, а також загальну культу- ру учнів.
1. Warm-up
Match some types of art and their definitions.
1) Abstract art | a) looks like a seen subject. |
2) Conceptual art | b) looks like something, represents something even if it is not realistic |
3) Representational art | c) means it is non representational, it does not look like anything, it does not represent anything seen. It may cause the viewer to think of ideas but it does not copy the seen world or contain images |
4) Realistic art | d) Looks as though it is from nature. Natural in pose, gesture, setting and imagery |
5) Naturalistic art | e) means art where the idea or concept is more im- portant than the seen image. It uses elements to suggest deeper thoughts to trigger thoughts in the viewer rather than appreciation of skilled imagery |
Key: 1 c, 2 e, 3 b, 4 a, 5 d.
2. speaking
Do ex. 6, p. 169.
3. speaking
Do ex. 7, p. 169.
4. Reading and speaking
Do ex. 8, p. 169.
5. Writing
Do ex. 9, p. 170.
6. Reading
Do ex. 1, p. 171.
7. Vocabulary practice
Write down the following words into the proper columns.
People | arts and crafts | artistic Events | Inside the theater | Places | Verbs |
1) actor, 2) cast, 3) composer, 4) conductor, 5) painting, 6) aisle, 7) box,
8) circle, 9) curtain, 10) film, 11) play, 12) playwright, 13) producer,
14) saxophonist, 15) sculptor, 16) violinist, 17) applaud, 18) boo, 19) paint-
er, 20) pianist, 21) exhibition center, 22) museum, 23) conduct, 24) play (a part), 25) row, 26) screen, 27) scenery, 28) set, 29) carving, 30) draw-
ing, 31) exhibit, 32) perform, 33) dancer, 34) knitting, 35) singer, 36) vo-
calist, 37) opera house, 38) stadium, 39) theater, 40) stalls, 41) wings,
42) orchestra pit, 43) speaker, 44) stage, 45) actress, 46) artist, 47) bal- lerina, 48) exhibition, 49) opera, 50) footlight, 51) gallery, 52) lighting,
53) microphone, 54) workshop, 55) musician, 56) orchestra, 57) audience,
58) backing group, 59) director, 60) drummer, 61) art gallery, 62) cinema,
63) concert hall, 64) choreographer, 65) pottery, 66) sculpture, 67) sewing,
68) guitarist (lead / bass), 69) magician, 70) ballet, 71) concert.
8. Reading
Do ex. 2, p. 171.
9. summary
Do ex. 3, p. 172.
10. Homework
Ex. 5, p. 172.
Text to ex. 4 Lesson 59
There are various types of art practiced by the people with extra talent. It is a common observation that people excelling in different kinds of art are supposed to be the gifted ones and their ability to put their thoughts through various art forms keeps them apart from the crowd. Passion and skill automatically come in mind with the art. Painting, writing, sculpting, acting and dancing are some of the popular types of art that are practiced by the people as hobby and profession as well.
All types of art have a wonderful history behind them. This history is actually the source that gives rise to present shape of art that we see today. Painting is one such art that dates back to the prehistoric times. Canvas used to be the walls of caves where people used to paint to communicate the hidden messages. Painting is much older than the discovery of languages. Some countries like China still use language that mostly consists of sign and shapes instead of words.
When the language came into existence, man started developing ma- nuscripts. Language became the mode to communicate thoughts. Writing books, poems and lectures are some of the ways to express thoughts. Writing is considered to be one of the most widespread methods to express thought. This belongs to the category of those types of art that are the prerogative of intellectuals. Again, writing needs talent and readers too. World is uni- maginable without books which are the product of a writer’s talent.
All types of art are incomplete without the audience. Art is a way to communicate and if the audience is not there, then that poses danger to the existence of art. Hence, art needs propagation to exist and flourish. All types of art need a platform. Exhibitions, cultural and dance shows, concerts and debates are some of the platforms that are helpful for artists to reach to the audience.
Lesson 61
PaInted or PaIntIng?
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички вживання the Participle і навички вимови; вдосконалювати навички аудіювання, читання й письма; розвивати культуру спілкування й мовленнєву реакцію учнів; виховувати зацікавленість у розши- ренні своїх знань.
1. Warm-up
Do ex. 4, p. 172.
2. speaking
Do ex. 10, p. 172.