- Well, what about sport? You look quite athletic …
- I used to be am obsessive¹ tennis player, but I gave it up when I broke my ankle last year.
- Oh, I really love tennis… Tom says I’m a natural. Shall we have a game sometimes?
- Well, I’m really rusty. I’ll have to get a bit of practice first.
- Don’t be silly. I’m only a novice. We’ll just have a friendly game.
- O.K. See you on Monday.
- O.K. Don’t forget to bring your racket. We’ll have a game after work.
¹ obsessive – чрезмерный
- Where's Helen now I wonder? I’ve been calling her for an hour but she isn’t at home.
- If she isn’t in, she is at the theatre then.
- Well, is she at theatre – goer like that?
- Yes, she’s crazy about theatre, you know. She never misses a new performance at our Yakub Kolas Drama Academic Theatre.
- And what’s on there tonight? Oh, yes, “Sleeping Beauty”, the first night.
- What on BBC-2 at 8 o’clock?
- As for as I can remember there’s a quiz programme.
- Would you mind if I watch it? I mustn’t miss that.
- No, I’ve been looking forward to it all evening myself. But then I want to see part two of the serial.
- O.K. we’ll switch over.
Section IV
The Students’ Life and Studies
I.Words and word combinations to be remembered:
1. to acquire | [¶k¢wai¶] | получать, приобретать |
2. approximately | [¶¢proksimitli] | приблизительно |
3. assignment | [¶¢sainm¶nt] | задание |
4. to attend | посещать (лекции и т.п.) | |
5. background | [`bækgraund] | подготовка, образование; задний план |
6. competition | [k¶mpi¢tiò¶n] | конкурс, конкуренция |
7. competitive | [k¶m¢petitiv] | конкурсный |
completion | [k¶m¢pli:ò¶n] | завершение, окончание |
8. construction site | строительная площадка | |
9. credit test | зачет | |
10. to make a decision | принимать решение | |
11. decision | решение | |
12. to earn | [¶:n] | зарабатывать |
13. to engage | [in¢geiG] | заниматься чем-либо |
to engage in practical training | проходить практику | |
14. to enjoy | [in¢joi] | пользоваться, наслаждаться |
to enjoy rights | пользоваться правами | |
15. equal | [`i:kw¶l] | равный, одинаковый |
16. to evaluate | [i¢væljueit] | оценивать |
17. to express | [iks¢pres] | выражать |
18. extent | степень | |
19. free of charge | бесплатный | |
20. to fulfill | выполнять | |
21. grants | стипендия | |
22. habit | привычка | |
23. to manage | справляться, мочь | |
24. to master | овладевать | |
25. to meet the require- ments | [ri¢kwaiments] | удовлетворять требования |
26. to obtain | [¶b¢tein] | получать, приобретать |
27. to participate in | [pa:¢tisipeit] | принимать участие |
28. to pass examinations | сдать экзамены | |
29. to prove | [pru:v] | доказывать, защищать |
30. recreation | [rekri`eiòn] | отдых, развлечение |
31. to relate | со/относить/ся, связывать | |
32. student identification card | [ai,dentifi`keiòn] | студенческий билет |
33. student’s record book | зачетная книжка | |
34. to submit | [s¶b¢mit] | представлять |
35. to take classes | учиться, изучать | |
36. term paper | курсовая работа | |
37. thoroughly | [`qLr¶li] | основательно, глубоко |
38. tuition | [tju:¢iòn] | обучение |
39. variety | [v¶¢rai¶ti] | разнообразие, эстрада |
various | [vε¶¢ri¶s] | различный, разносторонний |
40. works | предприятие, мастерские |
II.Practise the pronunciation of the international words and translate them.
Privilege [¢privilid ], basis [`beisis], course [kÉ:s], semester, system, physics[¢fiziks], mathematics, chemistry [¢kemistri], element, diploma [di¢plÉum¶], theory [`qi¶ri], concert, discotheque [¢diskÉutek], orchestra [¢okistr¶], ensemble [a:n¢sa:mbl], athletics [æq`letiks], construction [ken¢strLkòn], idea [ai¢di¶], budget [¢bLd it], general, basic [`beisik], final [`fain¶l], choreographic [kÉri¶¢græfik], vocal [`vÉuk¶l], experimental, analitically [æn¶¢litik¶li], regularly [¢regjul¶li], actively [¢æktivli].
III.Read and translate the following word groups:
Enter - entrance, require – requirement, participate – participation – participant, complete – completely – completion, relate – relation – relative – relatively – interrelate – interrelation, depend – dependence – independent, express – expression – expressive, success – successful – successfully, vary – various – variety, add – addition – additional, decide – decision – decisive.
IV.Give possible combinations of the following verbs with adverbs.
1. work a. analytically
2. pass (exams) b. actively
3. participate c. independently
4. think d. regularly
5. master e. equally
6. study f. successfully
7. attend g. hard
8. divide h. thoroughly
V.Complete the sentences using the word combinations of ex. 4.
1. I’d like … my exams ….
2. Do you … in seminars …?
3. If your aim is to become a skilled specialist, you have to … … at the University.
4. I prefer to … … without anybody’s help.
5. He academic year is … almost … into two semesters.
6. If you don’t … lectures and classes … you may fail at your exams.
7. I am not good at English but I’d like to … it ….
VI.Choose the appropriate word from the right-hand column to complete each of the sentences.
1. Here is my … …. | a. grants |
2. He has good … in all the subjects. | b. earn |
3. If you are enrolled as a … …, the training course for you will last 5 years. | c. relaxation |
4. When do we receive our …? | d. fulfill |
5. I’m afraid I can’t … this task, it’s too difficult for me. | e. approximately |
6. You can … some money during your vocation. | f. record book |
7. The semester ends with an examination period lasting … 3 weeks. | g. background |
8. Before afternoon classes, if we have any, we have a 45 minutes period of …. | h. manage |
9. Only a person with the … in philosophy can appointed Chair of this Department. | i. full-time students |
10. Sorry, but I don’t think I’ll … to meet their requirements. | j. marks |
VII. Use the right English words instead of the corresponding Russian ones (in brackets) and translate the sentences into Russian.
1. Will you kindly show me your (ст. билет)?
2. When are we to (представить) our term papers?
3. Which of them (участвует) in the choreographic ensemble?
4. I am afraid I can’t easily (выразить) my ideas on this subject.
5. I’ll make my further decision upon (завершения) of this part of work.
6. By what arguments will you manage to (доказать) your point of view?
7. He entrance examinations are usually held on a (конкурсной) basis.
8. This (задание) may be done either orally or in writing.
9. Is your (обучение) free of charge or do you have to pay for it?
10. We can’t (отнести) his progress to his abilities only, much more depends on his hard work.
VIII.Before reading the text (below) try to answer the following questions.
1. What entrance examinations did you have to pass to enter the University?
2. When did you take them?
3. What marks did you have to get to win the competition?
4. What were your marks?
5. What papers identify your student status?
6. Do you pay for your tuition?
7. What year student are you now?
8. What subjects have you been studying this year?
9. Do you attend all lectures and classes?
10. In what year do you students begin to take their special subjects?
11. How many credit tests and exams did you take during the last examination period?
12. Did you do well in your exams?
13. Do you often go to concerts, parties or discos held at the University?
14. Do you take part in their arrangement?
IX.Read the text carefully.
1. To have the privilege to study at the University you are to pass entrance examinations. The examinations are held on a competitive basis and those who have passed them successfully are enrolled and become students. The tuition for them is free of charge. But there also exists a paid form of education for those who haven’t managed to meet the competition requirements. After the enrolment you get your identification card and record book and may fully enjoy all the rights of a student.
2. The University training course for full-time students lasts 5 years. The semester system divides the academic year into two almost equal terms of approximately 18 weeks each. During a semester students must attend lectures and practical classes and prepare for them regularly, participate actively in seminars, fulfill written assignments, do laboratory work. At the end of each semester students take examinations. The examination period lasts approximately 3 weeks.
3. The first two years of University studies are to give students a sound background for obtaining their professional knowledge. So first and second-year students take classes in a number of general and basic subjects: physics, higher mathematics, chemistry, technical drawing, computer engineering etc. They also study social sciences and foreign languages.
4. Later, usually beginning with the third year, students take classes in their special subjects and engage in practical training in the field of their specialization. Professional skills are acquired at the laboratories and the experimental works of the University and at schools and other educational establishments of our republic.
5. Students’ progress is evaluated through oral or written tests, through participation in class discussions, through term papers, credit tests and a final examination in each course. If students do well and receive good and excellent marks they are given state grants.
6. Upon completion of the academic program and practical training students are to submit their graduation papers (diploma) and prove them in the State Examining Board. They are to show that they have not only mastered thoroughly a lot of useful theories and data, but also learnt to think analytically and independently, to interrelate various facts and phenomena, to make decisions and to express their ideas clearly.
7. If students work hard from the beginning and develop good study habits, they will certainly be successful in their studies – and still have time for relaxation, for social and other activities. As to cultural and recreational activities at the University, they are quite various, and to a great extent arranged by students themselves. They participate in concerts, parties, discos, in the variety of folk orchestras, in the choreographic ensembles, in the vocal music group, etc.
8. A good many students do sports volley-ball, basket-ball, skiing, skating and others.
9. During summer vocations students can work on collective farms and at construction sites and thus they can earn some money in addition to a rather modest student’s budget.
X. Form other parts of speech from the following words:
To participate; to compete; to complete; to evaluate; to require; to relate; to depend; to succeed; to vary; to graduate; to enter;
XI. Say it in English:
Зачетка, студенческий билет, вступительные экзамены, сдавать/ сдать зачет, бесплатное/ платное обучение, общеобразовательные/ специальные предметы, участвовать в практических занятиях, посещать лекции, ходить на занятия, выполнять разные задания, первокурсник, получать стипендию, удовлетворительные оценки, зачислить многих студентов, учебный курс длится 5 лет, каждый семестр делится на 17-18 недель, сессия длится 3 недели, приобретать профессиональные навыки, овладеть теоретическим и практическим материалом, научиться думать аналитически, научиться делать выводы, досуг студента, выразить свою мысль ясно.
XII. Say, which of these statements are students’ rights or duties:
- to have breaks
- to miss classes
- to be enrolled after entrance exams
- to take exams and credit tests
- to be provided with a hostel
- to get a grant if you education is free of charge
- to fulfill all assignments
- to attend classes
- to get a diploma after graduation
- to have not more than 4 classes
- to participate in seminars
- to enter without examinations
- to be the member of university’s groups
- to choose subjects
- to be late for classes
- to be engaged in practical training
- to be asked at classes
- to be taught thoroughly
XIII. Continue the sentences:
1. We are enrolled and become students when ….
2. …. identify a student’s status.
3. The university course … 5 years and is divided into ….
4. As a student I have … and ….
5. My rights are ….
6. My duties are ….
7. Students’ progress is evaluated through ….
8. Those who … receive state grants.
9. Upon completion the academic program students have … which show how they ….
10. There isn’t a lot of time for … if a student works hard but he can …
XIV. Think and answer:
Should students work hard? What for?
Is it exciting to be a student?