Перелік розмовних тем
Profession of a Lawyer.
Our aim is to create a law-governed state. This state should be based on two principles: law is equally binding on all people and all people are equal before the law.
Radical changes are taking place in the system of the law- enforcement bodies: in the structure of the Prosecutor's Office, in the court system, militia and correctional labor institutions. The people who are in the legal profession should realize the legal reform. They are judges, prosecutors, investigators, legal advisers, notaries, defense lawyers, etc. Lawyers should have very high professional and personal qualities. A responsible mission is entrusted to courts that must be independent. The Law on Liability for Contempt of Court prevents the interference injudicial proceeding on the part of local government agencies.
The role of lawyers is rapidly growing in our society. They are needed in ministries, at enterprises, firms. They work in the law- enforcement bodies that defend interests of the state, the rights and freedoms of the citizens of Ukraine and public order.
Lawyers are present in the early stage of the investigation. They also participate in a trial. All this demands from them professionalism. That is why students of the National Law Academy must work hard to get good knowledge. They must study thoroughly the Theory of State and Law and know the Constitution of Ukraine and legislation in force.
Words and word-combinations
law-governed state — правова держава to be binding on — бути обов'язковим law-enforcement bodies — правоохоронні органи legal adviser — юрисконсульт to entrust — доручати
liability — відповідальність contempt — неповага trial — судовий процес, судовий розгляд
The National University “Yaroslav the Wise Law Academy of Ukraine”.
Yaroslav the Wise National Law Academy of Ukraine (the former Kharkiv Law Institute) is the oldest specialized educational establishment of our country in training lawyers. The Kharkov Law Institute was founded in 1920 on the basis of the Law Faculty at Kharkov University (1804). The Institute was transformed into the Academy in 1991. Now under the President's Decree it is an autonomous state higher educational institution with the highest accreditation level.
The Academy trains highly-qualified specialists who work as investigators, prosecutors, judges, defense lawyers, notaries, in the Bar, law-enforcement bodies, Prosecutor's Office, Ministry of Justice, Security Service of Ukraine, bodies of state power. A lot of former graduates work in the Supreme Court, Constitutional Court of Ukraine, and Supreme Council of Ukraine.
The Academy is accommodated in spacious attractive buildings. The main Academy buildings are situated in 77 Pushkinskaya Street. The original building dates from 1889 and is a fine example of architecture. It was designed and constructed by Beketov — a well- known Russian architect.
At present the academic staff amounts to more than 500 persons, over 80 per cent of them have scientific degrees and titles. The academic staff is engaged in academic research and educational activities at 34 departments (chairs).
Teaching is organized in 12 faculties where students are able to study at full-time and part-time (evening and correspondence) departments.
Every year more than 1300 young people enter the Academy. Students are admitted to the Academy on the basis of their results at entrance examinations.
The law students study about 50 subjects including special law subjects such as Administrative Law, Civil Law, Civil Procedure, Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, Criminology, International Law and others.
The students attend lectures, seminars and tutorials. After classes they can prepare for the seminars in the reading-rooms of the library. The main library covers a wide range of legal materials, collections of law reports, periodicals and reference works. The codification bureau, full-text computer legislation bases and informational CD- ROMs are at the students' disposal. The students are provided with hostel accommodation, sports and recreation facilities. The National Law Academy of Ukraine is considered to be one of the most innovative law schools in our country. Many outstanding lawyers famous both in our country and abroad worked here. Members of the Academy take an active part in the law-making process, publish articles and commentaries in legal and social sciences.
The Academy trains well-educated and highly qualified specialists standing on guard of legality, law and order.
Words and word-combinations
educational establishment — навчальний заклад; bodies of state power — органи державної влади; law-enforcement bodies — правоохоронні органи; to be accommodated in — розташовуватися; academic staff — професорсько-викладацький склад department — кафедра, відділення; a full-time department — денне відділення a correspondence department — заочне відділення reference works — довідники; to be at the students' disposal — бути в розпорядженні студентів hostel accommodation — приміщення в гуртожитку recreation facilities — умови для відпочинку to stand on guard of legality — стояти на сторожі законності law and order — правопорядок.