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D. directly in the input process

E. Only after the enter offer

Microsoft Access database management system

1.Named set of structured data of a subject area is called...

A. Database management system
B. Database
C. Record
D. field
E. Key Field

2. Database Model, which is a two-dimensional array or a two-dimensional table, and to create complex information models will be a set of interrelated tables, called...
A. network
B. hierarchical
C. combination
D. relational
E. linear

3. All information about one object in a relational database called...
A. Database management system
B. Database
C. Record
D. field
E. Key Field

4. One of the pieces of information in a record is called...
A. field
B. Database
C. Record
D. Database Management System
E. Key Field

5. Complex software tools for creating database storage and retrieval of necessary information in them is called...
A. Database management system
B. Database
C. Record
D. field
E. Key Field

6. Microsoft Access is a program...
A. Text Editor
B. Database Management Systems
C. editing
D. spreadsheet
E. System training presentations

7. Which extension receives a database file that was created in Microsoft Access?

8. The object for storing data in the form of records and fields, called...
A. table
B. form
C. request
D. report
E. macro

9. Object designed to enter, view, edit data in a table or query, called...
A. table
B. form
C. request
D. report
E. macro

10. The object can retrieve data from one or more tables that meet certain conditions, called...
A. table
B. form
C. request
D. report
E. macro

11. Object designed for printing data, called...
A. table
B. form
C. request
D. report
E. macro

12. Mode table for determining the field names, field types, field properties, called...
A. table mode
B. Form view
C. Design view
D. viewing mode
E. Text mode

13. Mode to the table, which is used to enter, view, and edit databases, called...
A. table mode
B. Form view
C. Design view
D. viewing mode
E. Text mode

14. Which mode open the table in figure?

A. table mode
B. Form view
C. Design view
D. viewing mode
E. Text mode

15. Which mode open the table in figure?

A. table mode
B. Form view
C. Design view
D. viewing mode
E. Text mode

16. What type should have a field so that it can store a sequence of characters is no longer than 255 characters?
A. text
B. numeric
C. counter
D. logical
E. Date / Time

17. What type should have a field so that it can store the data for the calculations?
A. text
B. numeric
C. counter
D. logical
E. Date / Time

18. What type should have a field so that it can contain one of two possible values (True / False, Yes / No, Lies / Truth)?
A. text
B. numeric
C. counter
D. logical
E. Date / Time

19.What type should have a field to the value in it is automatically entered in increments of 1 from record to record?
A. text
B. numeric
C. counter
D. logical
E. Date / Time

20, What type of field should be set for the data «№ phone"
A. logical
B. text
C. numerical
D. address
E. counter

21.Table database in an Ms Access consists of:
A. fields and columns
B. Forms and Reports
C. fields and records
D. rows and records
E. among presented there is no right answer
22.Form in Access - a data display means:
A. screen
B. when printing
C. on disk
D. a counter
E. among presented there is no right answer
23.The values ​​of key fields in Access are to:
A. communication between tables
B. entire row selection
C. determining the properties of the database objects
D. uniquely identify the record in the table
E. among presented there is no right answer
24. Key Field - This...
A. field containing the same data
B. Field, standing first in the database table
C. a field that uniquely identifies each record in the table
D. field named "Key"
E. no correct answer
25.Counter Access - this field, comprising:
A. key fields
B. record numbers in the table
C. Fields headlines
D. cross-references
E. among presented there is no right answer
26.What do the queries:
A. Storage database
B. processing for selecting the database and
C. for input database and view them
D. for the automatic execution of a command group
E. to implement complex software actions
to output the processed data to the printer base
27.Why use forms:
A. Storage database
B. processing for selecting the database and
C. for input database and view them
D. for the automatic execution of a command group
E. to implement complex software actions
28.What do the following modules:
A. Storage database
B. processing for selecting the database and
C. for input database and view them
D. for the automatic execution of a command group
E. to implement complex software actions
29 Why use macros:
A. Storage database
B. processing for selecting the database and
C. for input database and view them
D. for the automatic execution of a command group
E. to implement complex software actions
30In a dialog box, create a connection between the fields of database tables:
A. Table Relations
B. bond scheme
C. Data scheme
D. Data table
E. Link Tables
31 Why at the closing table Access program does not offer to perform saving entered data:
A. flaw program
B. because the data is stored immediately after the entry in the table
C. because the data are stored only after closing the entire database
D because the program asks to save the data every hour
E because the program asks about saving after closing table
32 Without objects there can be no data base:
A. without modules
B. without reports
C. without tables
D. formless
E. without macros
33 Which elements of the table are stored data base:
A. fields
B. in rows
С. Columns
D. in records
E. in Cells
34 Special Microsoft Access object used for printing data:
A. form
B. table
C. request
D. macro
E. report
35.What is the object of a Microsoft Access database is the base?
A. request
B. report
C. macro
E. form

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