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She wrenched herself away from the arm he had round her shoulder.

"How could you? How could you?"

"I had nothing to do with it."

"That's a lie. I suppose you didn't even know that filthy American manager

was in Middlepool. Of course, it's your doing. You did it deliberately to

separate us."

"Oh, dearie, you're doing me an injustice. In point of fact I don't mind telling

You that I said to him he could have anyone in the company he liked with the

one exception of Michael Gosselyn."


Julia did not see the look in Jimmie's eyes (Джулия не видела выражение глаз

Джимми) when he told her this (когда он говорил ей это), but if she had (но,

если бы она его увидела) would have wondered (/она бы/ призадумалась) why

he was looking as pleased (почему он выглядел таким довольным) as if he had

pulled off a very clever little trick (как будто он сыграл очень умную шутку; to

pull — разг. сделать что-то дерзкое, недозволенное, trick — хитрость,

обман, шутка, шалость).

"Even me (даже меня)?" she said.

"I knew he didn't want women (я знал, что ему не нужны женщины). They've






got plenty of their own (у них есть куча своих собственных /актрис/). It's men

they want (мужчины — вот кто им нужны) who know how to wear their clothes

(которые знают, как носить одежду) and don't spit in the drawing-room (и не

плюют /на пол/ в гостиных; to spit — плевать, брызгать слюной)."

"Oh, Jimmie, don't let Michael go (о, Джимми, не разрешай Майклу уехать). I

can't bear it (я этого не перенесу)."

"How can I prevent it (как я могу помешать этому)? His contract's up at the end

of the season (его контракт заканчивается в конце сезона). It's a wonderful

chance for him (это удивительный шанс для него)."


clever ['klevq] clothes [klqV(D)z] bear [beq]


Julia did not see the look in Jimmie's eyes when he told her this, but if she had

Would have wondered why he was looking as pleased as if he had pulled off a

Very clever little trick.

"Even me?" she said.

"I knew he didn't want women. They've got plenty of their own. It's men they

want who know how to wear their clothes and don't spit in the drawing-


"Oh, Jimmie, don't let Michael go. I can't bear it."

"How can I prevent it? His contract's up at the end of the season. It's a

wonderful chance for him."


"But I love him (но я же люблю его). I want him (я хочу его). Supposing he sees

someone else in America (предположим, что он встретит кого-то еще в

Америке). Supposing some American heiress (предположим, что какая-нибудь

американская наследница) falls in love with him (влюбится в него)."

"If he doesn't love you any more than that (если он не любит тебя до такой

степени) I should have thought (я так думаю) you'd be well rid of him (что тебе

повезет, и ты избавишься от него)."






The remark revived Julia's fury (это замечание вновь разбудило ярость


"You rotten old eunuch (ты чертов старый евнух), what do you know about love

(да что ты знаешь о любви)?"

"These women (о, женщины)," Jimmie sighed (вздохнул Джимми). "If you try to

go to bed with them (если ты пытаешься затащить их в постель: «отправиться

с ними в кровать») they say you're a dirty old man (они говорят, что ты грязный

старикашка), and if you don't (а если не пытаешься) they say you're a rotten old

eunuch (они говорят, что ты чертов старый евнух)."


heiress ['eqrIs, 'eqres] revive [rI'vaIv] eunuch ['ju:nqk]


"But I love him. I want him. Supposing he sees someone else in America.

Supposing some American heiress falls in love with him."

"If he doesn't love you any more than that I should have thought you'd be

well rid of him."

The remark revived Julia's fury.

"You rotten old eunuch, what do you know about love?"

"These women," Jimmie sighed. "If you try to go to bed with them they say

you're a dirty old man, and if you don't they say you're a rotten old eunuch."


"Oh, you don't understand (о, ты же не понимаешь). He's so frightfully handsome

(он так ужасно красив), they'll fall for him (они все будут без ума от него; to

fall for smb. — увлечься кем-либо, влюбиться в кого-либо) like a row of

ninepins (одна за одной: «как ряд кеглей»), and poor lamb (и бедный

ягненочек), he's so susceptible to flattery (он так падок на лесть; susceptible —

восприимчивый, чувствительный). Anything can happen in two years (всякое

может случиться за два года)."

"What's this about two years (что это такое, насчет двух лет)?"

"If he's a success (если он будет успешен) he's to stay another year (он останется






там, еще на один год)."

"Well, don't worry your head about that (о, не забивай себе голову). He'll be back

at the end of the season (он вернется в конце сезона) and back for good (и

вернется навсегда; for good — навсегда, окончательно). That manager only

saw him in Candida (тот импресарио видел его только в «Кандиде»). It's the

only part (это единственная роль) he's half-way decent in (в которой он хоть

наполовину прилично /играет/). Take my word for it (поверь мне на слово; take

my word for it — уверяю вас, уж можете мне поверить), it won't be long (не

долго времени понадобится: «это не будет долгим») before they find out

(чтобы они поняли: «до того, как они поймут, что») they've been sold a pup

(что их надули; to sell smb. a pup — надуть кого-либо при продаже; pup —

щенок). He's going to be a flop (он потерпит неудачу; flop — шлепанье, глухой

удар при падении; фиаско, провал, кто-то не оправдавший надежд,



frightfully ['fraItf(q)lI] susceptible [sq'septqb(q)l] decent ['di:s(q)nt]


"Oh, you don't understand. He's so frightfully handsome, they'll fall for him

like a row of ninepins, and poor lamb, he's so susceptible to flattery. Anything

can happen in two years."

"What's this about two years?"

"If he's a success he's to stay another year."

"Well, don't worry your head about that. He'll be back at the end of the

season and back for good. That manager only saw him in Candida. It's the

only part he's half-way decent in. Take my word for it, it won't be long before

they find out they've been sold a pup. He's going to be a flop."


"What do you know about acting (да что ты знаешь об актерской игре)?"

"Everything (все)."

"I'd like to scratch your eyes out (как бы я хотела выцарапать тебе глаза)."






"I warn you (я предупреждаю тебя) that if you attempt to touch me (что если ты

попытаешься тронуть меня) I shan't give you a little bit of a slap (я не буду тебя

слегка шлепать: «не дам тебе легкий шлепок»), I shall give you such a biff on

the jaw (я нанесу тебе такой удар в челюсть) that you won't be able to eat in

comfort (что ты не сможешь есть с комфортом) for a week (целую неделю)."

"By God, I believe you'd do it (ей-богу, верю, что ты можешь так поступить:

«сделать это»). Do you call yourself a gentleman (и ты называешь себя


"Not even when I'm drunk (нет, даже когда я пьян)."

Julia giggled (Джулия хихикнула), and Jimmie felt the worst of the scene was

over (и Джимми почувствовал, что худшая /часть/ сцены миновала; to be over

— окончиться, завершиться).


scratch [skrxtS] jaw [dZO:] drunk [drANk] worst [wq:st]


"What do you know about acting?"


"I'd like to scratch your eyes out."

"I warn you that if you attempt to touch me I shan't give you a little bit of a

slap, I shall give you such a biff on the jaw that you won't be able to eat in

comfort for a week."

"By God, I believe you'd do it. Do you call yourself a gentleman?"

"Not even when I'm drunk."

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