Political parties dominate politics in Britain. Within Great Britain the party system essentially means the way the political parties of the day interact with one another within the politically competitive nature of Westminster and beyond.
A number of different types of party systems have been identified:
One-party system: One party cannot produce any other system other than autocratic/dictatorial power. One of the more common features of a one-party state is that the position of the ruling party is guaranteed in a constitution and all forms of political opposition are banned by law. The ruling party controls all aspects of life within that state.
Two-party system: as the title indicates, this is a state in which just two parties dominate. Other parties might exist but they have little to political importance. A rotation of power is expected in this system.
The two-party system presents the voter with a simple choice and its adhearents argue that the system promotes political moderation as the incumbent party must be able to appeal to the ‘floating voters’ within that country. Those who do not support the system claim that it leads to unnecessary policy reversals when a party loses an election, as the newly elected government seeks to impose its ‘mark’ on the country that has just elected it to power. Such sweeping reversals, detractors claim, cannot benefit the state in the short and long term.
The multi-party system: as the title suggests, this is a system where more than two parties have some impact on a state’s political life. Though the Labour Party has a very healthy majority in Westminster, its power in Scotland is reasonably well balanced by the power of the SNP (Scots Nationalist Party); in Wales within the devolutionary structure, it is balanced by Plaid Cymru; in Northern Ireland by the various Unionist groups and Sein Fein.
Within Westminster, the Tories and the Liberal Democrats provide a healthy political rivalry. Sartori defines a multi-party system as one in which no party can guarantee an absolute majority. In theory, the Labour Party, regardless of its current parliamentary majority, could lose the next general election in Britain in 2006. Even its current majority of 167 cannot guarantee electoral victory in the future.
Dominant-party system: this is different from a one-party system. A party is quite capable within the political structure of a state, to become so dominant that victory at elections is considered a formality. This was the case under the Conservative governments of Margaret Thatcher and John Major. For 18 years (1979 to 1997), one party dominated politics in Britain.
During an extended stay in power, a dominant party can shape society through its policies. During the Thatcher era, health care, education, the state ownership of industry, etc., were all massively changed and reshaped. Society changed as a result of these political changes and this can only be done by a party having an extended stay in office.
Other features of a dominant system are:
The party in power becomes complacent and sees that its position in power is ‘guaranteed’. Such political arrogance is seen as one of the reasons for the public’s overwhelming rejection of the Conservatives in 1997.
The difference between the party in power and the state loses its distinction. When both appear to merge, an unhealthy relationship develops whereby the state’s machinery of carrying out government policy is seen as being done automatically while senior state officials are rewarded by the party in power. This scenario overshadowed the Thatcher governments when the Civil Service was seen as a mere rubber stamp of government policy what it was told while senior Civil Servants were suitably rewarded in the Honours lists.
An era of a dominant party is also an era when opposition parties are in total disarray. This was true during the Conservative’s domination of Great Britain in the 1980’s. Once the Labour Party started to strengthen in the 1990’s and internal problems were resolved, the whole issue of a dominant party was threatened leading to the defeat of the Conservatives in 1997.
Ответьте на вопросы по тексту
1) What does the party system mean within Great Britain?
2) What are the features of a one-party system?
3) In a two-party state only two parties can exist, can't they?
4) What do those who don't support the two-party system claim?
5) What political parties of Great Britain do you know?
6) Can any party guarantee an absolute majority in a multi-party system?
7) What is the difference between a dominant-party system and one-party system?
8) What party dominated politics in Great Britain for 18 years?
9) Can you name the features of the dominant system?
10) What party system does Great Britain have now?
8. Прочитайте текст Political Parties in Great Britain еще раз. Определите, какое из утверждений является истинным (T) или ложным (F). Отметьте варианты ответов
T | F | |
1. One-party system can produce only dictatorial power. | ||
2. In a state with a two-party system one two parties can exist. | ||
3. Great Britain has a multiparty system with the majority of the Liberal Democrats in Westminster. | ||
4. In a dominant-party system the position of the party in power becomes “quaranteed”. | ||
5. In a dominant-party system opposition parties are in confused and lack of organization. |