Business intercourse promotes behavior change of partner in interaction. Ability to influence depends on understanding the needs and interests of the head staff. There are various methods of influence: persuasion, s uggestion (навіювання), emotional infection(зараження).
Persuasion is aimed at removing original "filters" in the way of information to consciousness and the human senses, forming companion confidence in its objectivity. There should be enough arguments to prove the veracity of information. Effective form of persuasion is conversation, discussion, group debate, emotional attitude of man to messaged fact objectively affects on the efficiency of persuasion.
Suggestion (suggestion Lat. Suggestio) – influence on the mental health of a person, group of people. Suggestion focused on human emotions, his mind and subconscious mind, which can lead to manipulation of human behavior. Suggestion causes significant reduction of critical relation to information, desire to verify its authenticity, unlimited confidence in its sources. Trust is the basis of the effectiveness of suggestion. At the suggestion influence is directed not to the logical analysis of the phenomena, the ability to think, but to get ready employee decrees, orders, instructions. Effectiveness of suggestion is reinforced by confident manner, categorical tone, expressive intonation, sound knowledge of the subject suggestion.
Emotional infection - transferring the mental attitude, the influence on the emotional sphere of man, not the consciousness and intelligence. In the process of infection there is essential unity assessments and setpoints of people. The higher the level of society and every individual, the more critical attitude towards automatic impulses, and therefore – emotional infection is weaker.
In business relationships important mechanism of inheritance - repeat playback by one person acts, gestures, manners of other people copying some of its traits. Inheritance can be is the conscious and unconscious. Employees may consciously imitate skills, effective ways to communicate and work supervisor, rational techniques of labor operations colleagues - all of that seems correct and useful. Such imitation internally motivated. But more often a person imitates and appropriates other people's patterns of behavior unconsciously. Since forming of skills, spiritual values - tastes, inclinations, manners and intercourse.
The effectiveness of various methods of influence on other people (including the impact a head on employees) in the process of business intercourse depends on the following factors:
1. Knowledge of features of intercourse partner by a manager (cultural, educational, national, age, psychological and professional skills). On their basis in the exchange of information taking into account the level of professionalism of the interlocutor, the general level of intelligence, the scope of its information fund.
2. Perfect knowledge of the content, subject matter, as discussed.
3. The ability of a head to objectively evaluate his personal-business quality, competence regarding to discuss problems. Boost confidence (as low confidence) creates additional difficulties for leader in achieving the goal. Depending on the particular conversation should choose the tone of communication, and knowing your own whim, to make sure that they do not affect the objectivity of what he heard in response.
4. Possession of the technological tools of rhetoric by a head.
5.General characteristics of verbal and non-verbal means of intercourse.
1). Characteristics of the main concepts associated with verbal fasilities of intercourse.
2. Classification of non-verbal means of intercourse.
1. Vasheka T.V., Hichan I.S. Psychology of communication: teaching complex. - K.: NAU Book Publishers, 2006. - 184 p.
1. The primary means of intercourse is language. It is a system of signs and symbols. Using the language with communicative purpose - broadcasting.
Code - the rules of the language (the language itself or its dialect), which are used in communication.
Context - in advance invented sense field in which the message becomes informative.
Types of Speech
External Internal
clear vision, complex semantic program;
no non-verbal means only logic language, put forward increased demands to the cognitive activity
occurs in varying conditions;
differs short-cut number of words
and simplicity of grammatical structures
speech, during which all members are active; occurs as a response to the question, does not require special training
deployed and connected speech, puts high demands to the speaker (report, lecture) requires a detailed selection of words, phrases
Has no idea, very simple and limited:
"Oh," "Just you wait!"
In speech communication interlocutors seek to achieve mutual understanding. Speech communication as denotation, connotation, polysemy, synonymy influence this process.
Denotation - lexical meaning of a word (generally accepted value).
Connotation (meaning) - situational, subjective, contextual meaning of a word.
Polysemy - the presence in the words many meanings.
Synonymy - using different words to report such information.
Role behavior of interlocutors requires from them certain character speech behavior that are formed by:
choice forms of treatment;
deliberate imitation of pronunciation (assimilation pronunciation of another person);
choice of style of speech behavior.
Speech is a mechanism of creating attractions (a manifestation of commitment people to one another in the process of communication. It is the result of emotional empathy.