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The Role of Art and Culture for the mankind

Проблема: The importance of art for the people. Its impact on the development of civilization and culture

Идея проекта:

1. Find out the ways of making people better. The role of art and culture in the formation of intellect and smartness.

2. Different cultures have different customs.

3. The role of religion in cultural life. Its impact on behavior of the mankind.

Цель проекта:

1. Your interests in art and culture.

2. Access to the art. Public art (poetry, drama, classical and pop music, painting)

3. What do people benefit from art.

Задачи проекта:

1. To describe and compare different forms of art.

2. Difference in the attitude of teenagers and other generations to the art nowadays.

3. How new technology influence on the attitude of people to the art.


Необходимость использования социо-культурной и информо-поисковой компетенций в проектной работе.

Возможные варианты решения поставленной проблемы:

1. To find out as much information as you can from the cultural experience of different countries of the world.

2. To take into consideration cultural heritage, masterpieces of the whole world.

3. To increase the importance of knowledge in culture and life of different parts of the world.

4. The impact of art and culture on the people’s lifestyle.


Конечный продукт проектной работы: Доклад на конференции

Рекомендуемая литература:

1. Ready for FCE by Boy Norris Coursebook.

2. Basic English (second year) Kazakh Abylai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages.

3. Web sources

Тема проекта: Looking good

Проблема: The role of fashion, clothes and appearance in looking good.

Идея проекта:

1. The best ways of looking good.

2. The importance of sport: body nd health.

3. Formal and casual clothing in looking good.

4. The importance of fashion nowadays, advantages and disadvantages of following fashion.

Цель проекта:

1. The importance of keeping fit to look good.

2. The importance of choosing the right clothes for different occasions.

Задачи проекта:

1. To describe different ways of shopping and the importance of shopping in your life.

2. Advantages and disadvantages of buying clothes in street markets.

3. What items of clothing are important for looking good.

Необходимость использования информо-поисковой омпетенции для решения поставленных задач.


Возможные варианты решения поставленной проблемы:

1. To take into consideration styles of clothing which make you look wonderful.

2. The importance of matching different items of clothing.

3. The most useful; and comfortable items of clothing you need for everyday wear.


Конечный продукт проектной работы: презентация проектной работы в аудитории.

Рекомендуемая литература:

1. Ready for FCE by Boy Norris Coursebook.

2. First certificate “Gold” coursebook by Richard Acklam. – Longman

3. Laser B2 Student’s Book by Malcolm Mann, Steve Taylore-Knowles – Macmillan

4. Basic English (second year) Kazakh Abylai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages.
Тема проекта: Celebrations


Проблема: Celebrations of holidays in different cultures

Идея проекта: “The best ways of spending holidays. The influence of customs and traditions in celebration of holidays”

Цель проекта:

1. To find out various types of holidays throughout the history of mankind.

2. Searching as much information as you can about the influence of religion on the ways of spending celebration all over the world.

Задачи проекта:

1. To find out religious holidays dating back to ancient times.

2. The most popular European and oriental celebrations.

3. Describe the holidays in your country. What you like and dislike in celebrating them?

Необходимо использование в процессе проектной работы информо-поисковой и социо-культурной компетенции.

Возможные варианты решения поставленной проблемы:

1. To get more information about the ways of spending holidays.

2. To take into consideration the best ways of spending holidays.

3. To create some clubs in your local places for celebrations of distinguished dates of your country.

Конечный продукт проектной работы: Презентация проектной работы перед аудиторией.

Рекомендуемая литература:

1. Laser B2 Student’s Book by Malcolm Mann, Steve Taylore-Knowles – Macmillan

2. Basic English (second year) Kazakh Abylai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages. Unit 6.

Тема проекта: Violence and Crime


Проблема: The negative impact of the violence and crime on society.

Идея проекта: Decreasing of violence in society. Ways solving the problem of violence and crime.

Цель проекта:

1. Find the way to stop law breaking.

2. Reflection of violence and crime on TV. The pros and cons of TV programmes that stop people breaking the law.

3. Stealing, killing and shoplifting doesn’t pay justice to a winner.

Задачи проекта:

1. To find out the main problems leading to the commitment of crimes and violence.

2. Concentrate on the most important ways of keeping yourself safe.

3. Crime prevention.

4. The best punishment for most serious crimes.

5. The importance of jail sentence and imprisonment. Your attitude to the problem of minor imprisonment.

Необходимость использования в процессе проектной работы аналитико-прогнозной компетенции.

Возможные варианты решения поставленной проблемы:

1. To find out ways of crime prevention.

2. Crime on television leads to crime in real life. Advantages and disadvantages of TV programmes on crime.

3. The participation of public in solving crimes.


Конечный продукт проектной работы: Презентация перед аудиторией с дальнейшим обсуждением проблем в группе.

Рекомендуемая литература:

1. Laser B2 Student’s Book by Malcolm Mann, Steve Taylore-Knowles – Macmillan

2. Ready for FCE by Boy Norris Coursebook.

3. First certificate “Gold” coursebook by Richard Acklam. – Longman.


“Health care”

Проблема: “Stay healty”

Идея проекта: the best ways of keeping fit.

Цель проекта: What phould or phouldn’t you do to play healthy?

Задачи проекта:

1.Find out the most essential ways of keeping fit.

2. The thing a do to take care of my health.

3. Avoiding harmful and damaging heath ways.

· Использование в процессе проектной работы компетенций и субкомпетенции: социо-культурная компетенция, информационно-поисковая, аналитика-прогнозная

· Возможные варианты решения поставленной проблемы:

_ Taking regular exercises

_ Eating good quality food

_ Keeping your weight down

_No smoking

_ Regular visit to the cloctor


Рекомендуемая литература:

4. http:www.edu.gov.kz/en/

5. Health and Health problems

A Jeneral English cowse

6. Laser B2 by Anne Nebel and Rob Nicholas

Health:Unit 10


Theme of the project: We are people of Kazakhstan

Problem: Problems of National Unity of Peoples of Kazakhstan.

The idea of ​​the project: to show the practical implementation of the peaceful coexistence of different cultures, religion in Kazakhstan.

Project goal: to identify ways and means to address the problems identified.

Project objectives:
1. Study the Constitution of Kazakhstan on the rights and obligations of all citizens


2. Examine the activities and objectives of the cultural centers of nationalities in KZ.


3. Examine the existing inter-ethnic problems and their solutions.


4. Prospects for the development of inter-ethnic situation in Kazakhstan.

Use in the course of project work competence and subkompetence: intercultural, communicative, socio-cultural, information retrieval, analytical and predictive.

Possible solutions to a given problem:
Results can be used for future research

The final product (result) of project work - a report on the international student conference.


Compiled Alimbaeva S.K.

Ashinova K.A.
Karmysova M.K


Рекомендуемая литература

1. Конституция РК.

2. Современная литература Казахстана А., 2002

3. http://www.newskaz.ru/society

4. /www.zonakz.net/articles

Project: "The impact of Internet technologies on the labor market and the welfare of the population."
Problem: The impact of Internet technology on economic growth and welfare

• The idea of ​​the project to find ways and ways to improve labor market efficiency through the use of new information technologies.

• The purpose of the project: The influence of modern Internet technologies on social and labor issues, and the effectiveness of their application to contemporary problems in the labor market and the welfare of the population.

The objectives of the project:
1. compile and analyze current research,
analyzing the effects of networked information technologies on the economy and, in particular, the social and labor dimentions.
2. identify and analyze the changes in the labor market in the
conditions of the "new" economy
3. determine the impacts of Internet technologies on the level of

Use in the course of project work competence and subcompetence: intercultural communicative (linguistic-cultural, socio-cultural), vocational (information retrieval, analytical and predictive).

• Possible solutions to a given problem:
The results can be used for future research-
The final product (result) of project work - a report on the international student conference.
Compiled: Alimbaeva SK
Ashinova K.A.
Karmysova M.K.

Рекомендуемая литература

1. Марков А. В. Проблемы управления интернет-фирмами // Сборник статей (по материалам межвузовской конференции). М.: Социум, 2002. 0,4 п.л.

2. Марков А. В. Интернет-фирмы и традиционный бизнес: отличия в управлении // Экономика и финансы, М.: Тезарус, 2002. 0,5 п.л.


3. Марков А. В. Интернет и рынок труда: взаимное влияние и тенденции развития // Образование и труд. Труды аспирантов и докторантов №6 (16). Под ред. В.Н. Якимова. М.: Издательство МГСА, 2003. 0,6 пл.

4. Марков А. В. Интернет как основной инструмент труда //. Научный Журнал №21(79), М.: Тезарус, 2003.1,0 п.л.

5. Марков А. В. Интернет-трейдинг в мире: текущая ситуация // Сборник трудов аспирантов и докторантов № 11(21). М.: Издательство МГСА, 2003. 0,7 п.л.

6. Марков А. В. Офшорное программирование как основной вид удаленной работы // Объединенный научный журнал №30(88), М.: Тезарус, 2003


Project: "The multi-ethnic situation in Kazakhstan: the dynamics and trends."

Problem: Solution of the problem of consolidation of ethnic groups in Kazakhstan.

The idea of ​​the project: to show the practical implementation of the peaceful coexistence of different cultures, religions in Kazakhstan.

The purpose of the project: to identify ways and means to solve the problems identified.

The objectives of the project:
1. Study the Constitution of Kazakhstan: the rights and obligations of all citizens

2. Examine the activities and objectives of the cultural centers of different nationalities in Kazakhstan, the role of the Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan

3. Examine the existing inter-ethnic problems in various areas of life and how to address them.

4. Explore the prospects for the development of inter-ethnic situation in Kazakhstan.

Use in the course of project work and competence subkompetentsii: professional landmarks (information retrieval, analytical and predictive, instrumental;
• Possible solutions to a given problem:
The results can be used for future research;-

• The final product (result) of project work - a report on the international student conference.

Compiled: Alimbaeva S.K.
Ashinova K.A.
Karmysova M.K.


Рекомендуемая литература

1. Конституция РК.

2. Современная литература Казахстана А., 2002

3. http://www.newskaz.ru/society

4. /www.zonakz.net/article

Project: "Tourism in Kazakhstan: Status and Prospects

Problem: Problems of tourism industry of the country.

The idea of ​​the project: Improvement of tourist attractiveness of the regions of Kazakhstan.

Project Objective: Study the current state of tourism in the Republic of Kazakhstan, its impact on the economy

Project objectives:
1. Consider the public policy of the country in the field of tourism programs for the development and promotion of tourism product.
2. Identify the main trends and prospects of development of tourism in
Republic of Kazakhstan.
3. Consider the state of tourism in Kazakhstan.
4. Explore the tourism potential of Kazakhstan and determine the route of the future promotional tour in Kazakhstan.
5. Identify the main trends and prospects of development of tourism in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Use in the course of project work competence and subcompetenсe: intercultural communicative (linguistic-cultural, socio-cultural), vocational (information retrieval, analytical and predictive);
• Possible solutions to a given problem:
The results can be used for future research-
The final product (result) of project work - a report on the international student conference.


Compiled: Alimbaeva S.K.
Ashinova K.A.
Karmysova M.K.


Рекомендуемая литература:

1. Вахмистров, В.П. Правовое обеспечение туризма / В.П. Вахмистров, С.И. Вахмистрова. - СПб: Издательство Михайлова В.А. - 2005. – 174с.

2. Ердавлетов, С. Р. География туризма: история, теория, методы, практика / С.Р. Ердавлетов. – Алматы - 2000 г. – 336 с.

3. Ильина, Е.Н. Основы туристской деятельности / Е.Н. Ильина. - М: Советский спорт - 2004.

4. Кабушкин, Н.И. Организация туризма / Н.И. Кабушкин, А.П. Дурович.- Минск: 2003. – с. 256-300.

5. Макашев, А.Т. Жемчужины Казахстана / А.Т. Макашев. – Алмата: Кайнар – 1983г. – 384с.

6. Вуколов, В.Н. Роль туризма в экономике и социальной сфере современного Казахстана. //Казахстанское общество сегодня: социально-институциональные сдвиги и экономическое развитие. Алматы: Университет "Туран" - 1998. – 216с.

7. Ибраев, К. Казахстан практически неизвестен в мире как туристское направление // Панорама – 2004 №18.

8. Концепция развития туризма в Республике Казахстан. Одобрена постановлением Правительства Республики Казахстан от 6 марта 2001 г. №

9. О Государственной программе Республики Казахстан "Возрождение исторических центров Шелкового пути, сохранение и преемственное развитие культурного наследия тюркоязычных государств, создание инфраструктуры туризма": указ Президента Республики Казахстан: [принят 27 февраля 1998 г. N 3859] // Казахстанская правда – 2007. - №1

10. О Государственной программе развития туризма в Республике Казахстан на 2001-2005 годы: указ Президента Республики Казахстан // Казахстанская правда – 2001. - №5


Тема проекта: Internet

Проблема: Advantages and disadvantages of the Internet and new technologies as the main source of up - to - date information The usage of Internet and new technologies in our life.

Идея проекта: The specific features of new technologies

Цель проекта: To find the information about the history of the development of communication up to now.


Задачи проекта:

1. To find the ways of communication

2. The advantages of wireless technologies and applications.

3. To find the specific features of modern life. How do they affect people?

Использование в процессе проектной работы компетенций и субкомпетенции: социо-культурная компетенция, информационно-поисковая, аналитико-прогнозная.



Возможные варианты решения поставленной проблемы:


- To control the access to the Internet

- To organize the courses of learning the Internet and new technologies

- To discuss the ways of mass media



Рекoмендуемая литература:


1. “Technology. Culture and literature” by Alex Goody

2. The Future Is Better Than You Think by Charles Mann

3. The Blue Economy by Ganter Pauli

4. www. Technology and literature. com

Тема проекта: Wildlife conservation versus economic development

Проблема: Protection of endangered species

Идея проекта: The best ways of solving environmental problems


Цель проекта: The protection of the environment from destruction and pollution


Задачи проекта:

1. To defend woodland for a wildlife

2. The most significant threats to endangered species

3. Humans’ respond to species decline

Использование в процессе проектной работы компетенций и субкомпетенции: социо-культурная компетенция, информационно-поисковая, аналитико-прогнозная.



Возможные варианты решения поставленной проблемы:



- To increase places for animals to live without being harmed

- To make up new laws about protecting endangered species

- To compare other countries’ experience


Рекoмендуемая литература:


1) www.wildaid.org/donate

2) Osborne, Mary Pope.
Pandas and other endangered species
3) Silhol, Sandrine. 2011  
Extraordinary endangered animals /  


Тема проекта: Death Penalty

Проблема: Advantages and disadvantages of death penalty. There are more effective ways of punishing criminals than death penalty


Идея проекта: The precautions of safe living

Цель проекта: To find out the ways of punishing criminals in order not to commit crime

Задачи проекта:

1. to revise the main laws of committing crime

2. to discuss situations and fatal consequences

3. Different types of crime and punishments for criminals who commit serious crime

Использование в процессе проектной работы компетенций и субкомпетенции: социо-культурная компетенция, информационно-поисковая, аналитико-прогнозная.


Возможные варианты решения поставленной проблемы:


- To compare other countries’ experience in this field

- To make up new laws of punishing criminals

- To create means of controlling and reducing crime



Рекoмендуемая литература:

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