1. Poles EG Terrorism and international relations. Moscow, 1991
2. Taras AE Terrorism in the 19th century. Moscow, 2004
3. www. Kisi.kz
4. Borisenko DS Terrorism with selfish intent. M., 2006. Akikat. - 1995.
"Features of a television in the Kazakh television."
• The idea of the project: Features of creation and functioning of the domestic television production in Kazakhstan
• The purpose of the project: In identify the characteristics and strategies of media content Kazakh TV.
The objectives of the project:
1. To identify the key stages in the development of television technology in the country and in the world;
2. Identify the role of technology in the creation of television programs;
3. To identify the key features of training Western, Russian and local talk shows;
4. Identify the variety of subjects Kazakh TV programs in the genre of talk shows;
5. Analyze a variety of sources to reveal the peculiarities of development and production of entertainment programs in the Kazakh television;
Use in the course of project work and competence subkompetentsii: Intercultural - communicative (linguistic-cultural, socio - cultural) professional landmarks (information - search, analytical - forecast;
• Possible solutions to a given problem:
The results can be used for- future research
The final product (result) of project work - a report on the international student conference.
Recommended literature
1. D. Egorov Television: Theory and Practice, Moscow, 2002
2. Dugin EY Local TV, typology, factors and conditions of the programs, Moscow, 1982
3. www. Telcentre.ru
4. www. Library. Ejes.ru
Project: "Development of health in a globalized world."
Problem: The advantages and disadvantages of public and private health facilities
The idea of the project: The impact of globalization on the health system-
Project aim: Identify the impact of globalization on health care-
Project objectives:-
1. Compare: Cost of services, resources, quality of service, qualifications of doctors, etc.
2.. The benefits of globalization: access to health services in other countries, training abroad etc.
3. Compare the responsibility of doctors in private clinics and public hospitals.
4. Prospects for the development of medicine in the era of globalization
Use in the course of project work and competence subkompetentsii: intercultural communicative (linguistic-cultural, socio-cultural), vocational and landmarks (information retrieval, analytical and predictive).
Possible solution of the problem:-
find acceptable form of health care for diverse populations.-
The final product (result) of project work - the presentation in the group.
Compiled Alimbaeva S.K.
Ashinova K.A.
Karmysova M.K.
Рекомендуемая литература
1. A First Class Service: Quality in the new NHS// Department of Health, London,1998
2. Adams O., Kinnon C. Measuring Trade Liberalization against Public Health Objectives: the Case of Health Services., // WHO Task Force on Health Economics Technical Briefing Note, Geneva, December 1997
3. Aloisio F., Possible Brain Drain in Health Sector once Malta joins EU // Malta Independent, Feb 20, 2000
4. Annual Report //Doctors without borders. 2007
5. Arrow K. Uncertainty and the Welfare Economics of Medical Care // American Economic Review. 1963. Vol. 53, No 5
6. Barr N. Economic theory and the welfare state: a survey and interpretation // Journal of economic Literature. 1992
7. Ban* N. Economics of Welfare State. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993
8. Baucus M. Looking At The U.S. Health Care System In The Rear-View Mirror // Health Affairs. November 16, 2005
9. Becker G.S. Human Capital: Theoretical and Empirical Analysis with Special Reference to Education. 3rd ed. Chicago, London: the University of Chicago Press, 1964
10. Bettcher D., Yach D., Guidon G. Global Trade and Health: Key Linkages and Future Challenges // WHO Bulletin 78(4), 2000
Project: "Inter-ethnic relations in the CIS nations: problems and solutions"
• Problem: Ethnic conflicts
• The idea of the project: The solution of the national question.
• The purpose of the project: Identifying the causes of conflicts in countries such as Russia, Kyrgyzstan and other countries in comparison with Kazakhstan and find solutions to these problems.
• The objectives of the project:
1.Identify sources and causes of conflict.
2. Examine the issue of conflicts among local people, local residents and foreign workers.
3. Consider the ways of resolving conflicts.
• The use of the competence and subcompetence: intercultural, communicative (Information retrieval, analytical and predictive);
• Possible solutions to a given problem:
The results can be used for future research on the solution of the national question;-
- Search for ideas;
- The development of new value orientations;
• The final product (result) of project work - a report on the international student conference.
Список использованной литературы:
Правительственные документы и статистические данные
1. Конституция Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2007
2.Interrelations of the Religions in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Academic Report.
UNESCO. Almaty, 2006
3. Н.А.Назарбаев – основоположник казахстанской модели межэтнического и межконфессионального согласия./ Сост.: А.Н. Нысанбаев, А.Г. Косиченко. Алматы, 2010
4. Косиченко А.Г. Казахстанская модель межконфессионального согласия.//
Н.А.Назарбаев – основоположник казахстанской модели межэтнического и
межконфессионального согласия./ Сост.: А.Н. Нысанбаев, А.Г. Косиченко. Алматы,2010.С. 266-284
5. В Казахстане растет влияние ваххабизма и деструктивных религиозных
учений? //Kazakhstan Today, 30 сентября 2010 годаЛитература
6. Тажин М.М. Приветственное слово на IV Конгрессе социологов Казахстана // Социальная модернизация казахстанского общества: достижения, проблемы и перспективы: Материалы IV Конгресса социологов Казахстана. – Алматы, 2011. – 568 с. – С. 14-15.
7. Тугжанов Е.Л. Политика межэтнической толерантности и общественного согласия в Республике Казахстан: политологический анализ. Автореф. на соискание уч. степени доктора полит. наук. по спец. 23.00.02. – Астана, 2010. – 44 с.
8. Тоффлер Э. Метаморфозы власти // www.gumer.info.ru
9. http://www.islamsng.com/kgz/dialogue/179
Project Title: "Ecological problems of Kazakhstan at the present stage."
• Problem: The contradiction between the objective need for the progress of
civilization and its negative impact on the environment.
• The idea of the project to analyze the current state of the environment in
Kazakhstan, the ways and means of overcoming existing differences.
• The project aims to investigate the relationship of the economy and the
environment in case of the Republic of Kazakhstan and review the
concept, strategy and practical problem solving environmental
• The objectives of the project:
1. To examine the relationship of economic factors with environmental issues;
2. consider the economic problems of preservation of animal and vegetable kingdoms;
3. identify environmental issues of environmental protection and
way of economic impacts.
Use in the course of project work competence and subсompetenсe: intercultural communicative (linguistic-cultural, socio-cultural), vocational (information retrieval, analytical and predictive);
• Possible solutions to a given problem:
The results can be used for future research-
The final product (result) of project work - a report on the international student conference.
Рекомендуемая литература
1. Природно-ресурсовое право и правовая охране ОПС. М.1988г.
2. Петров В.В. Экологическое право России.
3. Байсалов С.Б. 250 вопросов и ответов по охране природы. Алма-Ата, 1987г.
4. Байсалов С.Б. Природа и закон. Алма-Ата 1996г.
5. Ерманов В.Д, Сухарев А.Я. "Экологическое право России" М. 1996г.
6. Ерофеев Б.В. Экологическое право РК, Алматы, 1995г.
7. Стамкулов А.С. Экологическое право РК. Алматы. 1995г.
8. Байдельдинов Д.Л. Экологическое законодательство РК Алматы. 1995.
9. Сагыбаев Г. Основы экологии. Алматы. 1995г.
10. Бринчук М.М. Правовая охрана окружающей среды от загрязнения токсичными веществами М. 1990г.
11. Реймерс Н.Ф. Природопользование. М. 1990г.
12. Фурсов В.И. Ерголиев Т. Общая экология. Алматы. 1996г
“National stereotypes. Truth or Myth?”
• Проблема: Truth andlies in stereotypes about nations.
• Идея проекта: Stereotypes help us to study the world.
• Цель проекта: To compare different stereotypes about various nations.
• Задачи проекта:
1. give the definition to “stereotype”
2. give an overview of various scientists for the given problem
3. analysis of national stereotypes
4. compare and contrast truth and lie about different nations.
• Использование в процессе проектной работы компетенций и субкомпетенций:
социо-культурная компетенция, информационно-поисковая, аналитико-прогнозная.
• Возможные варианты решения поставленной проблемы:
- To solve the problems of stereotyping.
- To find out advantages and disadvantages of using stereotypes.
- To take into consideration the experience of other countries.
• Конечный продукт проектной работы – доклад на международной студенческой конференции.
Рекомендуемая литература:
1. Hilton, James L.; von Hippel, William (1996). "Stereotypes". Annual Review of Psychology 47 (1): 237–271. doi:10.1146/annurev.psych.47.1.237
2. Stuart Ewen, Elizabeth Ewen, Typecasting: On the Arts and Sciences of Human Inequality. New York (Seven Stories Press) 2006
3. Turner, Chris (2004). Planet Simpson: How a Cartoon Masterpiece Documented an Era and Defined a Generation. Toronto: Random House Canada.
4. Судаков К. В. Динамические стереотипы, или Информационные отпечатки действительности. М.: ПЕР СЭ, 2002.
5. Рябова, Т. Б. Стереотипы и стереотипизация как проблема гендерных исследований / Т. Б. Рябова // Личность. Культура. Общество. — 2003. — Т. V. Вып. 1-2 (15-16).
6. Фол С. Эти странные американцы. – М.: Эгмонт России, Лтд, 1999.
“Culture Shock: Stages and Ways to overcome culture shock.”
• Проблема: Dealing with culture shock.
• Идея проекта: Positive and negative outcomes of culture shock.
• Цель проекта: To study culture shock.
• Задачи проекта:
1. To give definition of culture.
2. To analyze characteristics of culture.
3. To give an overview of:
· Phases of culture shock.
· Symptoms of culture shock
· Positive effects of culture shock
· Causes of culture shock
· Actions against culture shock.
• Использование в процессе проектной работы компетенций и субкомпетенций:
социо-культурная компетенция, информационно-поисковая, аналитико-прогнозная.
• Возможные варианты решения поставленной проблемы:
- To solve the problems of staying abroad for a long period.
- To find out advantages and disadvantages of coping with culture shock.
- To take into consideration the experience of other countries.
• Конечный продукт проектной работы – доклад на международной студенческой конференции.
Рекомендуемая литература:
1. Bennett, M. J. “Becoming Interculturally Competent.” In Wurzel, J. Toward multiculturalism: A Reader in Multicultural Education. Newton: Intercultural Resource Corporation, 2004.
2. DeVito, J. A. Messages: Building Interpersonal Communication Skills. New York: Longman,
3. Fisher, G. Mindset: The Role of Culture and Perception in International Relations. Yarmouth: Intercultural Press, 1997.
4. Geertz, C. The Interpretation of Culture. New York: Basic Books, 1973.
5. Harris, P. R. and R. T. Moran. Managing Cultural Differences. Houston: Gulf, 1991. Manz, S. Culture Shock – Causes, Consequences and Solutions: The International Experience. Scholarly Research Paper, 2003. 15. Nov. 2010. <http://www.grin.com/e-book/108360/cultureshock-causes-consequences-and-solutions-the-international-experience>.
6. Nolan, R. W. Communicating and Adapting Across Cultures: Living and Working in the Global Village. Westport: Bergin, 1999.
7. Pedersen, P. The Five Stages of Culture Shock: Critical Incidents Around the World. London: Greenwood Press, 1995.
8. Shulman, M. Cultures in Contrast. University of Michigan, 1998.
9. Singer, M. Perception and Identity in Intercultural Communication. Yarmouth: Intercultural Press, 1998.
10. Culture Shock. Best-Career-Match. 2010. 12. Dec. 2010. <http://www.best-careermatch.com/culture-shock.html>.
11. Culture Shock. Pedia View. 20. May 2010.
12. <http://pediaview.com/openpedia/Culture_shock#Honeymoon_Phase>.
“Customs and business protocol of different countries.”
• Проблема: Why business etiquette is so important?
• Идея проекта: Business protocol varies from country to country.
• Цель проекта: Tostudy and compare business protocols.
• Задачи проекта:
1. To analyze business etiquette of different countries.
2. To give an example of various business protocol.
3. To compare business protocol of your country with other countries.
• Использование в процессе проектной работы компетенций и субкомпетенций:
социо-культурная компетенция, информационно-поисковая, аналитико-прогнозная.
• Возможные варианты решения поставленной проблемы:
- To solve the problems of communicating with foreign business colleagues.
- To find out business customs, unwritten rules, business protocol.
- To take into consideration the experience of other countries.
• Конечный продукт проектной работы – доклад на международной студенческой конференции.
Рекомендуемая литература:
1. Bovee, C. L., & Thill, J. V. (2010). Business communication today (10th ed.). Boston: Prentice Hall.
2. Brett, J. E. (2001). Negotiating globally: How to negotiate deals, resolve disputes, and make decisions across cultural boundaries. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
3. Chaney, L. H., & Martin, J. S. (2011). Intercultural business communication (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
4. Cook, R. A., & Cook, G. O. (2004). Guide to business etiquette (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall publishing.
4.Early, P. C. (1997). Face, harmony, and social structure: An analysis of organizational Behavior across cultures. New York: Oxford University Press.
5. Harper, T. (1997). Passport United Kingdom: Your pocket guide to British business, customs, and etiquette. Dan Rafael, California: World Trade Press.
6. Mole, J. (1999). Mind your manners: Managing business cultures in Europe. London: Nicholas Brealey Publishing.
“The Role of Kazakhstan mass media in a struggle against corruption, and its impact on formation of population awareness.”
• Проблема: Mass media in struggles against corruption, its impact on people’s awareness and on formation of public opinion.
• Идея проекта: Overview of mass media in Kazakhstan.
• Цель проекта: presentation of mass media products in Kazakhstan.
• Задачи проекта:
1. To present main newspapers in Kazakhstan.
2. To present main television channels in Kazakhstan
3. To present main radio channels in Kazakhstan
4. Situation and changes on mass media sphere after disintegration of USSR.
5. Analyze media ownership in Kazakhstan
6. Regulation of mass media and consequential level of censorship
7. To predict the future developments of mass media in Kazakhstan.
• Использование в процессе проектной работы компетенций и субкомпетенций:
социо-культурная компетенция, информационно-поисковая, аналитико-прогнозная.
• Возможные варианты решения поставленной проблемы:
- To predict the future of mass media in Kazakhstan.
- To take into consideration the experience of other countries.
• Конечный продукт проектной работы – доклад на международной студенческой конференции.
Рекомендуемая литература:
1. Rauan Baktybaev. “Mass media in Kazakhstan”. http://www.inioxos.gr/abc/downloads/massmedia/rauanBaktybaev.pdf
2. Svanberg, Ingvar, ed. Contemporary Kazaks: Cultural and Social Perspectives. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1999.
3. Kazakhstan Press Club. "What is the Kazakhstan Press Club (KPC)?" 2002. Available at http://www.pressclub.kz.
4. Eurasia Internet. "Kazakhstan: Parliamentary Briefing." July 15, 2002. Available at http://eurasia.org.ru/.
5. Dombrovsky, Nicolay. "Democratic Choice of Kazakhstan members anxious for ailing leader." The Almaty Herald, June 2002. Available at http://www.herald.kz/wn/1.htm.
6. Internews Network-Kazakhstan (2001) Electronic Bulletins Vol.14, 16, 17
7. Project of Transparency Kazakhstan (1999)
“Health care”
Проблема: “Stay healty”
Идея проекта: the best ways of keeping fit.
Цель проекта: What phould or phouldn’t you do to play healthy?
Задачи проекта:
1.Find out the most essential ways of keeping fit.
2. The thing a do to take care of my health.
3. Avoiding harmful and damaging heath ways.
· Использование в процессе проектной работы компетенций и субкомпетенции: социо-культурная компетенция, информационно-поисковая, аналитика-прогнозная
· Возможные варианты решения поставленной проблемы:
_ Taking regular exercises
_ Eating good quality food
_ Keeping your weight down
_No smoking
_ Regular visit to the cloctor
Рекомендуемая литература:
1. http:www.edu.gov.kz/en/
2. Health and Health problems
A Jeneral English cowse
3. Laser B2 by Anne Nebel and Rob Nicholas
Health:Unit 10
Проблема: How much would you like to earn? Ways of getting a good job.
Идея проекта: Skills and qualifications of getting a well-paid job.
Цель проекта: What would you like to do for getting a well-paid job.
Задачи проекта:
1. To find out the main problems and the easy of solving them.
2. What qualifications should you have for getting a good salary or wage?
3. What should you do to make a good impression at a job interview?
4. what do you have to do to get a job you like?
В процессе проектной работы необходимо использовать информо-поисковую информацию по данной теме проекта, используя социо-культурную компетенцию.
Возможные варианты решения поставленной проблемы.
1. To solve the problem of unemployment.
2. Highlight similarities and differences of working hows, its advantages and disadvantages, responsibilities.
3. The importance of getting pleasure from a job.
Конечный продукт проектной работы: «Презентация работы перед группой».
Рекомендуемая литература:
1. First certificate “Gold” coursebook by Richard Acklam with Sally Bugess. – Longman
2. Laser B2 Student’s Book by Malcolm Mann, Steve Taylore-Knowles – Macmillan
3. Basic English (second year) Kazakh Abylai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages.
4. Internet.
Тема проекта: Lifestyle
Проблема: “the lifestyle of different generations”
Идея проекта:
1. The best ways of mutual understanding of different generations.
2. The nest ways of solving the problems of misunderstanding.
3. Behavior and its problems of the social society.
Цель проекта: Mutual understanding
Задачи проекта:
1. To describe and compare different lifestyle of younger and older generations
2. Compare and contrast free time of younger and older generations. Ways of spending spare time.
3. The lifestyle of teenagers.
4. The importance of fashion, clothes and appearance.
Использование в проектной работе социо-культурной компетенции и субкомпетенции.
Возможные варианты решения поставленной проблемы:
1. To create an ideal lifestyle for a young generation, especially teenagers.
2. To create a typical lifestyle for the people of older generations.
3. Ways of spending a typical week for different generations.
Конечный продукт проектной работы: «Доклад на конференции»
Рекомендуемая литература:
1. Ready for FCE by Boy Norris Coursebook.
2. First certificate “Gold” coursebook by Richard Acklam. – Longman
3. Laser B2 Student’s Book by Malcolm Mann, Steve Taylore-Knowles – Macmillan
4. Basic English (second year) Kazakh Abylai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages.
Тема проекта: Nature
Проблема: How much do you value the earth you lie upon?
Идея проекта:
1. The best ways of making our planet clean.
2. The challenges of keeping the Earth and surrounding world clean.
Цель проекта: The solution of environmental problems of the country and place you live in.
Задачи проекта:
1. To find out the main problems and the ways of solving them.
2. Personal strategies for reducing the effects of pollution.
3. What should or shouldn’t you do to keep the planet clean.
4. What do you personally do to save our planet.
Необходимо использовать все возможные варианты информо-поисковой и аналитико-прогнозной информации.
Возможные варианты решения поставленной проблемы:
1. To take into consideration the experience of the mankind in solving the problems of environment.
2. To give personal recommendations for the solution of the problems.
3. To compare and contrast the attitude to the ecological problems in European and oriental countries.
Конечный продукт проектной работы: выступление с докладом на конференции или групповой презентации.
Рекомендуемая литература:
1. Ready for FCE by Boy Norris Coursebook.
2. First certificate “Gold” coursebook by Richard Acklam. – Longman
3. Laser B2 Student’s Book by Malcolm Mann, Steve Taylore-Knowles – Macmillan
4. Basic English (second year) Kazakh Abylai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages.
Тема проекта: Family problems
Проблема: Solution of family problems
Идея проекта:
1. The best ways of solving family problems.
2. Different views of family life. A nuclear family and the extended family.
3. Featuring happy, balanced families.
4. Stability in marriage.
5. Care for the elderly.
Цель проекта: Solution of family problems. Different views on the given problems.
Задачи проекта:
1. To find out the main problems and the ways of solving them.
2. The solution of the problems of two or three generations living together. The attitude of sociologists on the given problems.
3. Compare and contrast the family units in European and oriental countries.
Необходимо использовать в процессе работы социо-культурную и аналитико-прогнозную компетенции.
Возможные варианты решения поставленной проблемы:
1. To take into consideration the problem of loneliness in the society.
2. Different lifestyle of generations.
3. Generation gap.
4. Coexistence of different generations and people.
5. Your recommendations and point of view on the given above problems.
Конечный продукт проектной работы: Презентация проектной работы перед аудиторией.
Рекомендуемая литература:
1. Socio-cultural approaches in Teaching English. Unit I. Love,marriage.fanily. – Longman.
2. First certificate “Gold” coursebook by Richard Acklam. – Longman
3. Internet sources.