







Ann is having lunch with her sister Barbara. Ann has just accepted a position as Administrative Assistant. Her boss is an executive with a firm that manufactures heavy machinery used in construction.


Barbara: You've got a new job, Ann. My congratulations.

Ann: Thanks, Barbara.

Barbara: Tell me a few words about your boss. What does he do?

Ann: Well, he is one of the vice presidents of the company, so he's rather important. He is an executive.

Barbara: Do you know the difference between an executive, a manager and an administrator?

Ann: I am afraid, I can hardly tell you the difference. I think these words are interchangeable and they really aren't different in many companies.

Barbara: What about your company?

Ann: In our company the top officers are called administrators. The next highest group - the vice presidents, the heads of major departments and branch plant managers - are executives like my boss.

Barbara: Is that all?

Ann: The group below consists of managers, they are general managers and foremen.

Barbara: So I see that an organization has a number of positions

and some people have more authority than others.

Ann: You are right.

Barbara: But it would be interesting to know more about the

functions of an executive like your boss.

Ann: I'd say he makes a lot of important decisions. He sets objectives, coordinates work, delegates authority, makes hiring, firing, evaluating and just general leading.

Barbara: It seems to be important.

Ann: It is important. It's evident that making careful decisions

is the basis of good management.

Barbara: But do you work under much pressure?

Ann: Barbara, you know I am quite used to working under pressure from my last job. I am also accustomed to lots of paper work and red tape.

Barbara: Good for you.

Ann: And what's more important I feel that I can learn a lot because my boss is very competent.

Barbara: Good, I think we'd be in a hurry not to get late for the work.



1. to work under pressure -

2. to delegate authority -

3. red-tape - . ,


Exercise 2. Your executive is a very tough man. What should his staff do to please him?

to be creative -

to be well-organized -

to keep fit -

to be punctual -

to be enthusiastic -

to obey the rules -


3 (15 )

Read the text. Give Russian equivalents to the underlined words and word combinations.


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