


Другие языки
Охрана труда


Программа дисциплины


- титульный лист и обратная сторона титульного листа;

- содержание (оглавление);

-типовая учебная программа дисциплины;

-программа обучения по дисциплине (Syllabus) для студента;

- активные раздаточные материалы (АРМ) (Hand-outs) - (тезисы лекции, глоссарий);

- методические рекомендации по изучению дисциплины;

- материалы по контролю и оценке учебных достижений обучающихся (тестовые задания; перечень вопросов для самоподготовки, экзаменационные вопросы);

- перечень специализированных аудиторий, кабинетов и лабораторий.



Высшая школа Высшая школа международного права и международных отношений

Кафедра кафедры общего языкознания и переводческого дела




Высшей школы международного

права и международных отношений

____________ проф. Калишева Ж.Г.

"____" _________ 20___ г







Специальность 050207 Переводческое дело


Форма обучения дневная


Всего 3 кредит


Курс 2 Семестр 3,4


Лекции 30 часов


Практические, семинарские 15 часов

лабораторные занятия


Количество РК 4


СРСП 23 часов


СРС 67 часов


Экзамен 3,4 семестр Трудоемкость 135 часов


А С Т А Н А – 2011


Программа дисциплины для студента составлена на основе Типовой учебной программы, разработанной в соответствии с ГОСО РК 3.08.277-2006 для высших учебных заведений по специальности 050207 «Переводческое дело».



Программу дисциплины составил к.ф.н., доцент Рамазанова Г.Х.

(подпись, ученая степень, ученое звание Ф.И.О)



Обсуждена на заседании кафедры общего языкознания и переводческого дела

(наименование кафедры)


Протокол № 9 от «20» мая 2011 г.


Заведующий кафедрой ОЯиПД д.ф.н., профессор Бейсенова Ж.С.


Одобрена методическим советом Высшей школы международного права и международных отношений

(наименование факультета)


Протокол № _____ от «____» ___________ 2011 г.


Председатель _________________к.ю.н. Калишева Ж.Г.





1. Калыкова Данара Мейрашовна – старший преподаватель

E-mail: danara.meirashkyzy@gmail.com

КазГЮУ, г. Астана, Коргалжинское шоссе, 8

Кафедра общего языкознания и переводческого дела,

каб. №312, 70-30-47


2. Пререквизиты:

Введение в языкознание, Современный русский язык, Базовый иностранный язык (А1, А2, В1, В2 уровни)

3. Постреквизиты:

Базовый иностранный язык, Теория перевода, Теория и практика межкультурной коммуникации, Функциональная стилистика русского и иностранного языков, сопоставительный анализ разносистемных языков.

4. Характеристика дисциплины: СогласноТиповой программе дисциплина«Основы теории изучаемого языка» состоит из таких разделов, как история языка, теоретическая фонетика и грамматика, лекесикология. В курсе данной дисциплины теория языка рассматривается с научной точки зрения, также пути развития иностранного языкознания; большое внимание уделяется приоритетным направлениям науки.

4.1 Цель дисциплины: ознакомление с историей развития иностранного языка, с особенностями его фонетической, лексической и грамматической системой и учет этих особенностей в процессе перевода.


4.2 Задачи дисциплины:

1. Характеристика языковых явлений в системе, определение их сущности и функции;

2. Рассмотрение развития иностранного языка с учетом особенностей его фонетической, лексической и грамматической систем;

3. Изучение фонетической, лексической и грамматической систем иностранного языка;

4. Развитие навыков научного анализа и синтеза по изучаемым темам.


5. Тематический план лекций

Темы и их объем в часах Контрольные вопросы Цели и задачи занятий Проблемные вопросы
  Theory of the English Language: subject and aims (2) to explain the subjects and aims of the discipline What are the aims of the discipline under discussion?
  History of the English Language (2) to discuss the fundamentals Historic aspects
  Old English, Middle English, Modern English (4) to discuss the fundamental aspects Periods in the language developing
  Lexicology: aims, tasks and connections with other branches of linguistics. Fundamentals of lexicology. Some general problems of the word. Linguistic functions of a Word. Diachronic and synchronic approaches to the study of a Word. (1) to discuss the fundamentals of lexicology What are the general problems of the word?
  Morphological structure of English words. Morphemes. Aims and principles of structural analysis. Morphological analysis. Derivational and functional affixes. The etymology of affixes. Hybrids. (1) to introduce students to the morphological structure of the English words Derivational and functional affixes
  Semantic structure of English words. Semasiology. Semantic change. The lexical meaning of the word and its relation to the notion. Lexical and grammatical meanings of a Word. Types of lexical meaning. Denotation and Connotation. Denotational (denotative) and connotational (connotative) meanings of a Word. (1) to explain the semantic structure of English words Denotation and Connotation
  Native words and borrowings (loan words). The origin of English words. Assimilation of loan words. Etymological doublets. International words. (2) to explain the difference between native word stock and borrowings Etymological doublets
  English vocabulary as a system. Functional styles. Highly literary words (Learned words). Colloquial words and expressions. Scientific terminology (Terms). The style of official documents. The opposition of emotionally coloured and emotionally neutral vocabulary. (1) to discuss the functional styles, colloquial words and expressions, scientific terminology Highly literary words
  Wordstock and society. Special terminology. Learned words and official vocabulary. Professional words. Jargonisms. Slang. Differentiation with respect to time axis. Neologisms. Historical, obsolete and archaic words. Poetic words. (2) to discuss special terminology, jargonisms, historical, obsolete and archaic words Differentiation with respect to time axis.
  Regional varieties of the English Vocabulary. Dialectal words. Standard English Variants and Dialects of the English language. American English, Canadian, Australian and Indian variants. (2) to discuss regional varieties of the English vocabulary Standard English Variants and Dialects of the English language. American English, Canadian, Australian and Indian variants.
  Word formation. Types of word building. Compound words and shortening. Conversion. Affixation. Composition. (1) to introduce students to word building Productive and non-productive affixes
  Polysemy. Homonyms. Synonyms. Antonyms. (1) to explain the polysemy Polysemy
  Phraseology. Phraseological units (set expressions, idioms). Semi-fixed combinations and free phrases. Similarity and discrepancy between set expression and a word. Syntactical and morphological divisibility of set expressions. Semantic, structural and syntactical classifications of phraseological units. Different opinions on classifications of set expressions. (1) to discuss phraseology Semantic, structural and syntactical classifications of phraseological units.
  Lexicography. Types of dictionaries. Explanatory dictionaries. Phraseological dictionaries. Bilingual dictionaries. Historical development of British and American lexicography. (1) to present lexicography Thesaurus
  Theoretical phonetics of the English Language: aims, tasks and connections with other branches of linguistics. The role of sound phenomena in communication. Varieties of English pronunciation in the British Isles and the USA. (1) to introduce theoretical phonetics Varieties of English pronunciation in the British Isles and the USA.
  Syllabic structure of English words. Intonation. Phonostylistics. (1) to provide information about syllabic structure of English words Phonostylistics
  Theoretical Grammar: aims, tasks and connections with other branches of linguistics. Parts of Speech. The Noun. The Verb. The Adjective. The Adverb. The Pronoun. The Numeral. The Article. The Interjection. (1) to introduce theoretical grammar The category of Verb
  Syntax: 1) essential features of sentence; 2) classifications of sentences according to their structure and their communicative type. (1) to discuss the issue of syntax[ Classification of sentences
  History of the English language: aims, tasks and connections with other branches of linguistics. The Old English period: 1) origin of the English language; 2) periods in the history of English; 3) Old English Phonetics; 4) Old English Vocabulary. (1) to present the history of the English language Old English phonetics
  The Middle English period: 1) the influence of the Scandinavian and Norman conquests on the English language; 2) changes in the spelling system. (1) to introduce the Middle English period Middle English spelling system
  The Middle English Noun, Pronoun, and Adjective. Rise of the Article system. (1) to discuss the nature of Middle English parts of speech Articles
  The formation of the National Literary English language. (1) to discuss the formation of literary English The formation of the National Literary English language.



6. Тематический план практических занятий


Тақырыптар Ауызша қойылған сұрақтардың мәселелері мен міндеттерінің шешілуі Жазбаша сұрау (тест, баяндама, бақылау, конспект, үй тапсырмасы) Оқытудың қазіргі әдістері, интерактивті тақта, аудио және видео бейне таспа көру Сағаттар саны
1. History of the English language: aims, tasks and connections with other branches of linguistics. The Old English period: 1) origin of the English language; 2) periods in the history of English; 3) Old English Phonetics; 4) Old English Vocabulary. ауызша сұрау реферат интерактивті тақта  
  The Middle English period: 1) the influence of the Scandinavian and Norman conquests on the English language; 2) changes in the spelling system. ауызша сұрау баяндама интерактивті тақта  
  The Middle English Noun, Pronoun, and Adjective. Rise of the Article system. The formation of the National Literary English language. The Modern English. ауызша сұрау бақылау жұмысы интерактивті тақта  
  Fundamentals of lexicology. Some general problems of the word. Linguistic functions of a Word. Diachronic and synchronic approaches to the study of a Word. Morphological structure of English words. Morphemes. Aims and principles of structural analysis. Morphological analysis. Derivational and functional affixes. The etymology of affixes. Hybrids. ауызша сұрау үй тапсырмасы интерактивті тақта  
  Semantic structure of English words. Semasiology. Semantic change. The lexical meaning of the word and its relation to the notion. Lexical and grammatical meanings of a Word. Types of lexical meaning. Denotation and Connotation. Denotational (denotative) and connotational (connotative) meanings of a Word. ауызша сұрау баяндама интерактивті тақта  
  Native words and borrowings (loan words). The origin of English words. Assimilation of loan words. Etymological doublets. International words. ауызша сұрау баяндама интерактивті тақта  
  English vocabulary as a system. Functional styles. Highly literary words (Learned words). Colloquial words and expressions. Scientific terminology (Terms). The style of official documents. The opposition of emotionally coloured and emotionally neutral vocabulary. ауызша сұрау реферат интерактивті тақта  
  Wordstock and society. Special terminology. Learned words and official vocabulary. Professional words. Jargonisms. Slang. Differentiation with respect to time axis. Neologisms. Historical, obsolete and archaic words. Poetic words. ауызша сұрау тест интерактивті тақта  
  Regional varieties of the English Vocabulary. Dialectal words. Standard English Variants and Dialects of the English language. American English, Canadian, Australian and Indian variants. ауызша сұрау үй тапсырмасы интерактивті тақта  
  Word formation. Types of word building. Compound words and shortening. Conversion. Affixation. Composition. ауызша сұрау баяндама интерактивті тақта  
  Polysemy. Homonyms. Synonyms. Antonyms. ауызша сұрау реферат интерактивті тақта  
  Phraseology. Phraseological units (set expressions, idioms). Semi-fixed combinations and free phrases. Similarity and discrepancy between set expression and a word. Syntactical and morphological divisibility of set expressions. Semantic, structural and syntactical classifications of phraseological units. Different opinions on classifications of set expressions. ауызша сұрау тест интерактивті тақта  
  Lexicography. Types of dictionaries. Explanatory dictionaries. Phraseological dictionaries. Bilingual dictionaries. Historical development of British and American lexicography. ауызша сұрау бақылау жұмысы интерактивті тақта  
11. The role of sound phenomena in communication. Varieties of English pronunciation in the British Isles and the USA. Syllabic structure of English words. Intonation. Phonostylistics. English-Based Pronunciation Standards of English. British English. English English. RP (Received Pronunciation). Changes in the Standard. Regional Non-RP Accents of England. Welsh English. Scottish English. Northern Ireland English. American-Based Pronunciation Standards of English. American English. ауызша сұрау үй тапсырмасы интерактивті тақта  
  The Noun. The Verb. The Adjective. The Adverb. The Pronoun. The Numeral. The Article. The Interjection. Syntax: 1) essential features of sentence; 2) classifications of sentences according to their structure and their communicative type. ауызша сұрау тест интерактивті тақта  
  History of the English language: aims, tasks and connections with other branches of linguistics. The Old English period: 1) origin of the English language; 2) periods in the history of English; 3) Old English Phonetics; 4) Old English Vocabulary. ауызша сұрау реферат интерактивті тақта  

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