






. .





<1> (Max-Planck-Institut fur auslandisches und internationales Privatrecht) (Bundeskanzler-Stipendium der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung). 17 2013 . "Treuund Glauben in rechtsvergleichender Perspektive: auf der Suche nach einem tertium comparationis?" "Aktuelle Stunde" ( - . ).


.., . . , , LL.M., . .. , .




- . 3 4 . 1 : "3. , . 4. " <1>. , <2>, - , bona fides <3>. , <4>.


<1> 1 . 1 30 2012 . N 302- " 1, 2, 3 4 ".

<2> , : .. // . 2006. N 1 ( 1916 .); .. . .: , 1998. . 258 - 262 ( 1917 .).

<3> , , " [ . - ..] - , - " (Sacker F.J., Mohr J., Aukhatov A. Zur geplanten Reform des Schuldrechts in der Russischen Federation aus der Sicht des deutschen Privatrechts // Zeitschrift fur vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft. 2009. Bd. 108. S. 398). . , , ( . 2009. N 3; http://www.privlaw.ru/files/ concep_11_2009.pdf): "... , ; . ".

<4> , : .. : // Legal Insight. 2013. N 2. . 4 - 10.


- , -, , , , , -, , , . - , , , , , . , , , - , , . , - , .

, , , . , , . - - , , .

, ? , , , , " ", , , <1>.


<1> - 242 , , , , (Duve T., Haferkamp H.-P. 242. Leistung nach Treu und Glauben // Historisch-kritischer Kommentar zum BGB. Bd. II. Schuldrecht: Allgemeiner Teil. 241 - 432. Tubingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2007. S. 279).


, : , <1>.


<1> .: Jaluzot B. La bonne foi dans les contrats. Etude comparative des droits francais, allemande et japonais. Paris: Dalloz, 2001. P. 537; Jauffret-Spinosi C. Teorie et pratique de la clause generale en droit francais et dans les autres systemes juridiques romanistes // General Clauses and Standards in European Contract Law. The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2006. P. 33 - 34.




1. , . , , - " ", . , , . , . : , , , , , , , , , , . , - . , , . <1>, , . , <2>.


<1> .: Esser J. Wandlungen von Billigkeit und Billigkeitsrechtsprechung im modernen Privatrecht // Summum ius summainiuria. Tubingen: Mohr Siebeck, 1963. S. 23: "Eine echte und nie voll losbare Antinomie"; Broggini G. L'Abus de droit et le principe de la bonne foi: aspects historiques et comparatifs // Abus de droit et bonne foi. Fribourg: Editions Universitaires, 1994. P. 21: "Il n'y a pas de ius sans aequitas..."

<2> , (. // . .: 4 . .: , 1983. 1137a, 31 ; . // . . . . . . : , 1998. 1374a, 27 ), (., : Lando O. Good Faith in the Legal Systems of the European Union and in the Principles of European Contract Law // Aequitas and Equity: Equity in Civil Law and Mixed Jurisdictions. Jerusalem: The Harry and Michael Sacher Institute for Legislative Research and Comparative Law; The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1997. P. 332; Whittaker S., Zimmermann R. Coming to Terms with Good Faith // Good Faith in European Contract Law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. P. 677, 697; Zimmermann R. Good Faith and Equity in Modern Roman-Dutch Contract Law // Aequitas and Equity. P. 519). .: .. // . 2011. N 11; Biscardi A. On Aequitas and Epieikeia // Aequitas and Equity; Esser J. Op. cit.


2. . , - , , . ius strictum aequitas, , - , .. , , . , , , " ": , (ius strictum), , , (aequitas) <1>.


<1> . . : "...in the history of human thought, the problem of equity has been inseparable from that of justice. Indeed, all the various meanings of the term "equity" have always oscillated between the two poles of the concept. By this we mean, on one side, equity understood as the essence of the law and, on the other, equity understood as the antithesis of positive law. This involves that a legal norm must always be applied so that the same treatment is guaranteed in two identical concrete cases. However, since it is unlikely that two identical cases can exist, equity must be attained by taking into account all the particular circumstances, both objective and subjective, of every concrete case. Equity is then synonymous with ideal justice, since when a legal norm is rigidly applied in such a way as not to correspond in a concrete case to the ideal of justice, it may give rise to considerable inequalities" (Biscardi A. Op. cit. P. 1).


, : , , , , , , , , , , , , , " ", <1>. (dura lex, sed lex): , - <2>.


<1> ., : .. - ( ) // . 2011. N 10 ( ""): "... , "; "... ..."; .. ( ) // . 2007. N 1. .: , 2008. . 57: " , "; . : , , // . .: - , 2006 (http://www.centrlaw.ru/ publikacii/ page24/index.html): " ..."; .. . // . 2012. N 4 ( ""): " 25 1995 N 3- 54 .. ... , , , , , (. 19 )"; Whittaker S., Zimmermann R. Coming to Terms with Good Faith. P. 690: "Legal formalism may seem to be a legal vice, inappropriate in a legal system come of age; but the legal certainty and respect for legal authority which it expresses (even if in an exaggerated form) are rather legal virtues, associated with the rule of law itself".

<2> Behrends O. Struktur und Wert. Zum institutionellen und prinzipiellen Denken im geltenden Recht // Rechtsdogmatik und praktische Vernunft. Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1990. S. 165 - 168, 170 et passim; Esser J. Op. cit. S. 25, 30 - 32, 35, 37.


, . , , , <1>. , : , <2>.


<1> . : Esser J. Op. cit. .: Whittaker S., Zimmermann R. Coming to Terms with Good Faith. P. 678: "...if the legal rules are seen as generally good... there will be no need to correct or to supplement them. On the other hand, even in such a happy legal system, there remains a need for techniques (whether general or special, judicial or legislative) for dealing with cases where a (perfectly good) rule would cause particular injustice on the facts... each [of the legal systems in our study. - ..] possesses one or more techniques by which such a tempering of the stark legal position is achieved, even if it draws the line between certainty and "individuated justice" differently from the others"; 700.

<2> . : Behrends O. Op. cit.; Esser J. Op. cit. S. 24, 26 - 28, 30, 36 - 37; Jolowicz H.E. Roman Foundations of Modern Law. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1957. P. 59.


, - , , , , , " ", , - , , "", " " <1>.


<1> . . : "Recht muss Recht bleiben" (Esser J. Op. cit. S. 23) .. : " . , , ( ), () , . - ( - ) - , ( ). , , " ( .. . . 64 - 65).


3. Ius strictum aequitas , . iuris iniquitas, " " <1>. : ius <2> , <3>. <4> - , , <5>.


<1> G. 3.25; 3.41.

<2> .: "Ius civile est aequitas constitute..." (Cicero. Topica 9).

<3> .: Esser J. Op. cit. S. 23 - 24.

<4> . .. : " jus aequum ( jus iniquum) justitia ( ), - ( - ) , ... ... aequum jus jus iniquum; , " ( . . .: , 1985. . 302 ( - .. )).

<5> : "Iustitia est constans et perpetua voluntas ius suum cuique tribuendi" (Ulpianus. D. 1.1.10 pr.), . constans et perpetua: (Schulz F. Prinzipien des romischen Rechts. Munchen; Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot, 1934. S. 58). ., : Broggini G. Op. cit. P. 20 - 21 (" , ..."; "... , Wandlung , . , ").


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4. - , . , . , , , , , , . , .. , .

5. - . , . " - " , , .

, () . , , .., , , , , <1>.


<1> . .. : " , , , , , : , , , ... , , (bona fides) (dolus malus - Cic., de off. 3, 13, 54; 3, 15, 61). , , , ius civile " ( .. (bona fides) // - : . .: , 2000. . 97 - 98) ( . - ..). , , . : Wieacker F. Zur rechtstheoretischen Prazisierung des 242 BGB // Idem. Kleine juristische Schriften: Eine Sammlung zivilrechuicher Beitrage aus den Jahren 1932 bis 1986. Gottingen: Schwartz, 1988. S. 44 ("antinomische Elemente des Rechts selbst").


6. . , , .

7. : "" , , . , " ": , ? , , , . , , <1>, " - ", " - ", " - ", , , . , , , , , , , " " <2>.


<1> , , , ( , , .: Horak F. Rationes decidendi. Entscheidungsbegrundungen bei den alteren romischen Juristenbis Labeo. Innsbruck: Scientia, 1969. S. 9 - 64).

<2> . . : " (Billigkeit) , " (Esser J. Op. cit. S. 26).


, - . , iuris iniquitates , , , ius civile , , . , , <1>. , , , , . , , : , , , , , , .


<1> . : : : . 1. .: .Ru, 2011. . 454 - 465 ( - .. ). : ", , ... , " ( . . 464).





1. , , <1>. " " <2>, . 1956 . " - 242 " <3>, <4>. 242 , , , ius civile <5>, 242, iuris civilis iuvandi, supplendi corrigendi gratia: , , , <6>. , . , , (. 4 . 1).


<1> (. .. , .. .. ).

<2> , " " ( .. : . . 4).

<3> Wieacker F. Op. cit.

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<5> : Papinianus. D. "Ius praetorium est, quod praetores introduxerunt adiuvandi vel supplendi vel corrigendi iuris civilis gratia propter utilitatem publicam".

<6> Wieacker F. Op. cit. S. 53 - 54.


2. , , , . , , .. , : , , <1>. , " " " ... ..." <2>. "", , aequitas ius strictum <3>. - , . , , - , ?


<1> Schmidt J. Prazisierung des 242 BGB - eine Daueraufgabe? // Rechtsdogmatik und praktische Vernunft. Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1990. S. 232 - 233.

<2> Bydlinski F. Moglichkeiten und Grenzen der Prazisierung aktueller Generatklauseln // Rechtsdogmatikund praktische Vernunft. Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1990. S. 189.

<3> Esser J. Op. cit. S. 28; Hesselink M.W. Op. cit. P. 443 - 445: "There is no difference between saying "good faith requires" and "justice requires" or "the law requires" (p. 445); Jaluzot B. Op. cit. P. 125, 237 - 238 ( , ). , " " - redelijkheid en billijkheid, (Hartkamp A.S. Judicial Discretion under the New Civil Code of the Netherlands. P. 554 - 555).


3. , " " . - XX ., 157 242 , , . 1804 ., , 1900 . XX . 157 242 , , , , , - , .. . , , , , "", <1>. (" ") <2>.


<1> . : Ruthers B. Die unbegrenzte Auslegung. Zum Wandel der Privatrechtsordnung im Nationalsozialismus. 6. Aufl. Tubingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2005 ( 1968 .).

<2> , , . - - . XIX . , , , , , - - . XIX . . , 1968 . . : XX ., - , , 157 242 (. : Duve T., Haferkamp H.-P. Op. cit. S. 296 - 298, 300 - 301 ( - H.-P. Haferkamp); Ranieri F. Bonne foi et exercice du droit dans la tradition du civil law // Revue international de droit compare. 1998. No. 3. P. 1065 - 1066 ( , XIX .)).


, , , . , - - - <1>. , , <2>. <3>.


<1> " " - , , , , , , - .: Hartkamp A. Deutsche Einflusse auf das niederlandische Privatrecht // Archiv fur die civilistische Praxis. 2000. Bd. 200. S. 509; Ranieri F. Bonne foi et exercice du droit dans la tradition du civil law. P. 1073 - 1077; Idem. Treu und Glauben // Handworterbuch des Europaischen Privatrechts. Bd. II. Tubingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2009. S. 1498; , common law. Farnsworth E.A. Duties of Good Faith and Fair Dealing under the UNIDROIT Principles, Relevant International Conventions, and National Taws // Tulane Journal of International and Comparative Taw. 1995. No. 3. P. 51 - 52; Whitman J. Commercial Eaw and the American Volk: A Note on Elewellyn's German Sources for the Uniform Commercial Code // The Yale Eaw Journal. 1987. Vol. 97. No. 1. P. 156 - 175. common law . : Yam Seng PTE Ltd v International Trade Corporation Ltd [2013] EWHC 111 (QB) [125 - 130] ( http://www.bailii.org).

<2> "" 1980- . .: Benabent A. Rapport francais // La bonne foi. Paris: Eitec, 1994. P. 291 - 293; Tallon D. Le concept de bonne foi en droit francais du contrat // Saggi, conferenze e seminari. 1994. Vol. 15. P. 3 - 5. .: Ranieri F. Bonne foi et exercice du droit dans la tradition du civil law. P. 1079 - 1081; Idem. Treu und Glauben. S. 1499.

<3> .: . 1:201 (Principles of European Contract Law. Parts I and II / O. Lando, H. Beale (eds.). The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2000. P. 113 - 119), III-1:103 (Principles, Definitions and Model Rules of European Private Law. Draft Common Frame of Reference (DCFR). Full edition. Vol. I. Munich: sellier, 2009. P. 676 - 685). . . 1 . 3 93/13/EEC " ". . : Ranieri F. Treu und Glauben. S. 1500 - 1501.


. , , , <1>. , , . , XX . Treu und Glauben bonne foi . .


<1> ., , .. , : (Sonnenberger H.J. Treu und Glauben - ein supranationaler Grundsatz? Deutsch-franzosische Schwierigkeiten der Annaherung // Festschrift fur Walter Odersky zum 65. Geburtstag am 17. Juli 1996. Berlin; New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1996).


4. , <1>, . , , - . , , " ". <2>.


<1> .: stylistic conventions to be followed in the proper drafting of a German judgment (Kotz H. Towards a European Civil Code: The Duty of Good Faith // The Law of Obligations. Essays in Celebration of John Fleming. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998. P. 250), lawyers' juristic taste (Whittaker S., Zimmermann R. Coming to Terms with Good Faith. P. 687, 701) the principle... added a special feature to the style of that system (Germany) (Lando O. Op. cit. P. 333).

<2> .: Duve ., Haferkamp H.-P. Op. cit. S. 291 - 293 ( - T. Duve).


, , , : ? <1> , , , , . , " " <2>. <3>.


<1> ., , , , , , : Cottier B., Sychold M. Qu'en est-il de "l'abus de droit" dans les pays qui ignorent cette institution? // Abus de droit et bonne foi. Fribourg: Editions Universitaires, 1994.

<2> , . , ius commune, exceptio doli generalis, - 242 - , , , (. , : Ranieri F. Bonne foi et exercice du droit dans la tradition du civil law). . (Broggini G. Op. cit. P. 14 - 15). . , - , , , , . : , 242 , , , 7 , (Ranieri F. Bonne foi et exercice du droit dans la tradition du civil law. P. 1058, 1081 - 1082, 1084 - 1085, 1090).

<3> ., : Broggini G. Op. cit. P. 19 - 20; Kotz H. Op. cit.


, , . ius strictum , . , , , , , , , . , <1>.


<1> Duve T., Haferkamp H.-P. Op. cit. S. 292 ( - T. Duve). . : Esser J. Op. cit. S. 37 ( , , , ).


. . ? ? , , - - , , - .

5. , " " - , : ? , " "? <1> , : " "?


<1> .: Hesselink M.W. Op. cit. P. 445 - 446.


, , , " , , , - , , .. " <1>. , , , , "" "" - , , , , . , - "": , , - <2> , .


<1> Whittaker S., Zimmermann R. Good Faith in European Contract Law: Surveying the Legal Landscape // Good Faith in European Contract Law. P. 32 ( - R. Zimmermann) ( .. ). .. (.: .. : . . 4). , , , , . , , , ", " (Lando O. Op. cit. . 338). . : Broggini G. Op. cit. P. 21: " , , . 2 . ".

<2> , : . . , " 242 " (Ruthers B. Op. cit. S. 268).


"" . ? - - , , " "? ? , .

6. : , , , , - , , (-) common law <1> , . , , . (, ), <2>.


<1> .

<2> , , : Hesselink M.W. Op. cit. P. 448 - 449; Kotz H. Op. cit.


- , , , - - , , , , <1>. , " " - , , , "" , , , - : , <2>. - ( , ). <3>.


<1> : Goode R. The Concept of "Good Faith" in English Law // Saggi, conferenze e seminari. 1992. Vol. 2; McKendrick E. Good Faith: A Matter of Principle? // Good Faith in Contract and Property. Oxford; Portland: Hart Publishing, 1999; Teubner G. Legal Irritants: Good Faith in British Law or How Unifying Law Ends Up in New Differences // Modern Law Review. 1998. Vol. 61.

<2> :. Hesselink M.W. Op. cit. P. 448 - 449; Whittaker S., Zimmermann R. Coming to Terms with Good Faith. P. 687: "...it could indeed be argued that there would be no substantive legal change were English or Scots law to accept a general principle of contractual good faith, as long as such principle were interpreted merely as providing a certain unity to those doctrines and rules which could... be said already to give effect to good faith"; see also p. 688.

<3> , , . , : McKendrick E. Op. cit. P. 44, 46 (a deep-seated distrust of general principles); Styles S.C. Good Faith: A Principled Matter // Good Faith in Contract and Property. Oxford; Portland: Hart Publishing, 1999. P. 160 - 161, 168. . : Interfoto Picture Library Ltd v Stiletto Visual Programmes Ltd [1987] EWCA Civ 6 [Bingham LJ]: "English law has, characteristically, committed itself to no such overriding principle but has developed piecemeal solutions in response to demonstrated problems of unfairness". , , , common law: Styles S.C. Op. cit. P. 173; Kotz H. Op. cit. P. 246 - 248, 252 ("General propositions of this sort do not decide concrete cases, either in a civil-law system where such principles are codified, or in the common law where they are not. What they do achieve in both systems is that they help to organize legal thinking, to allow the formation of clusters of similar cases, to make the law manageable and findable, and to provide a language in which a meaningful discourse between lawyers can take place").




1. , , , . , , . , , , - ius strictum - aequitas <1>. , , - , , ius strictum. , , , , , , .


<1> . : Esser J. Op. cit. S. 23 - 24. . : Ranieri F. Bonne foi et exercice du droit dans la tradition du civil law. P. 1091 - 1092.


, . ius strictum ,

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