






Homo antecessor . Homo sapiens, Homo Heidelbergensis. : , . 400 000 .

Homo erectus Homo habilis, . ; ; , ( ) , . 1 Homo erectus .

Homo habilis , 2,5-2 . . . .

Homo neanderthalensis 120 000-30 000 . , Homo sapiens, , , . , . , , . , , .

Hamo sapiens sapiens Homo, .

- (HOX genes & genes) , .

Systema Natura , 1758 . .

Tabula rasa 1. , . 2. - .

Umwelt 1. . 2. , .

(agrammatism) - (, ) , , .

(epinephrine) , , , . , , .

(adrenocorticotropic hormone ()) () , .

(Alien's rule) , .

(altruism) , , . .

(alpha) , .

(American Sign Language) (ASL) - .

(android fat) , ; ( ).

(androsteron) , , - .

(anxiolytics) , .

(anomia) 1. , ; . 2. .

(antidepressants) , , , - .

(antioxidant) , , .

(antipsychotics) , , .

(antisocial personality disorder) , , , . , .

(anthropoid) 1. . 2. .

(aromatization) .

(archetypes) , .

(atherosclerosis) , .

(autism) , , ( ) . , , .

(acromatopsia) , .

(Acheulean) , .

(ballistic movements) , .

(Bergman's rule) , , , , , .

(biological evolution) , , , , .

(behaviorism) , ( ) , .

(fight-flight response) , .

(Simpua marriages) , , .

(Broca's aphasia) , , . .

(Broca's area) , , . .

(Von Baer's law) , , ; .

(Wason Selection Task) . , - .

(Venus of Willendorf) , ; (25 000-30 000 ).

(Wernicke's aphasia) , .

(Wernicke's area) , . ( ) .

(Westmark's hypothesis) , , , .

(reciprocal altruism) , , .

(species) , , . , , .

(William's syndrome) , 80% . , , . IQ 50, , , .

(limerance) -; ; , () .

(extra-pair copulation ()) - .

(out-group phenomenon) .

(extreme environmentalism) , , ( , ).

(inclusive fitness) .

(in-group phenomenon) , ; .

(intrasexual competition) ; , , . , .

(female mate choice) . . , ( -).

(haploid) , .

(Haeckel's biogenetic law) , ; .

(genetic determinism) , , .

(gene imprinting) , , , .

(heterochrony) , .

(gynoid fat) , ; . ( ) ( ).

(hypertension) .

(hippocampus) , .

(major histocompatibility complex ()) , , . .

(gluconeogenesis) ( ) , , .

(holophrase) , .

(homeotherm) .

(homirads) Hominidae; , , ( ).

(Gondwanaland) , .

(hormone) , , .

(larynx) - ; . , , .

() (deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)) , , , , .

(depression) , . , , , .

(prisoner's dilemma) , - , . ( ), , , , . , , ( ) , ( ).

(dysthymia) 1. . 2. . 3. , , - () .

(conscientiousness) .

(dopamine) , . 3,4- () , .

(Doppler effect) , ( ) , . , .

(eugenics) , , . .

(dependent personality disorder) , .

(medial forebrain bundle) . .

() (imprinting) , ( ).

- (germ-line therapy) .

(visual agnosia) ().

(dominance hierarchy) 1. , . 2. .

(avoidant personality disorder) , , , . .

( inhibitors) , . , , .

(waist-hip ratio (WHR)) , . , 0,7 . 0,9 .

(indoctrination) ( , ).

(tool-use) ( ) .

(insulin) , .

(prosidy) ; , ( ).

(designer humans) , .

(histrionic personality disorder) , , . , , . , . , .

(cancerogenic) .

(Kibbutzim) , . .

(cognitive development) , , , , , .

(fluctuating asymmetry (FA)) . FA (, , , ). , , . , .

(collective unconscious) , , , ; (, ) .

(communication) , - , , .

(conspecific) .

(conlateral neglet) , , , . , .

(copulins) , , ( ).

(correlational research) , . .

(cortisol) , . -, 9:00 .

(cortical blindness) , ( ). , .

(Creole) , , , , . .

(robust australopitheciness) , .

(critical period hypothesis) , (, ) , , .

(Cro-Mangon) , , , (Homo sapiens), .

(cultural relativist perspective) , , , , , . , .

(laterality) , , , . .

(Ice Age) 1. . 2. .

(Scala Natura) , , , - .

(personality) , , , .

A (type A personality) , (, , ), .

(split-brain surgery) , . .

(Machiavellian intelligence) , .

(matriarchy) , , .

(intersexual selection) ; , , , .

(melatonin) , . . , , .

(menarche) , . .

(menopause) ; .

(menstrual synchronicity) , .

(modular mind) , , .

(modular brain) , , .

(cerebellum) . , , , .

(corpus callosum) , ; .

(monogamy) . / .

(morphology) 1a. , , . - . 2. (, ), . . 3. .

(Mousterian) , , .

(mutations) 1. , . 2. , , , . . , .

(narcissistic personality disorder) , , , .

(nativist) , , , ( ).

(naturalistic fallacy) .

(neuroticism) ; , .

(particulate inheritance) , .

(neural Darwinism) , , , , . .

(neurotransmitter) , .

(runaway sexual selection) , , .

(neocortex) , .

(proximate causation) , , , .

(nicotine) , .

rite of passage .

- (obsessive-compulsive personality disorder) , , / . , , . ( , , ), , .

(TIT FOR TAT) , . , , .

(oxytocin) , .

(ontogeny) , , .

(operant conditioning) , .

(osteoporosis) , , , .

(openness to experience) , , , .

(order) , .

(mate guarding) ( ), , , - . . .

(Pangaea) , ( ) .

(paranoid personality disorder) , , ; , , , .

(pleiotropic) ; .

(subordinate) ( ) , .

(hypoglossal nerve) , , .

(poikilotherm) (, ) , ; .

(field independence) , . , .

(polyandry) .

(polygamy) .

(polygyny) .

(sexual selection) (. -).

(prosimians) prosimii, (, ).

(posttraumatic stress disorder) , , (), . .

/ (handedness) , . .

(handicapping principle) (Zahavi, 1975), , , .

(conductional aphasia) , . , .

(psychoticism) , , , - . , , , , .

(five-factor model of personality) , , , , .

(regulator genes) , .

(restriction enzymes) , .

(retroviruses) Retroviridae, - (, ), , .

(genus) 1. , , ; : , , , . 2. , .

(self-awareness) .

(agreeableness) .

(seasonal affective disorder) , , ; .

(serotonin selective re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs)) , . Prozac, 1980-. , - , .

(selective breeding) , , .

(semantics) , , , .

(families) , , ; ; , -.

(serotonin) , , . , , , .

(symbolic reasoning) , .

(syntax) , (), .

(somatic gene therapy) , , .

- (male-male competition) . , , , ( ).

(social Darwinism) . ; , , , (, ) .

(sociobiology) ( ), .

- (kamikaze sperm) , , ; 99% .

(babbling stage) , . .

(Gracile Australopithecines) , , ( ).

(taxonomy) 1. : , 2. , , .

(teleological error) , , .

(temperament) . , , .

(Big Bang theory) , , .

(theory of natural selection) , , , . , .

- (parent-infant conflict theory) , - , .

(preparedness theory) , , , , , , . , , .

(theory of mind) , , .

(trait theory) , .

(theory of evolution) , , .

(testosterone) , . ( ), (, ), .

(anxiety) , , . , , , .

(three-factor model of personality) , , ; X. .

(tricyclics) , , (Elavil), (Tofanil), (Norpramin), (Sinequan) (Pamelor).

(hardy personality) , .

(factor analysis) , , .

(clever Hans phenomenon) , , , , -.

(pheromones) , . , .

(phylogeny) .

(phonemes) , , . , .

(phonology) 1. . 2. . 3. .

(functionalism) 1. , , . 2. , .

(cholesterol) , . , , , , .

() (human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)) .

() (chromosomes (diploid)) , ( ), .

(nucleus accumbens) , .

(human placental lactogen (hPL)) , .

(red queen hypothesis) , , .

(schizoid personality disorder) , , , , ; , , , .

(schizotipical personality disorder) , , , , .

(schizophrenia) , , . (, ).

(pineal gland) , , , , . , .

(evolutionary psychology) , , , , .

(egalitarian) , .

(extraversion) , .

(empiricist) , , , .

(entopic image) , .

(encephalization) .

(ethology) 1. , , . 2. , .

(eukaryote) , , .

(language) ( ), .

(Yonomamo) , 16 000 .


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