






Translate into Russian choosing the correct meaning of of, about, over.

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The Earth

The earth is one of the planets of the solar system. The planets revolve around the sun and in turn some planets have moons that revolve around them. The earth has a diameter of approximately 8 000 miles and is about 25000 miles in circumference at the equator. Our moon has a diameter of ever 2 000 miles and is the largest moon in the solar system. It is the brightest object in the night sky and it's attraction is the chief cause of the tides. The sun is one of the millions of stars with temperatures so high that they are self-luminous. The sun is a glowing ball 865 000 miles in diameter. But the sun is not the brightest star. Many stars are bigger and brighter than the sun.

Shape of the Earth. The earth is of almost spherical shape. There are many ways to prove that the earth is a sphere. Here are some. If we watch a distant ship coming into view we see first of all the masts and then the hull. Similarly, if the ship is moving away it's lower part disappears first.

A man standing on the seashore can only see a short distance; if he wants to see farther he must ascend a hill.

There are times when the earth gets between the sun and the moon, so that the earth casts a shadow on the moon. This shadow is always circular. Now, only a spherical body always throws a circular shadow and so we know that the earth must be spherical.


in turn


first of all





to revolve ()



circumference (),



to attract

attraction ,


to cause , ,



to glow , ,



distant ,


sphere , , ,

spherical ,

to come into view ,


hull ()

similarly ,

to disappear ,


to ascend ,


to cast (cast, cast) ,



Answer the following questions:

1. What is the earth?

2. How do planets revolve?

3. What is the diameter of the earth?

4. What is the circumference of the earth at the equator?

5. Is the diameter of the moon greater than that of the earth?

6. What is the chief cause of tides?

7. Why is the attraction of the moon the chief cause of tides?

8. What is the shape of the earth?

9. What are the proofs of the shape of the earth?

10. How many moons has the Earth? Jupiter?

11. Which star is nearest to the earth?

12. Is the sun the largest star?

13. What do we call the solar system?

14. When does the earth cast a shadow on the moon?



Give adverbs corresponding to the following adjectives and translate them into Russian:

approximate, chief, similar, active, bad, bright.

Translate into Russian:

1. The earth is a small planet but not the smallest. Some planets are smaller than the earth.

2. The earth is 93 000 000 miles from the sun, some of the other planets are nearer the sun, the others are father away.

3. The heat of the sun is stronger near the equator than at the poles and so the hot parts of the globe are near the equator and the coldest parts round the poles.

4. When the sun reaches its highest point in the sky it is noon of local time.

5. The Dnieper is much longer than the Thames.

6. The distances between the stars are much greater than the distances between the sun and the earth.

7. Peat is a far less efficient fuel than coal.

8. The sun is much nearer to the earth than other stars.

9. The moon is much less massive than the earth.

10. The stars are much farther away than planets and they do not move round the sun.

11. The moon's influence on the tides is more important because it is much closer to the earth than other heavenly bodies.

12. The diameter of the earth from pole to pole is nearly 27 miles less than the diameter at the equator.

13. Though the sun is a far larger body than the moon it is much less effective than the moon in tide generation because of its greater distance from the earth.



Translate into Russian choosing the correct meaning of of, about, over.

some of the planets;

the planets of the solar system;

a diameter of about 50 miles;

the cause of the tides;

one of the stars;


to be about 80 miles from;

to revolve about its axis;

to read about the solar system;


a diameter of over 70 miles;

the sun is over our head;

the bridge over the river;

the lesson is over.


Translate into English:

. , . . . . 2 160 . , . .








Nine planets with their moons, many asteroids and the sun make up the solar system. All the planets are moving round the sun but they do not all move round at the same rate. The earth takes one year to move round the sun. The earth is 93 million miles from the sun; some of the other planets such as Venus and Mercury are nearer the sun, the others (Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune) are farther away.

Much smaller bodies the satellites or moons are moving round the planets. The moon is a satellite of the earth. The diameter of the moon is about one fourth that of the earth. The moon takes about 27 1/3 days to make a complete revolution about the earth. Another planet Neptune has a moon of its own, while others have more than one moon. Jupiter has four chief moons and five smaller ones and Saturn nine.

The earth occupies an intermediate place in the solar family. It is a relatively small planet, yet not the smallest. It is relatively close to the sun, yet not the closest. The earth revolves around the sun once in 365.25 days, while the planet Mercury moves around the sun once in 88 days and Neptune's period of revolution is 165 (earth) years. The diameter of the earth (7 926.6 miles) is more than twice as great as that of Mercury (3 030 miles) yet it is less than one tenth that of Jupiter (86 500 miles) and less than one-hundredth that of the sun (865 000 miles). The mean distance from the earth to the sun is 92 900 000 miles which is nearly three times as great as that of Mercury 36 000 000 miles, but only one-thirtieth that of Neptune, 2 791 600 000 miles.

The density (water = I) of the earth is 5,5 which is only slightly greater that of Venus, 4,9 and Mars, 4,4 but is much greater that of the Sun, 1,4 or of Saturn 0,7.







Mars Mapc





to make (made, made)

to make up same ,


rate ,


such as ,

satellite ,

while ,

to occupy


relative ,

yet ,


once , -,

period ,

revolution ,

twice ,

to mean (meant, meant) ,


density ,


nearly , ,

time ,



Answer the following questions:

1. What do we call the solar system?

2. How many planets are there in the solar system?

3. Do all planets have moons?

4. How many has the Earth (Neptune, Jupiter)?

5. Do planets move round the sun at the same rate?

6. How much time does it take the earth to make a complete revolution around the sun?

7. What is a solar year?

8. How many day does a leap - year contain?

9. To which do we add extra day in a leap - year?

10. How much time does it take the moon to make a complete revolution around the earth?

11. What is the distance between the moon and the earth?

12. What is the difference between a planet and a star?

13. Which planet is closest to the sun?

14. Which is the smallest (the biggest) planet?

Translate into Russian paying attention to "that of and "those of:

1. The diameter of the earth is larger than that of the moon.

2. The atmosphere of the earth is denser than that of Mars.

3. The diameter of the moon is about 2 160 miles and its mass is about one eighty-first that of the earth.

4. Because the moon is so near to the earth its gravitative pull () upon the earth is greater than that of other heavenly bodies except the sun.

5. The elements which compose the sun and the stars are the same as those that compose the earth.

6. The temperature of the sea is much more uniform than that between the sun and the earth.


Translate into Russian paying attention to the translation of the word "times":

1. The diameter of the sun is nearly four times greater than the distance of our moon from the earth.

2. Many stars are bigger and brighter than the sun. The average star has a volume a million million times larger.

3. The moon is about 240 000 miles away from the earth, which is less than ten times the distance around the earth.

4. The mean distance from the earth to the sun is nearly three times as great as that to Mercury.

5. The atom of uranium is about two hundred thirty times as heavy as one atom of hydrogen.

6. The mean density of Jupiter is about 1,3 times the density of water.

7. The mass of the sun is so great that its gravity is 28 times that of the earth.

Translate into English:

1. .

2. . .

3. , , .

4. 88 , .

5. .

6. , .

7. .






The earth contains three essential parts, the lithosphere, the hydrosphere and the atmosphere. The atmosphere or air sphere covers the whole of the surface of the earth. The air consists principally of two gasses oxygen and nitrogen. There are about 21 parts of oxygen and 79 parts of nitrogen. Men and nearly all animals must have oxygen or they cannot live. In the atmosphere there is also a little carbon dioxide. Now, plants, trees, grass cannot live without carbon dioxide. Besides oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide there are small quantities of other gases in the atmosphere by far the important is moisture or water vapour.

You must picture the earth as a ball surrounded by an envelope of air the atmosphere. The coat is at least 50 miles thick but the upper layers are pressing down on the lower layers, so the air there is much denser and heavier while in the upper layers it is thin or rarefied. Wherever you may be when you read this, a column of air at least 50 miles high is pressing down upon you. Although you do not feel it, this column of air is exerting a pressure equal to 15 lbs. on every square inch of your body. People who climb high mountains where the air is thin find it very difficult to live and breathe. On the top of Mount Everest (30 000 feet) the pressure is much less than one-fifth what it is at sea-level and it is almost impossible to live at such a height even for a short time. Even at sea-level the pressure is not the same at all places.


at least

pound (lb.)

inch (in.)

foot (ft.)

(pl. feet)








atmosphere ,

to cover


to consist of -

principal(ly) ,

( )








moisture ,


to picture

to surround




layer ,

to press ,


dense ,


to rarefy




Answer the following questions:

1. What are essential parts of the earth?

2. What gases does air consist of?

3. What gas cannot men live without?

4. What gas do plants need?

5. What is the thickness of the atmosphere?

6. Why is the air denser in the lower layers?

7. What pressure does air exert on every square inch?

8. Why is it difficult to breathe high in the mountains?

9. What is the height of Mount Everest?

10. Is the pressure at sea level the same at all places?

Translate the following word-combinations:

A b

water vapour bright winter day

winter day high air pressure

sea level low water temperature

air pressure thin surface layer

water temperature wide temperature limit

surface layer high air density

temperature limit low sea tides

sea tide

Translate into English:

1. .

2. .

3. 300 .

4. , .

5. , , 50 .

6. , .

7. , .

Translate into Russian without using a dictionary:

The earth has two important movements: it moves round on its axis once every day causing day and night; it moves round the sun once every year causing differences between the seasons. The earth moves around the sun in an elliptical orbit, completing one revolution in 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds.

At one part of the year the earth is slightly nearer the sun than at other times because its orbit is nearly but not quite a circle. In January the earth is 3 million miles nearer the sun than in July.




Jupiter is the largest planet: it is nearly two and a half times more massive than other planets. Its distance from the sun is about 484 million miles; its distance from the earth is about 400 million miles. It takes Jupiter about 12 terrestrial years to move round the sun, but its rotation on its axis is very rapid: its day is less than 10 hours. Its mean density is only about 1.3 times the density of water. This is less than a fourth of the earth's mean density and about the same as the sun's.









The lithosphere is the solid outer part of the earth. The hydrosphere is the liquid part of the earth. It includes all the waters of the earth that are on in the lithosphere.

The lithosphere and the oceans together form an imperfect sphere or geoid slightly flattened near the poles and slightly bulged at the equator. The equatorial diameter of this geoid is 7 926.6 miles.

The total area of the surface of the land and water of the earth is about 197 000 000 square miles. The universal ocean which for convenience we divide into Atlantic, Pacific, Indian and Arctic oceans, covers some 141 000 000 square miles of the lithosphere. The continental platforms of North and South America, Eurasia, Africa, Australia and Antarctic are the great elevated portions of the surface of the lithosphere.

The area of the continental platforms is about 66 000 000 square miles. However, the ocean has overflowed its basins and has covered the lower margins of the continental platforms. The area so covered amounts to about 10 000 000 square miles. This represents the difference in the area of the continental platforms, 66 000 000 square miles and that of the continents 56 000 000 square miles.

Continents are the parts of the continental platforms that stand above the oceans.

The continental shelves are portions of the continental platforms that lie beneath the ocean. They extend out from the continents varying distances.

The slopes connecting the continental platform and ocean basins, either steep or gradual, we call the continental slopes.

Both continental platforms and ocean basins may be divided into second order relief, which are the mountains, plateaus and plains. The plains of the ocean basins, doubtless, are larger than those of the continents.

A mountain is a conspicuous highland with small summit area. We classify mountains according to their arrangement in systems, ranges, chains and groups.

Plateaus are highlands with broad, flatfish surfaces or summits. You may see such plateaus on the flanks of or between mountain ranges.

Plains are relatively low lands of the earth. Their surfaces have low relief. That is to say, their surface irregularities are comparatively small. Since plains are lowlands they usually occur on continental borders only slightly above sea level. Such plains we call coastal plains. If they occur in the interior of a continent we call them interior plains.

Nearly all large cities of the world are on plains. The great majority of the people of the earth live on plains.


either... or ...

neither... nor ...


both... and ...

according to

that is say = i. . . .


relief ()
outer ,
to include ,
  ( ),
to form
to flatten () ,
to bulge ,
area , ,
universal ,
to divide ,
to elevate ,
however ,
to overflow , .
margin ,
to amount ,
to represent
shelf (pl. shelves) ,
to lie (lay, lain)
beneath ,
to extend
to vary (),
slope ,
to connect


to call
second order relief features
plateau , ,
doubtless ,
conspicuous ,
to classify
range ,
flank , ,
irregularity ,
since ,
to occur ,

Answer the following questions:

1. What are the parts of the earth?

2. What is the lithosphere?

3. What does the hydrosphere include?

4. What do we call the part of the earth which surrounds the lithosphere and the hydrosphere?

5. What is the shape of the lithosphere and oceans together?

6. Name the oceans of the world?

7. What do we call a continent?

8. What is a continental platform?

9. Where do continental shelves lie?

10. What do we call a continental slope?

11. Are continental shelves steep or gradual?

12. What second order relief features do you know?

13. What is a mountain?


14. How do we classify mountains?

15. What is the relief of a plateau?

16. Where do plateaus occur?

17. What is a plain?

18. Where do plains occur?

19. What plains do we usually call interior plains?

20. Where do the majority of people live?

21. Why do people prefer to live in the plains?

22. Why don't people live high in the mountains?

23. Can you give an example of a mountain chain in our country?

Translate the following adjectives:

Doubtless, shapeless, hopeless, useless, motionless, weightless, helpless, cloudless.

Form questions to the italicized words:

1. The hydrosphere includes all the waters of the world.

2. Millions of stars are moving in the space.

3. A young mountain system consists of many ranges and groups.

4. The ocean has covered the lower margins of the continental platforms.

5. It take the moon 27 1/3 days to make a complete revolution about the earth.

Finish the following sentences:

1. Highlands with broad flattish surfaces we call...

2. A conspicuous highland with small summit area we call...

3. Portions of the continental platforms lying beneath the ocean we call...

4. The liquid part of the earth we call...

5. Nine planets with their moons, many asteroids and the sun we call...

Translate into English:

1. , , 66 000 000 . .

2. , . , 15 .

3. , , .

4. . , .

5. .

6. , .

7. , .

8. , .

9. .

10. , .

11. , .

12. , .







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