I. Answer the questions.
- What are the dates of the beginning and the end of the Great Patriotic War?
- Why is the war called the Great Patriotic War?
3. Whose voice announcing the beginning of the Great Patriotic War did our people hear on the radio?
4. What is the title of the song beginning with the words “ Вставай, страна огромная! ”? Who are authors of the music and the lyrics?
5. What was the name of the frontier post which took one of the first blows on itself? How long did the defense of the fortress last?
6. What was the German code name for the summer attack on the Soviet Union in 1941?
7. Which was the first Soviet order established during the Great Patriotic War?
8. What was the most famous letter from the front?
9. Which military parade did the Soviet soldiers march directly to the front from? When was it?
10. What city withstood 900-day blockade?
11. How long did the Siege of Leningrad last?
12. What lake is “The Road of Life “associated with?
- Who wrote the famous Leningrad symphony?
14. Which city did O. Bertgolts devote her poem in 1942?
15. Who is the author of the famous poem “Wait for me”?
16. Which battle was the first to take place: Kursk or Stalingrad?
17. Where did the fight for Mamayev Hill take place?
18. What is the name of a fortified apartment building during the battle of Stalingrad? How long did the defense of the house last?
19. What was the animal name of the famous German tank?
20. What is Prokhorovka famous for?
21. Name the five members of the Young Guard (молодогвардейцы) - heroes of the Soviet Union
22. How old was Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya when she was captured, tortured and hanged by the Nazis?
23. What troops did Marshal Kozhedoub, thrice-Hero of the Soviet Union belong to?
24. What was Richard Zorger?
25. What countries were allies of the USSR in its fight against fascist Germany?
26. What river did the Soviet and American soldiers meet on?
27. How long did it take to capture Berlin?
28. When was the Victory Banner raised over Reichstag?
29. Which words were said by the fascists when they were taken prisoners?
30. Who did the people award the title of “the Marshal of the Victory”?
31. Who was the composer of the famous song “Victory Day”?
32. Which German column marched along Red Square during the war?
33. What is the name of the parade taking place in Moscow on June, 24, 1945?
34. Which country was liberated by the Soviet troops after Berlin in 1945?
35. Complete the phrase: «Награда…»
36. What was the most famous medal of the Great Patriotic War awarded for?
37. Which cities bear the name of Hero-city?
38. What is the name of the soldier which is given to the monument in Bulgaria?
39. Which city is the square in Paris named after to honor the victory over fascism?
40. Where is the famous monument to a “Soldier-liberator” situated?
41. What is the number of Soviet people deaths in the Great Patriotic War?
42. Which of the following death camps was the largest?
43. Where did the trial over the fascist criminals take place?
- What do black and orange colors on the ribbon of St George mean?
II. Choose the name for each picture.
А) Битва под Прохоровкой
B) Площадь Победы
C) Красная Площадь
D) Мемориал Родина-мать на Пискаревском кладбище
E) Георгиевский собор
F) Памятник “Героям 1812 года”
G) Мемориал Родина-мать
H) «Катю́ша»
III. Match the names of the Marshals to the pictures.
А) Жуков Георгий Константинович
Б) Малиновский Родион Яковлевич
В) Рокоссовский Константин Константинович
Г ) Ворошилов Климент Ефремович