для студентов 2 курса факультета
Тесты I уровня
1. Choose the correct word.
a) aitiology
b) +aetiology
c) aetiologi
d) aetyology
e) aiitiology
2. Choose the correct word.
a) +pathogenesis
b) pathigenesis
c) pathoginesis
d) pathygenesis
e) pathogenises
3. Choose the correct word.
a) michanism
b) mekhanism
c) +mechanism
d) mechanysm
e) mekhanysm
4. Choose the correct word.
a) vysual
b) vizual
c) visyal
d) +visual
e) vijual
5. Choose the correct word.
a) palpatyon
b) polpation
c) +palpation
d) palpathion
e) palphation
6. Choose the correct word.
a) perkussion
b) percusion
c) percussyon
d) pircussion
e) +percussion
7. Choose the correct word.
a) auskultation
b) auckultation
c) +auscultation
d) auscultatyon
e) auscyltation
8. Choose the correct word.
a) +cystoscopy
b) cistoscopy
c) cystascopy
d) cyctoscopy
e) cystoskopy
9. Choose the correct word.
a) +edema
b) idema
c) ydema
d) edima
e) edyma
10. Choose the correct word.
a) hemarrhage
c) haemorhage
d) haemorrage
e) hemorrhage
11. Choose the correct word.
a) objectyve
b) objektive
c) +objective
d) objictive
e) obzhective
12. Choose the correct word.
a) subjectyve
b) subzhective
c) sybjective
d) +subjective
e) subjektive
13. Choose the correct word.
a) +examination
b exemination
c) examinasion
d) examinatyon
e) examinetion
14. Choose the correct word.
a) electrocardyogram
b) electracardiogram
c) +electrocardiogram
d) electrocardiagram
e) electrocordiogram
15. Choose the correct word.
a) cuagh
b) caugh
c) +cough
d) couph
e) cauhg
16. Choose the correct word.
a) haidache
b) headyche
c) headachi
d) hedache
e) +headache
17. Choose the correct word.
a) cyanosys
b) +cyanosis
c) cianosis
d) cyonosis
e) cianosys
18. Choose the correct word.
a) +bronchiole
b) branchiole
c) bronchyole
d) bronchiol
e) bronchiel
19. Choose the correct word.
a) dyfferentiate
b) differentyate
c) defferentiate
d) +differentiate
e) differentiat
20. Choose the correct word.
a) pleyrisy
b) pleurisi
c) pleurysy
d) pleurysi
e) +pleurisy
21. Choose the correct word.
a) occlysion
b) occlusyon
c) +occlusion
d) occlision
e) occlysyon
22. Choose the correct word.
a) surfaci
b) +surface
c) surfice
d) syrface
e) surfece
23. Choose the correct word.
a) +alveoli
b) alvioli
c) alveolyi
d) alveoly
e) alveyoli
24. Choose the correct word.
a) leicocytosis
b) leucacytosis
c) leucocitosis
d) +leucocytosis
e) leucocytosys
25. Choose the correct word.
a) erithrocyte
b) erythrocite
c) erythrocyty
d) erythrocyti
e) +erythrocyte
26. Choose the correct word.
a) tyberculosis
b) + tuberculosis
c) tubercylosis
d) tuberculosys
e) tubirculosis
27. Choose the correct word.
a) +causative
b) caysative
c) causateve
d) causatyve
e) causativi
28. Choose the correct word.
a) bynign
b) benegn
c) binign
d) + benign
e) benigne
29. Choose the correct word.
a) fatige
b) fatiguy
c) fatygue
d) fatugue
e) +fatigue
30. Choose the correct word.
a) corpascles
b) +corpuscles
c) corpusclis
d) corposcles
e) carpuscles
31. Choose the correct word.
a) pricede
b) +precede
c) prycede
d) precide
e) precyde
32. Choose the correct word.
a) tonsyllitis
b) tonsellitis
c) tonsillytis
d) tonsillites
e) + tonsillitis
33. Choose the correct word.
a) trecuspid
b) trycuspid
c) +tricuspid
d) tricaspid
e) tricusped
34. Choose the correct word.
a) +rheumatic
b) rheymatic
c) rheumetic
d) rheumatyc
e) rheiumatic
35. Choose the correct word.
a) temour
b) timour
c) tymour
d) + tumour
e) tumoyr
36. Choose the correct word.
a) aneimia
b) anaemya
c) anamia
d) anaimia
e) + anaemia
37. Choose the correct word.
a) heredetary
b) hereditari
c) heryditary
d) hireditary
e) +hereditary
38. Choose the correct word.
a) bleedeng
b) bleedyng
c) + bleeding
d) blieding
e) bleyding
39. Choose the correct word.
a) jayndice
b) +jaundice
c) jaundyce
d) jaundicy
e) jaunduce
40. Choose the correct word.
a) +simultaneous
b) symultaneous
c) simyltaneous
d) simultaneus
e) similtaneous
41. Choose the correct word.
a) chalecystitis
b) +cholecystitis
c) cholicystitis
d) cholecistitis
e) cholecystitys
42. Choose the correct word.
a) galbladder
b) gallblader
c) gallbledder
d) gallbladdir
e) + gallbladder
43. Choose the correct word.
a) caterrhal
b) catarrhol
c) + catarrhal
d) catarhal
e) catorrhal
44. Choose the correct word.
a) gongrenous
b) gangrinous
c) gangrynous
d) gangrenoys
e) +gangrenous
45. Choose the correct word.
a) +hypochondrium
b) hihochondrium
c) hyhochondryum
d) hihochodrium
e) hyhochodrum
46. Choose the correct word.
c) + umbilical
47. Choose the correct word.
a) perytaneum
b) peritoneym
c) perotonium
d) perytoneum
e) +peritoneum
48. Choose the correct word.
a) sclyrai
b) +sclerae
c) sclere
d) sclerye
e) sclirae
49. Choose the correct word.
a) chemothirapy
b) chymotherapy
c) +chemotherapy
d) chimotherapy
e) chematherapy
50. Choose the correct word.
a) metral
b) mitrol
c) mitrel
d)+ mitral
51. Choose the correct word.
a) aeortic
b) aortik
c) + aortic
d) eortic
e) aortec
52. Choose the correct word.
a) + murmur
b) mermur
c) murmar
d) mermer
e) mirmur
53. Choose the correct word.
a) byochemical
b) +biochemical
c) biochemycal
d) biochymical
e) byochimical
54. Choose the correct word.
a) daiognosis
b) deiognosis
c) dyagnousis
d) diagnous
e) +diagnosis
55. Choose the correct word.
a) impayrment
b) impaement
c) +impairment
d) impaumint
e) imperment
56. Choose the correct word.
a) cerculution
b) cyrculation
c) cyrculatein
d) +circulation
e) cerculation
57. Choose the correct word.
a) +disturbance
b) dysturbance
c) desturbanse
d) distyrbanci
e) dysturbanse
58. Choose the correct word.
a) exchenge
b) exchynge
c) exchinge
d) exchangi
e) +exchange
59. Choose the correct word.
a) athirosclerosis
b) +atherosclerosis
c) athyrosclerosis
d) atherosclyrosis
e) athirosclirosis
60. Choose the correct word.
a) syfficient
b) sifficient
c) +sufficient
d) suffysient
e) syffisyent
61. Choose the correct word.
a) +carbohydrate
b) carbohidrate
c) carbohedrate
d) carbohedrite
e) carbohydrite
62. Choose the correct word.
a) nyurogenous
b) niurogenous
c) neirogenous
d) +neurogenous
e) nierogenous
63. Choose the correct word.
a) + irritation
b) iritation
c) irretation
d) irritetion
e) irrytation
64. Choose the correct word.
a) naysea
b) nausyia
c) nausia
d) nausya
e) +nausea
65. Choose the correct word.
a) exicerbation
b) exacirbation
c) +exacerbation
d) exycerbation
e) execyrbation
66. Choose the correct word.
a) +appendicitis
b) appendicytis
c) appendicitys
d) appindicitis
e) appendycitis
67. Choose the correct word.
a) infectiuus
b) infictious
c) infectiois
d) infectios
e) +infectious
68. Choose the correct word.
a) severie
b) sivere
c) sevire
d) + severe
e) sevyre
69. Choose the correct word.
a) peritonytis
b) +peritonitis
c) perytonitis
d) peritonaitis
e) peritonitys
70. Choose the correct word.
a) + intoxication
b) intoxicetion
c) intoxicatoin
d) intoxecation
e) intexication
71. Cross out the extra word.
a) palpation
b) percussion
c) auscultation
d) edema
e) +village
72. Cross out the extra word.
a) history-taking
b) physical examination
c) visual examination
d) sputum
e) +plant
73. Cross out the extra word.
a) urinalysis
b) blood
c) fever
d) +station
e) headache
74. Cross out the extra word.
a) haemorrhage
b) + bread
c) vomiting
d) dizziness
e) breathlessness
75. Cross out the extra word.
a) occlusion
b) sputum
c) dullness
d) disease
e) + rest
76. Cross out the extra word.
a) foci
b) tissue
c) rales
d) crepitation
e) +graduation
77. Cross out the extra word.
a) pressure
b) respiration
c) + toy
d) liver
e) spleen
78. Cross out the extra word.
a) analysis
b) leucocytosis
c) + mark
d) blood
e) erythrocyte
79. Cross out the extra word.
a) + box
b) lung
c) focus
d) pneumonia
e) tuberculosis
80. Cross out the extra word.
a) cyanosis
b) bronchiole
c) crepitation
d) pleurisy
e) + education
81. Cross out the extra word.
a) malaise
b) + scientist
c) fatigue
d) fever
e) pus
82. Cross out the extra word.
a) mucopurulent
b) pus
c) benign
d) + knowledge
e) perspiration
83. Cross out the extra word.
a) palpitation
b) heart
c) + liquid
d) murmur
e) valve
84. Cross out the extra word.
a) physician
b) pharmacist
c) + learner
d) cardiologist
e) doctor
85. Cross out the extra word.
a) aortic
b) mitral
c) + dentist
d) tricuspid
e) apical
86. Cross out the extra word.
a) inflammation
b) temperature
c) fever
d) + ward
e) cough
87. Cross out the extra word.
a) flowers
b) grasses
c) plants
d) trees
e) + man
88. Cross out the extra word.
a) institute
b) academy
c) university
d) college
e) + office
89. Cross out the extra word.
a) cardiosurgery
b) cardiogram
c) cardiosurgeon
d) + urology
e) cardiography
90. Cross out the extra word.
a) ulcer
b) + student
c) nausea
d) erosion
e) pathogenesis
91. Cross out the extra word.
a) plain
b) desert
c) mountain
d) +climate
e) valley
92. Cross out the extra word.
a) heart
b) + cystoscopy
c) stomach
d) kidney
e) liver
93. Cross out the extra word.
a) malignant
b) hereditary
c) +pancreas
d) congenital
e) benign
94. Cross out the extra word.
a) +overstrain
b) tumour
c) cancer
d) carcinoma
e) oncology
95. Cross out the extra word.
a) stomachache
b) stomach
c) +urine
d) gastroscopy
e) gastroenterologist
96. Cross out the extra word.
a) room
b) laboratory
c) house
d) cabinet
e) +lecture
97. Cross out the extra word.
a) heart
b) lung
c) + patient
d) liver
e) spleen
98. Cross out the extra word.
a) cardiologist
b) physician
c) therapeutist
d) + teacher
e) urologist
99. Find the synonym to the word “impairment”.
a) irritation
b) +injury
c) inflammation
d) manifestation
e) obstruction
100. Find the antonym to the word “to arrest”
a) to accelerate
b) to confirm
c) + to stop
d) to consider
e) to decide
101. Cross out the extra word.
a) scientist
b) teacher
c) doctor
d) pharmacist
e) + health
102. Cross out the extra word.
a) face
b) + bag
c) tongue
d) lips
e) skin
103. Cross out the extra word.
a) jaundice
b) cholecystitis
c) peritonitis
d) appendicitis
e) +chemist
104. Cross out the extra word.
a) urine
b) +disease
c) pus
d) serum
e) blood
105. Cross out the extra word.
a) fever
b) vomiting
c) bleeding
d) +health
e) haemorrhage
106. Cross out the extra word.
a) west
b) east
c) +climate
d) north
e) south
107. Find the common word for this group.
a) +physical examination
b) visual examination
c) palpation
d) percussion
e) auscultation
108. Find the common word for this group.
a) urinalysis
b) + laboratory studies
c) blood analysis
d) analysis of stool
e) analysis of sputum
109. Find the common word for this group.
a) ultra sound investigation
b) + instrumental studies
c) electrocardiograms
d) cystoscopy
e) X-ray
110. Find the common word for this group.
a) breathlessness
b) edema
c) +symptom
d) cough
e) vomiting
111. Find the common word for this group.
a) fever
b) haemorrhage
c) cough
d) + sign
e) bleeding
112. Find the common word for this group.
a) + objective symptom
b) breathlessness
c) vomiting
d) haemorrhage
e) fever
113. Find the common word for this group.
a) headache
b) backache
c) + subjective symptom
d) dizziness
e) cough
114. Find the common word for this group.
a) breathlessness
b) cyanosis
c) + lobular pneumonia
d) cough
e) occlusion of bronchioles
115. Find the common word for this group.
a) palpation
b) percussion
c) auscultation
d) visual examination
e) +physical examination
116. Find the common word for this group.
a) +signs
b) malaise
c) fatigue
d) loss of appetite
e) loss of weight
117. Find the common word for this group.
a) +symptom
b) cough
c) sputum
d) fever
e) perspiration
118. Find the common word for this group.
a) stomachache
b) +symptoms
c) haemorrhage
d) nausea
e) vomiting
119. Find the common word for this group.
a) nausea
b) + gastric and duodenal ulcer
c) vomiting
d) haemorrage
e) pain
120. Find the common word for this group.
a) + gastric carcinoma
b) disturbance in gastric digestion
c) epigastric pain
d) loss of weight
e) vomiting of blood
121. Find the common word for this group.
a) gastric digestion
b) +symptom
c) epigastric pain
d) vomiting of blood
e) fever
122. Find the common word for this group.
a) + sign
b) bleeding
c) severe anaemia
d) loss of appetite
e) loss of weight
123. Find the common word for this group.
a) gastric carcinoma
b) +disease
c) angina pectoris
d) lobular pneumonia
e) hepatitis
124. Find the common word for this group:
a) liver
b) spleen
c) heart
d) kidney
e) + organ
125. Find the common word for this group.
a) dryness in the mouth
b) vomiting
c) nausea
d) constipation
e) + clinical manifestation
126. Find the common word for this group.
a) cold perspiration
b) pale skin
c) dry tongue
d) dry lips
e) +cholecystitis
127. Give the synonym to “to start”:
a) to play
b) + to begin
c) to bring
d) to finish
e) to give
128. Choose the right definition.
The place where the patients are admitted to the hospital first of all is ….
a) room
b) +reception ward
c) chemist
d) office
e) classroom
129. Give the synonym for “chronic”.
a) viral
b) epidemic
c) infectious
d) + prolonged
e) pathologic
130. Give the synonym for “sick person”.
a) doctor
b) dentist
c) scientist
d) nurse
e) +patient
131. Give the synonym for “bleeding”.
a) dizziness
b) + haemorrhage
c) sputum
d) fluid
e) substance
132. Give the antonymfor“anterior” is:
a) superior
b) inferior
c) inner
d) +posterior
e) upper
133. Give the synonym to “famous”:
a) common
b) +well-known
c) special
d) important
e) significant
134. Give the antonymfor“hot”:
a) light
b) warm
c) +cold
d) fresh
e) freezing
135. Give the antonymfor“objective”:
a) +subjective`
b) secondary
c) physical
d) visual
e) primary
136. Give the antonym to the word “slowly”:
a) never
b) almost
c) probably
d) lately
137. Give the antonym for “to increase”:
a) to disappear
b) to include
c) to indicate
d) to demand
e) +to decrease
138. Give the antonymfor“benign”:
a) hereditary
b) +malignant
c) permanent
d) profuse
e) empty
139. Give the antonym for “old”:
a) different
b) strong
c) quick
d) easy
e) + young
140. Give the antonymfor“primary”:
a) acute
b) chronic
c) general
d) +secondary
e) localized
141. Give the antonymfor“inner”:
a) left
b) right
c) low
d) +outer
e) middle
142. Give the synonym for “sign”:
a) palate
b) + symptom
c) pain
d) cough
e) fever
143. Give the proper definition.
The place where we buy drugs is ….
a) a shop
b) a café
c) +a chemist
d) a university
e) a school
144. Find the common word for this group.
a) +organs
b) liver
c) gallbladder
d) lung
e) kidneys
145. Find the common word for this group.
a) aspirin
b) bromide
c) + medicine
d) valerian
e) vitamins
146. Find the common word for this group.
a) atrio-ventricular
b) + valves
c) aortic
d) tricuspid
e) mitral
147. Find the common word for this group.
a) + treatment
b) a bed regimen
c) intravenous injection
d) intramuscular injection
e) remedies
148. Find the common word for this group.
a) Vishnevsky
b) Meshalkin
c) Petrovsky
d) + Surgeons
e) Amosov
149. Find the common word for this group.
a) + laboratory studies
b) blood analysis
c) biochemical blood analysis
d) urine analysis
e) sputum
150. Find the common word for this group.
a) fever
b) vomiting
c) jaundice
d) haemorrhage
e) + symptoms
151. Find the common word for this group.
a) itching
b) coloured urine
c) +signs
d) white stool
e) haemorrhage
152. Find the common word for this group.
a) general
b) acute
c) primary
d) +types of peritonitis
e) secondary
153. Find the common word for this group.
a) chronic
b) secondary
c) + types of peritonitis
d) acute
e) localized
154. Find the common word combination for this group.
a) elevated temperature
b) pain in abdomen
c) presence of fluid
d) tenderness in abdomen
e) + symptoms of peritonitis
155. Find the common word combination for this group.
a) inflammatory sex organs
b) perforating appendicitis
c) perforating gastric ulcer
d) + causes of peritonitis
e) perforating duodenal ulcers
156. Give the antonymfor“to occur”:
a) to appear
b) to survive
c) to manifest
d) to reveal
e) + to disappear
157. Give the antonymfor“direct”:
a) distinct
b) valuable
c) + indirect
d) primary
e) lateral
158. Give the antonymfor“complete”:
a) uncomplete
b) composite
c) reproductive
d) + incomplete
e) indirect
159. Give the synonym for “to reveal”:
a) to reduce
b) to treat
c) to develop
d) to spread
e) +to find
160. Give the antonymfor“soft”:
a) + hard
b) external
c) disternal
d) internal
e) acute
161. Give the antonymfor“narrow”:
a) fresh
b) external
c) ovate
d) circle
e) + wide
162. Give the antonymfor“singular”:
a) primary
b) secondary
c) direct
d) + plural
e) internal
163. Give the antonymfor“impossible”:
a) general
b) fresh
c) + possible
d) ready
e) effective
164. Give the antonym for “tall”:
a) + short
b) large
c) huge
d) strong
e) high
165. Give the synonym for “form”
a) +shape
b) circle
c) square
d) border
e) size
166. Give the synonym for “to gather”:
a) to hold
b) to correct
c) +to collect
d) to cut
e) to develop
167. Give the synonym for “to treat”:
a) to cut
b) + to cure
c) to hold
d) to reveal
e) to result
168. Give the synonym for “medicine”.
a) dose
b) + drug
c) tissue
d) muscle
e) skin
169. Give the synonym for “physician”.
a) + doctor
b) nurse
c) chemist
d) patient
e) pharmacist
170. Give the 2nd form of the verb “to catch”.
a) cought
b) +caught
c) catched
d) catches
e) cathed
171. Give the 2nd form of the verb “to fall”.
a) fellen
b) falled
c) felling
d) + fell
e) folling
172. Give the 2nd form of the verb “to teach”.
a) +taught
b) teached
c) taucht
d) tought
e) tayght
173. Give the 2nd form of the verb “to spread”.
a) spraed
b) spriad
c) spred
d) spreded
e) +spread
174. Give the 2nd form of the verb “to choose”.
a) chosen
b) choosed
c) chosed
d) + chose
e) choosen
175. Give the 2nd form of the verb “to eat”.
a) + ate
b) eaten
c) aeten
d) eated
e) eating
176. Give the 2nd form of the verb “to stand”.
a) standed
b) +stood
c) stoded
d) stooden
e) standing
177. Give the 2nd form of the verb “to lead ”.
a) leaded
b) leeded
c) + led
d) liding
e) leden
178. Give the 2nd form of the verb “to think”.
a) +thought
b) thinked
c) thinking
d) thaught
e) thoght
179. Give the 2nd form of the verb “to bear”.
a) born
b) bearing
c) boren
d) +bore
e) beared
180. Give the 2nd form of the verb “to build ”.
a) + built
b) build
c) bild
d) builded
e) biuld
181. Give the 2nd form of the verb “to ring”.
a) rung
b) +rang
c) ringed
d) ranging
e) ringing
182. Give the 2nd form of the verb “to say”.
a) says
b) +said
c) seid
d) sayed
e) saying
183. Give the 2nd form of the verb “to write”.
a) written
b) writed
c) +wrote
d) wrotten
e) writen
184. Give the 2nd form of the verb “to grow”.
a) growed
b) growing
c) +grew
d) grewen
e) growen
185. Give the 2nd form of the verb “to pay”.
a) + paid
b) payed
c) peid
d) paying
e) piad
186. Cross out the extra word.
a) general
b) localized
c) acute
d) +single
e) chronic
187. Cross out the extra word.
a) primary
b) secondary
c) general
d) localized
e) +purulent
188. Cross out the extra word.
a) pus
b) dizziness
c) + nurse
d) vomiting
e) haemorrhage
189. Give the proper definition.
If a person falls ill he will go to….
a) +a polyclinic
b) a library
c) a school
d) a theatre
e) a cinema
190. Cross out the extra word.
a) pain
b) headache
c) + cell
d) backache
e) vomiting
191. Cross out the extra word.
a) stool
b) +pain
c) sputum
d) blood
e) urine
192. Cross out the extra word.
a) tenderness
b) fever
c) vomiting
d) pus
e) +organ
193. Cross out the extra word.
a) pulse
b) fever
c) temperature
d) blood pressure
e) +abdomen
194. Cross out the extra word.
a) valerian
b) bromide
c) + attack
d) drug
e) remedy
195. Cross out the extra word.
a) stomach
b) abdomen
c) liver
d) heart
e) + nausea
196. Cross out the extra word.
a) epidemic
b) viral
c) + mild
d) infective
e) inflammatory
197. Cross out the extra word:
a) institute
b) academy
c) school
d) college
e) + hospital
198. Give the synonymfor“slight”:
a) brave
b) dark
c) strong
d) +weak
e) heavy
199. Find the antonym to the word“to exclude”:
a) to examine
b) to mean
c) to know
d) +to include
e) to relieve
200. Put the synonym to the word “sharp”:
a)+ acute
b) mucous
c) moist
d) local
e) common
201. Give the antonymfor “thick”:
a) large
b) + thin
c) long
d) small
e) light
202. Choose the correct word.
a) unfevourable
b) unfaviurable
c) unfavoirable
d) +unfavourable
e) unfavourible
203. Choose the correct word.
a) lymphatyc
b) lymphetic
c) lymphatec
d) + lymphatic
e) limphatic
204. Choose the correct word.
a) aniemia
b) aneemia
c) +anaemia
d) anaemya
e) anaemea
205. Choose the correct word.
a) epygustric
b) epigastryc
c) epigestric
d) epygastric
e) +epigastric
206. Choose the correct word.
a) + subsequently
b) sabsequently
c) subsuquently
d) subsiquently
e) subsequentli
207. Give the synonym to the word “occlusion”:
a) palpation
b) examination
c) auscultation
d) +obstruction
e) percussion
208. Give the the synonym to the word “vaccination”:
a) conclusion
b) operation
c) constipation
d) +innoculation
e) irritation
209. Give the antonym“frequently”:
a) always
b) often
c) usually
d) +rare
e) almost
210. Give the antonymfor “external”:
a) outer
b) upper
c) lower
d) + internal
e) oral
211. Give the antonymfor “malignant”:
a) + benign
b) general
c) common
d) acute
e) hereditary
212. Give the synonymfor the word “damage”:
a) onset
b) + disturbance
c) influence
d) occlusion
e) dullness
213. Give the antonymfor “dry”:
a) cold
b) +wet
c) hot
d) sunny
e) mild
214. Give the antonymfor “to diminish”:
a) to exclude
b) to examine
c) to eliminate
d) to estimate
e) + to enlarge
215. Cross out the extra word.
a) elephant
b) + apple
c) tiger
d) lion
e) zebra
216. Cross out the extra word.
a) south
b) north
c) west
d) east
e) + river
Тесты II уровня
1. Choose the proper form of the verb “to be”:
Hi! My name….. Mike.
a) +is
b) am
c) are
d) were
e) was
2. Choose the proper form of the verb:
Yesterday I …..at home.
a) am
b) were
c) +was
d) are
e) is
3. Choose the proper preposition:
The patient complained …. the pain.
a) on
b) out
c) off
d) up
e) +of
4. Find Participle I:
a) to write
b) wrote
c) written
d) had written
e) +writing
5. Choose the proper pronoun:
Are there …pains in the chest?
a) nothing
b) none
c) some
d) anything
e) +any
6. Find the proper form of the verb:
The doctor on duty ….the patient in the reception ward yesterday.
a) had examined
b) have examined
c) +examined
d) examines
e) will examine
7. Choose the proper form of the verb:
The patient …. of intense pain last year.
a) have complained
b) had complained
c) +complained
d) has complained
e) will have complained
8. Choose the proper form of the verb:
The nurse…..injection to the patient now.
a) was giving
b) has been giving
c) +is giving
d) were giving
e) will be giving
9. Choose the proper form of the verb:
My friend …..from a severe pain at that time.
a) +was suffering
b) is suffering
c) were suffering
d) are suffering
e) had been suffering
10. Put the verb in Present Continuous Tense:
Look! The surgeon …..the operation on the heart.
a) +is performing
b) are performing
c) was performing
d) were performing
e) am performing
11. Choose the proper form of the verb:
They …. TV now.
a) is watching
b) was watching
c) +are watching
d) were watching
e) will be watching
12. Choose the correct question to the underlined words:
The therapeutist determined the enlargement of the heart.
a) Where did the therapeutist determine?
b) +What did the therapeutist determine?
c) Who determined the enlargement of the heart?
d) When did the therapeutist determine the enlargement of the heart?
e) How did the therapeutist determine the enlargement of the heart?
13. Choose the proper form of the verb:
The patient ….to the hospital last week.
a) is admitted
b) +was admitted
c) had been admitted
d) were admitted
e) are admitted
14. Choose the proper modal verb:
You are seriously ill. You ….see a doctor.
a) need
b) can’t
c) +must
d) don’t have to
e) might have
15. Choose the proper form of the verb:
The doctor ….just…the operation on the abdomen.
a) +has/ performed
b) have/ performed
c) had/ performed
d) will/ have performed
e) have/ performing
16. Put the necessary preposition:
The patient was admitted …. the hospital with lobular pneumonia.
a) at
b) over
c) +to
d) in
e) on
17. Choose the adjective in comparative degree:
My … sister doesn’t live with us.
a) more old
b) olderer
c) +elder
d) more older
e) most older
18. Choose the correct noun in plural form:
Our … are ….
a) childs/ brothers
b) children/ brother
c) child/brothers
d) childrens/brothers
e) +children/brothers
19. Give the right sentences.
a) +The nurse on duty doesn’t perform an operation.
b) The nurse on duty isn’t perform an operation.
c) The nurse on duty not does perform an operation.
d) The nurse on duty not perform an operation.
e) The nurse on duty perform not an operation.
20. Choose the right sentences.
a) +The doctors don’t administer the different procedures.
b) The doctors doesn’t administer the different procedures.
c) The doctors not administer the different procedures.
d) The doctors administer doesn’t the different procedures.
e) The doctors administer not the different procedures.
21. Choose the proper preposition:
All the doctors always treat patients ….great attention.
a) +with
b) by
c) from
d) on
e) at
22. Find the proper form of the verb:
The patient with acute appendicitis …a diet and bed regimen every day.
a) follow
b) +follows
c) followed
d) will follow
e) has followed
23. Choose the adjective in comparative degree:
Your car is…than mine.
a) the best
b) +better
c) most better
d) betterer
e) betterest
24. Choose the proper pronoun:
She didn’t give me…..prescribed remedies.
a) none
b) some
c) no
d) +any
e) nothing
25. Choose the proper preposition:
Smoking is also responsible….the development of stomach carcinoma.
a) by
b) on
c) of
d) at
e) +for
26. Put the proper preposition:
The doctor is listening …the patient’s heart.
a) of
b) on
c) at
d) +to
e) with
27. Choose the proper form of the verb “to be”:
The operations on the heart …performed by the surgeons every day.
a) am
b) +are
c) is
d) was
e) shall be
28. Choose the proper form of the verb “to have”:
In pneumonia a patient….breathlessness and cyanosis of the face.
a) have
b) +has
c) had
d) will have
e) is having
29. Choose the proper form of the verb:
The doctor …. the blood analysis for 2 hours.
a) is studying
b) will be studying
c) +has been studying
d) was studying
e) were studying
30. Choose the proper form of the verb:
The lecture on Biology..usually … on Fridays.
a) +is/delivered
b) was/delivered
c) will/be delivered
d) were/ delivered
e) have/been delivered
31. Choose the proper form of the verb:
The doctor...his report last year.
a) publishes
b) +published
c) will publish
d) had published
e) has published
32. Choose the proper form of the verb:
The teacher…..the lecture now.
a) are delivering
b) was delivering
c) +is delivering
d) will be delivering
e) has been delivering
33. Choose the proper form of the verb:
Physician …… on his following a strict bed regimen yesterday.
a) has insisted
b) have insisted
c) +insisted
d) will insist
e) had insisted
34. Choose the proper form of the verb:
We…for you at the station at 2 o’clock tomorrow.
a) were waiting
b) +shall be waiting
c) was waiting
d) is waiting
e) am waiting
35. Choose the proper form of the verb:
He ….bad yesterday. He had headache.
a) +felt
b) feel
c) have felt
d) will feel
e) are feeling
36. Choose the proper form of the verb:
We … Anatomy at 2 o’clock yesterday.
a) is studying
b) are studying
c) will be studying
d) +were studying
e) was studying
37. Choose the proper form of the verb:
The physiologists …their research works next month.
a) finished
b) +will finish
c) has finished
d) finish
e) had finished
38. Choose the proper form of the verb:
The patient always…of intense pain.
a) + complains
b) complained
c) will complain
d) have complained
e) complain
39. Put the proper preposition:
The pain is preceded … physical and mental overstrain.
a) in
b) at
c) +by
d) for
e) on
40. Put the proper preposition:
Purulent form is dangerous …life.
a) at
b) +to
c) for
d) with
e) from
41. Choose the proper form of the verb:
The physician…to the patient’s heart at this moment.
a) will be listening
b) was listening
c) +is listening
d) were listening
e) are listening
42. Choose the adjective in comparative degree:
Filterable virus in the Botkin’s disease is not found in the ….
a) liver
b) blood
c) +sputum
d) stool
e) urine
43. Find the equivalents of the modal verb “can”.
a) ought to
b) might
c) +to be able to
d) to be allowed to
e) have to
44. Choose the proper form of the verb:
The patient ….from gastric carcinoma for 2 years.
a) are suffering
b) have been suffering
c) +has been suffering
d) will be suffering
e) am suffering
45. Choose the proper form of the verb:
I ……. fatty food for a long time.
a) had been eating
b) will have been eating
c) + have been eating
d)has been eating
e) has eating
46. Put the proper pronoun:
My uncle is a surgeon. ….works at the in-patient department.
a) +He
b) She
c) I
d) We
e) You
47. Choose the proper form of the verb:
The doctor …just…my blood pressure.
a) +has/measured
b) had/measured
c) will/ have measured
d) have/measured
e) is/measured
48. Choose the proper cardinal numeral:
February is the … month of the year.
a) third
b) first
c) + second
d) fourth
e) fifth
49. Choose the proper form of the verb:
The patient ….from jaundice since July.
a) +has been suffering
b) will have been suffering
c) had been suffering
d) have been suffering
e) was suffering
50. Choose the proper noun:
There is … on the table.
a) books
b) book’s
c) +a book
d) books’
e) book
51. Choose the proper form of the verb:
Koch …… the causative agent of tuberculosis in 1882.
a) +discovered
b) has discovered
c) will discover
d) discover
e) had discovered
52. Choose the right variant:
There are not… books in the library.
a) something
b) none
c) no
d) some
e) +any
53. Choose the proper form of the verb:
The teacher …the grammar rule now.
a) will be explaining
b) were explaining
c) are explaining
d) was explaining
e) + is explaining
54. Choose the adjective in superlative degree:
The operation on the heart is….. one.
a) + the most difficult
b) the difficultest
c) more difficult
d) difficultest
e) difficulter
55. Choose the proper form of the verb:
I ……a book at 2 o’clock yesterday.
a) were reading
b) is reading
c) will be reading
d) has been reading
e) +was reading
56. Find the equivalent of the modal verb “may”.
a) +to be allowed to
b) had to
c) to be able to
d) have to
e) ought to
57. Choose the right variant of the pronoun:
I see only two students in the room. Where are…?
a) he
b) +they
c) she
d) it
e) I
58. Choose the proper preposition:
My friend works …the chemist’s.
a) + at
b) in
c) on
d) with
e) to
59. Choose the proper preposition:
Pulmonary tuberculosis is caused….mycobacterium tuberculosis.
a) in
b) with
c) on
d) +by
e) for
60. Choose the proper form of the verb:
I … the Medical University in 3 years.
a) is entering
b) entered
c) enter
d) +will enter
e) has entered
61. Find an uncountable noun.
a) +butter
b) book
c) pen
d) table
e) student
62. Find uncountable noun:
a) chair
b) +air
c) book
d) pen
e) computer
63. Choose the adjective in superlative degree:
A profession of a doctor is ……one.
a) more responsible
b) +the most responsible
c) responsiblest
d) the more responsible
e) responsible
64. Put the proper preposition:
The physician insisted … following bed regimen.
a) + on
b) in
c) under
d) up
e) off
65. Find the general question.
a) Can you give me the injection or the drugs?
b) +Can you give me the injection?
c) You can give me the injection, can’t you?
d) When can you give me the injection?
e) You can’t give me the injection, can you?
66. Find the special question.
a) + Where does he study?
b) Does he study or work?
c) He studies, doesn’t he?
d) Does he study?
e) Did he study?
67. Find the alternative question.
a) Where does he study?
b) + Does he study or work?
c) He studies, doesn’t he?
d) Does he study?
e) When does he study?
68. Find disjunctive question.
a) Where does he study?
b) Does he study or work?
c) +He studies, doesn’t he?
d) Does he study?
e) Did he study?
69. Choose the proper form of the verb:
The drugs usually …. in a drug cabinets.
a) was kept
b) will be kept
c) +are kept
d) is kept
e) had been kept
70. Choose the proper form of the verb:
The patient …..by a physician yesterday.
a) +was examined
b) is examined
c) are examined
d) will be examined
e) were examined
71. Choose the proper form of the verb:
Tomorrow the patient ….by the doctor.
a) is examined
b) were examined
c) are examined
d) has been examined
e) +will be examined
72. Choose the proper form of the verb:
We …classes in Physiology three times a week.
a) have had
b) has
c) +have
d) will have
e) had
73. Choose the proper form of the verb:
The book…..by me last year.
a) is bought
b) +was bought
c) will be bought
d) has been bought
e) were bought
74. Choose the proper form of the verb:
In our University Anatomy …… next year.
a) is taught
b) were taught
c) are taught
d) was taught
e) +will be taught
75. Choose the proper preposition:
The doctor’s attitude….the patient helps in his recovery.
a) on
b) with
c) at
d) in
e) +to
76. Choose the proper preposition:
For making a correct diagnosis a physician must pay attention…. analyses.
a) on
b) at
c) +to
d) with
e) in
77. Choose the proper preposition:
The patient complained of the pain …deep breathing.
a) in
b) at
c) +on
d) with
e) over
78. Choose the proper preposition:
He had cough….purulent sputum.
a) at
b) on
c) in
d) up
e) +with
79. Choose the proper preposition:
The disease had been preceded …..tonsillitis.
a) with
b) in
c) at
d) +by
e) on
80. Choose the proper form of the verb “to be”:
Yesterday there ….many pictures on the wall.
a) is
b) was
c) +were
d) are
e) will be
81. Choose the proper form of the verb “to be”:
We …..good surgeons in future.
a) are
b) is
c) was
d) were
e) +shall be
82. Choose the proper form of the verb “to be”:
The man…to the nurse now.
a) was talking
b) were talking
c) are talking
d) +is talking
e) will be talking
83. Choose the proper form of the verb:
The girl…Biology at this moment.
a) are reading
b) were reading
c) am reading
d) +is reading
e) will be reading
84. Choose the proper form of the verb:
I …never…to England.
a) shall/have been
b) +have/been
c) will/have been
d) has/been
e) is/being
85. Choose the proper form of the verb “to have”:
Yesterday I …high temperature.
a) have had
b) +had
c) have
d) has
e) will have
86. Find the irregular verb.
a) prescribe
b) +speak
c) prepare
d) attend
e) study
87. Find the regular verb.
a) buy
b) write
c) feel
d) give
e) +suggest
88. Find the regular verb.
a) hear
b) learn
c) meet
d) +insist
e) give
89. Choose the proper form of the verb:
The doctor ….. the patient’s temperature at the moment.
a) will be taking
b) are taking
c) was taking
d) were taking
e) +is taking
90. Choose the proper form of the verb:
The nurse ….. injections to the patient at 2 o’clock yesterday.
a) +was giving
b) will be giving
c) are giving
d) were giving
e) is giving
91. Choose the proper form of the verb:
I …..the operation at 2 o’clock tomorrow.
a) was performing
b) +shall be performing
c) are performing
d) were performing
e) is performing
92. Find out the ordinal numeral.
a) twenty-nine
b) twenty-eight
c) twenty-one
d) +twenty-fifth
e) thirty- two
93. Find out the ordinal numeral.
a) nine
b) eight
c) one
d) +forth
e) two
94. Find out the ordinal numeral.
a) thirty-one
b) thirty-two
c) +thirty-third
d) thirty-five
e) thirty
95. Find out the cardinal numeral.
a) third
b) fourth
c) +ten
d) eleventh
e) fortieth
96. Find out the cardinal numeral.
a) eleventh
b) +twelve
c) sixtieth
d) ninth
e) third
97. Find cardinal numeral.
a) eleventh
b) +nine
c) tenth
d) fifth
e) second
98. Find out the ordinal numeral.
a) Twenty-five
b) +Twenty-fifth
c) Twenty-four
d) Twenty-one
e) Twenty
99. Choose the proper pronoun:
My little brother plays with …
a) +me
b) we
c) his
d) my
e) mine
100.Choose the proper pronoun:
What color is … pen?
a) you
b) it
c) +your
d) she
e) he
101. Choose the adjective in comparative degree:
My son is … than yours.
a) the best
b) good
c) much better
d) betterer
e) +better
102. Choose the proper form of the verb:
I….with lobular pneumonia last year.
a) is ill
b) will be ill
c) are ill
d) +was ill
e) were ill
103. Choose the proper form of the verb:
In 1997 she….in America.
a) has lived
b) +lived
c) live
d) will live
e) lives
104. Choose the proper form of the verb:
The patient ….badly now.
a) will be coughing
b) +is coughing
c) am coughing
d) was coughing
e) are coughing
105. Choose the proper form of the verb:
My friend …..examination on Anatomy tomorrow.
a) have passed
b) pass
c) +will pass
d) passed
e) had passed
106. Find the special question.
a) Did the doctor make a diagnosis?
b) Did the doctor or nurse make a diagnosis?
c) The doctor made a diagnosis, didn’t he?
d) +What diagnosis did the doctor make?
e) Does the doctor make a diagnosis?
107. Find the general question.
a) Who noticed the amount of pus?
b) The surgeon noticed the amount of pus, didn’t he?
c) The surgeon didn’t notice the amount of pus, did he?
d) +Did the surgeon notice the amount of pus?
e) What did the surgeon notice?
108. Choose the right sentence.
a) +Botkin’s disease is epidemic or infectious hepatitis.
b) Botkin’s is disease epidemic or infectious hepatitis.
c) Botkin’s disease epidemic or infectious hepatitis.
d) Botkin’s disease epidemic or infectious is hepatitis.
e) Botkin’s disease epidemic is infectious or hepatitis.
109. Find the proper modal verb:
I’m sorry, but we ….come to your party next Saturday.
a) +Can’t
b) Hadn’t to
c) Might not
d) Wouldn’t
e) Couldn’t
110. Find the equivalent of the modal verb “must”.
a) +have to
b) to be allowed to
c) to be able to
d) ought to
e) need to
111. Find the proper modal verb:
The doctor ….. examine you now.
a) +can
b) could
c) had to
d) are allowed to
e) are able to
112. Find the proper modal verb:
I’m sorry. I’m late. ….I come in?
a) can
b) must
c) +may
d) could
e) need
113. Find the proper modal verb:
I am a student now. I ….perform the operations.
a) +can’t
b) couldn’t
c) are not allowedto
d) hadn’t to
e) is not able to
114. Choose the proper form of the verb:
We …to the library after the lessons.
a) goes