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Southern Federal University

Методическая записка

Данное учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для студентов отделения заочного обучения. Оно может быть также использовано для работы в группах дневного обучения. Пособие состоит из двух частей. В первую входят восемь устных тем (восемь уроков): Южный Федеральный Университет, Политическое устройство США, Политическое устройство Великобритании, Высшее образование в США, Высшее образование в Великобритании, Исторический факультет, Археология, История и историография. Темы составлены по единой структуре, которая включает в себя текст, тематический словарь, упражнения для отработки техники чтения, языковые и речевые упражнения. Вся система заданий направлена на развитие у студентов навыков монологической речи на английском языке.

Вторая часть пособия содержит рекомендации и план реферирования статьи, а также необходимый лексический минимум для составления реферата статьи. Кроме того, в этой части предлагается сама статья и образец ее реферирования.


Part I


1 Read and learn the following words:

southern [ sᴧðn ] южный
higher [ˊhaiǝ] высшее
academy [ǝˊkӕdǝmi] академия
establishment [ɪˊstӕblɪʃmǝnt] учреждение
to transfer [tǝ trӕnsˊfᴈ:] переносить, перемещать
scientific [ˏsaiǝˊtifik] научный
Bachelor`s Degree [ˊbӕtʃǝlǝz dɪˊgrɪ:] степень бакалавра
Master`s Degree [ˊmɑ:stǝz dɪˊgrɪ:] степень магистра
semester [sǝˊmestǝ] семестр
Finals (мн.ч.) [ˊfaɪnlz] выпускные экзамены
social [ˊsǝᴜʃl] общественный
foreign [ˊfɒrǝn] иностранный
certain [ˊsᴈ:tn] определенный
graduate [ˊgrӕdӡᴜǝt] выпускник
to graduate [tǝ ˊgrӕdӡᴜeɪt] окончить учебное заведение


2 Read the following words and learn them.

Biology [baɪˊɒlǝdӡɪ]   Germany [ˊdӡᴈ:mǝnɪ]
Geology [dӡɪˊɒlǝdӡɪ]   Great Britain [ˏɡreɪtˊbrɪtn]
Geography [dӡɪˊɒɡrǝfɪ]   France [frɑ:ns]
Mechanics [mɪˊkӕnɪks]   Israel [ˊɪzreɪl]
Mathematics [ˏmӕθǝˊmӕtɪks]   Italy [ˊɪtǝlɪ]
Physics [ˊfɪzɪks]   Poland [ˊpǝᴜlǝnd]
Chemistry [ˊkemɪstrɪ]   China [ˊtʃaɪnǝ]
History [ˊhɪstrɪ]   Turkey [ˊtᴈ:kɪ]
Psychology [saɪˊkɒlǝdӡɪ]   Bulgaria [bᴧlˊɡeǝrɪǝ]
Philology [fɪˊlɒlǝdӡɪ]   Greece [ɡrɪ:s]
Journalism [ˊdӡᴈ:nǝˏlɪzǝm]   Warsaw [ˊwɔ:sɔ:]
Philosophy [fǝˊlɒsǝfɪ]    
Economics [ˏɪ:kǝˊnɒmɪks]    
Law [lɔ:]    


3 Read the words in bold type. Pay attention to the pronunciation and the stress. Translate them into Russian. (Прочитайте слова, выделенные жирным шрифтом, и переведите их на русский язык).


4 Read and translate the text (Прочтите и переведите текст).


Southern Federal University

On May, 24th 2007 4 Leading State Higher Professional Institutions in the South of Russia - Rostov State University, Rostov Architecture and Art Academy, Rostov Pedagogical University, Taganrog State University of Radio Engineering - were incorporated in Southern Federal University (SFU).

Rostov State University is the largest and best higher educational establishment in southern Russia and the Northern Caucasus. Its history dates back to 1869 when the Russian Imperial University in Warsaw, Poland, was founded and then transferred, in 1915, toRostov-on-Donbecause of World War I.

Rostov State University is an educational, scientific and production unit, consisting of 14 Faculties: Biology and Soil; Geology and Geography; Mechanics and Mathematics, Physics; Chemistry; History; Psychology; Philology and Journalism; Philosophy; Economics; Law. The university students are trained in 26 specializations. There are 7 research institutes, a Computer Centre, a University Library, the University Press, an Institute for Retraining and Improvement of Teachers` Proficiency in the Humanities and Social Sciences, a summer recreation and sport camp “Limanchick” on the Black Sea and many other teaching and research branch units.

The course of study at the University is split into 4 academic years if one takes day classes for Bachelor`s Degree, and 6 academic years for Master’s Degree. It also takes 6 years for those studying through evening and correspondence courses. The academic year is divided into 2 semesters. At the end of each semester the students take tests, semester or final exams. The students have to submit their graduation thesis paper at the end of their course of study.

The established curriculum includes subjects in the social and natural sciences and foreign languages. During the academic year the students are given lectures on certain compulsory and elective courses in different subjects.

After graduating from the University, the graduates receive Bachelor`s and Master`s Degrees; those who took a five-year course receive Diplomas of higher education. Graduates of the University can also receive Candidate and Doctorate Degrees if they take the required three-year course based on research and the writing of a dissertation.

International activities at the University include undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate training of international students, joint research projects, and student and teacher exchange programs. Internet technology helps both teachers and students work and study independently. The scholars of Rostov State University have strong and productive international contacts with scholars and researchers from the USA, Germany, Great Britain, France, Israel, Italy, Poland, China, Turkey, Bulgaria, Greece and other countries.


5 Find in the text the English equivalents to the following Russian words (Найдите в тексте значения следующих русских слов):


профессорско-преподавательский состав; специализация; переподготовка; заочное отделение; учебный год; посещать занятия; курс обучения; студенты дневного отделения; студенты вечернего отделения; расписание; делиться на; ученые; дипломная работа; объединяться; представить на рассмотрение


6 Give the Russian equivalents to the following English words and phrases (Дайте русский перевод следующих английских слов и выражений):


improvement of teachers proficiency; recreation and sport camp; elective courses; compulsory courses; undergraduates; established curriculum; research work; split into; to date back; was founded; production unit; research units


7 Answer the following questions (Ответьте на следующие вопросы):


1) What higher institutions united to form Southern Federal University?

2) When and where was Rostov State University founded?

3) How many faculties are there in Rostov State University?

4) What other units does the university include?

5) What degrees can students get after graduating from the university?

6) Can international students study at Rostov State University?

7) What subjects does the curriculum include?

8) How many specializations are students trained in?

9) What countries does Rostov State University cooperate with?

10) How many years do students study?


8 Complete the following statements (Закончите следующие предложения):


1) Rostov State University is……….

2) The teaching staff of RSU has………

3) The course of study at the university………...

4) The academic year is………

5) The students have to………

6) The established curriculum includes………

7) At the end of each semester students………

8) The students are given………

9) Internet technology helps………

10) After graduating from the University………..


9 Express your agreement or disagreement with the following statements (Выразите согласие и несогласие со следующими утверждениями):


1) Rostov State University was founded in Rostov in 1915.

2) Southern Federal University is made of four Higher Professional Institutions.

3) All the students study for five years.

4) Students take tests and exams every month.

5) Before finishing the University students usually present their graduation paper.

6) After graduating from the university, the graduates receive Candidate and Doctoral Degrees.

7) Rostov State University is the second higher educational establishment in southern Russia and the Northern Caucasus.

8) Both teachers and students can work and study independently with the help of Internet.

10 Retell the text.


1 Read and learn the following words:

monarch [ˊmɒnǝk] монарх
reign [ˊreɪn] правление
support [sǝˊpɔ:t] поддерживать
parliament [ˊpɑ:lǝmǝnt] парламент
hereditary [hǝˊredǝtrɪ] наследственный
peeress [ˏpɪǝrˊes] леди
judge [ˊdӡᴧdӡ] судья
debate [dɪˊbeɪt] обсуждать, обдумывать
quorum [ˊkwɔ:rǝm] кворум
accept [ǝkˊsept] принимать, признавать
scene [si:n] место действия, сцена
financial [faɪˊnӕnʃl] финансовый


2 Read the words in bold type. Pay attention to the pronunciation and the stress. Translate them into Russian.


3 Read and translate the text.


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