custom – обычай
to be proud of – гордиться
keep up – придерживаться
Jesus Christ – Иисус Христос
Catholic Church – католическая церковь
Orthodox Church - православная церковь
evergreen – вечнозеленый
sock – носок
stocking – чулок
chimney – труба, дымоход
beforehand – заранее
Trafalgar Square - Трафальгарская площадь
slogan – лозунг
merry – веселый, радостный
turkey -индейка
1. Translate the following words and word combinations into English using the text “Christmas Day”.
Свои собственные обычаи; среди них; рождение Иисуса Христа; вечнозеленое дерево; подарки друг другу; рождественские открытки; готовятся к нему заранее; означает начало новой жизни; традиционный ужин.
Answer the following questions.
1. What do you know about national holidays in England?
2. What kind of holiday is Christmas?
3. When do English people celebrate Christmas?
4. How do English people celebrate Christmas?
5. There are many Christmas cards in the shops before Christmas Day, aren't there?
6. What can you see in Trafalgar Square on the 25th of December?
7. What is the traditional English dinner on the 25th of December?
8. Have you seen this holiday in London?
9. Do Russian people celebrate Christmas Day?
10. Do you get presents on this holiday?
Make up 10 questions of your own on the text.
Combine words into sentences and translate them into Russian.
1. English, are, people, of, their, proud, traditions.
2. Christmas, people, English, with, evergreen, celebrate, the, tree.
3. England, Christmas, is, the, holiday, greates, in.
4. The, English, dinner, traditional, on, is, turkey, Christmas.
5. English, this, people, like, very, holiday, much.
6. They, it, prepare, beforehand, for.
7. Send, cards, Christmas, their, for, relatives, they.
St. Valentine's Day
This holiday is celebrated on the 14th of February by the English and the Americans. It is not a national holiday. It is necessary to go to work. Banks and offices do not close. It is a day of all lovers. I think it is a happy festival for young people. But it is celebrated among persons of all ages. Valentine. What is it? It is a greeting card or a little present. The cards must be coloured and gay. It is possible to send flowers, cards and candy to those you love, but usually without giving the name of the sender.
Valentine presents are packed in red heart-shaped boxes. I think St. Valentine's Day is a great present-giving anniversary for adults as well as for children.
A Song
Val-en-tine, Val-en-tine, will you be my
Val-en-tine? Val-en-tine, Val-en-tine, please be mine.
A Poem
February the fourteenth day,
It's Valentine, they say.
Choose you from among the rest,
The reason was I loved you best.
Active Words and Word Combinations
is celebrated – празднуется
festival – празднество
greeting card – поздравительная открытка
candy -сладости, конфеты, леденец
sender – отправитель
heart-shaped -в форме сердца
adult - взрослый, совершеннолетний
1. Translate the following words and word combinations into English using the text “St. Valentine's Day”.
Празднуется; национальный; необходимо; влюбленный; празднество; всех возрастов; цветной; поздравительная открытка; подарок; веселый; в форме сердца; обычно; тем, кого любишь; для взрослых.
Answer the following questions.
1. What kind of holiday do the English and the Americans celebrate on the 14th of February?
2. Do you know the song "Valentine"?
3. What is the popular present for St. Valentine's Day?
4. Is it a holiday for children?
5. Do you celebrate this holiday at school and at home?
6. Have you read anything about St. Valentine's Day?
7. St. Valentine's Day isn't a national holiday, is it?
Make up 7 questions of your own on the text.