1. подлинный, фактически существующий
2. актуальный
3. практический
… where they stand presently in the course of the system development, how far they have gone in their efforts in putting them to actual use, and their plans for the future.
1. адресовать
2. написать адрес
3. обращаться
4. выступать
5. приниматься за что-либо
6. рассматривать
7. посвящать
8. поставить (задачу, цель), ставить вопрос, решать проблему.
This article discusses some of these programming issues and how they were addressed in the system.
This paper addresses the problem of deconvolving two signals when both are unknown.
There are at least two technical problems that might be addressed in …
Unit 7
What is the nature of the scientific attitude, the attitude of the man or woman who studies and applies physics, biology, chemistry or any other science? What are their special meyhods of thinking and acting? What qualities do we usually expect them to possess?
To begin with, we expect a successful scientist to be full of curiosity – he wants to find out how and why the universe works. He usually directs his attention towards problems which have no satisfactory explanation, and his curiosity makes him look for the underlying relationships even if the data to be analysed are not apparently interrelated. He is a good observer, accurate, patient and objective. Furthermore, he is not only critical of the work of others, but also of his own, since he knows man to be the least reliable of scientific instruments.
And to conclude, he is to be highly imaginative since he often looks for data which are not only complex, but also incomplete.
Grammar Review
I. Fill in the gaps with any number of words, word combinations, or sentences to get a coherent text:
I was given... and told... I was not promised... but offered.... It.... Finally I was sent... and told that my problem will be dealt with as soon as they....
II. Translate the following sentences into Russian:
- The history of the last 30 years shows him to have done very well.
- This allowed the rules to be followed.
- We know him to have established a school of his own.
- They considered all water on the surface of the planet to have been liberated by volcanic action.
- This analysis permitted them to tackle the problem directly.
- This information enabled forecasts for the next few years to be made.
- We know him to have objected to this style of research on previous occasions.
III. Translate into Russian:
- No attempts have been made to list all the contributions in which different have been developed and later used. 2. Recent discoveries in all sciences have been greatly assisted by the developments in contemporary research techniques dealt with in the last section of this book. 3. The congress attended by scientists from all the institutions concerned attracted much attention and was referred to as a most representative forum in this field. 4. An alternative to the models discussed above is the steady-state theory of continuous creation referred to earlier and depicted in fugure 1. 5. Every new idea is immediately taken up and developed further, forming the initial point of the process. 6. It is no good stressing a paradox if you wish to excite curiosity of the audience unprepared for the lecture. 7. Some people have been so scared reading about harmful effects of smoking that they give up reading. 8. Now mention should be made of the fact that geochemistry applies the concepts of chemistry to terrestrial circumstances studying the distribution of elements in the course of geologic evolution. 10. To find out more about the space scientists sent little moons, or satellites, circling in orbits above the Earth.
Phrasal Verbs
About распространять
Across объяснять
Away убрать
Back класть на место; отложить; задержать
By отложить
Down подавлять; записать, высаживать
Forward предложить; перевести часы
In установить; вставлять; подавать
Off отложить (по времени)
On надевать; включить; ставить
Out обидеть; погасить; вынести
Through соединить, выполнить
Up вешать, поставить
Up to подбивать
Up with терпеть, примириться с
Make up the sentences of your own using the verbs.
Unit 8
Read and translate the text:
Someone with a twinkle in his eye once said: “There are two kinds of people in the world: those who always divide the people of the world into two kinds, and those who do not.”
We live in a world of great diversity. For example, people do not come in two varieties: either good-looking or ugly. If we line up a large group of people and arrange them according to degrees of homeliness and comeliness, we will have at one end of the line those who “look terribly ugly”. Next to them will be those who are “just plain ugly.” Then the ones whom we call “unattractive”. Then “so-so”, then pretty then “wow”!
We can’t just fold humanity down the middle like a sheet of paper and have all the handsome ones on one side and those we call “ugly” on the other. Even those we call “ugly” are not without traces of beauty, and vice versa.
Actor Wallace Beery said, “Most screen characters are either very good or very bad, a fact that often disturbs an actor as much as it does an intelligent observer. For no man is completely made from one piece of cloth, all good or all bad, all cruel or all tender. Instead, each person is a mixture of many things.”
Grammar Review
I. Give Russian equivalents:
- Some people are easily influenced by other people’s opinions. 2. The distribution of plants is greatly affected by local conditions. 3. The seminar was attended by all the participants. 4. His lectures are always followed by heated discussions. 5. In several areas of research the efforts of scientists are joined by those of philosophers and sociologists. 6. At the university students are offered a curriculum of study which is followed by a test and the award of a degree. 7. The members of the laboratory were consulted prior to this successful operation.
II. Translate the sentences:
1. За докладом последовала бурная дискуссия. 2. На скорость реакции влияет множество других факторов. 3. Этот вопрос будет подробно рассмотрен в главе III. 4. На этой стадии мы столкнулись с новыми трудностями. 5. Ему не дали возможности закончить эту работу. 6. В последнее время эта теория часто упоминается во многих статьях. 7. Семинар, на котором присутствовало всего 5 человек, прошел вяло и неинтересно. 8. Для того чтобы преодолеть эти недостатки, использовали новую методику, специально разработанную для данного эксперимента.
“False friends of the translator”