


Другие языки
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An interview with a film director

Л.А. Яровая

Методические рекомендации для студентов – заочников

Факультета Культурологии

направления «Социально-культурная деятельность» (071800)

(английский язык)


Министерство культуры российской федерации

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

Высшего профессионального образования

«Пермская государственная академия искусства и культуры»


Кафедра филологии

Секция иностранных языков



Л.А. Яровая

Методические рекомендации для студентов – заочников

факультета Культурологии

направления «Социально-культурная деятельность» (071800)

(английский язык)


Пермь 2013


Рекомендовано к изданию методическим советом кафедры иностранных языков.

Протокол № _ 2 _ от 18.09.2013



Методические рекомендации для студентов – заочников факультета Культурологии направления «Социально-культурная деятельность» (071800) (английский язык) / сост. доцент Л. А. Яровая. – Пермь: ПГАИК, 2013. – 24 с.



© Пермская государственная академия искусства и культуры, 2013

© Л.А. Яровая, 2013

Методические указания

для студентов – заочников факультета Культурологии

направления «Социально-культурная деятельность» (071800)


Учебный план:

I семестр – 10 часов практических занятий

80 часа самостоятельной работы

Контроль: зачет.


II семестр – 10 часов практических занятий

80 часов самостоятельной работы

Контроль: экзамен


Студентам рекомендуется пользоваться пособиями: З.И. Бурова. Учебник английского языка для гуманитарных специальностей вузов: Высшее образование. 5-е издание, исправленное. Москва, Айрис Пресс, 2006 и Ю. Голицынский. Грамматика (сборник упражнений). Издательство КАРО Санкт-Петербург, 2002 г.


I семестр

Требования к зачёту:

I. Выполнить контрольную работу № 1 в рабочей тетради.

II. Зачётный перевод (1200 за 45 минут).

III. Беседа по темам:

1. My family

2. Visit to the cinema

3. Visit to the theatre

4. Film review

5. Cultural institutions in Perm

6. Perm State Academy of Arts and Culture

IV. Знать по карточкам:

- буквы и звуки (гласные и согласные);

- знать алфавит;

- уметь писать и читать транскрипцию;

- выполнить упражнения на фонетику и грамматику из учебника Буровой «Английский язык»;

- письменно перевести рекомендованные тексты;

- уметь читать и переводить тексты устно, используя свой словарь.

V. Выучить письменно и устно 20 английских неправильных глаголов. Сделать их карточки (З.И. Бурова «Учебник английского языка для гуманитарных специальностей вузов: Высшее образование», стр. 545-546).

К зимней сессии (I семестр) необходимо:

I. Изучить по учебнику Буровой З.И. «Учебник английского языка для гуманитарных специальностей вузов: Высшее образование» и сделать в рабочей тетради следующие упражнения:


1) Предисловие к учебнику, p. 2-7.

2) Методические рекомендации по работе с учебником, p. 8-11.

3) Памятку для студента, p. 12-14.

4) Алфавит, p. 17.

5) Правила чтения из 4-х уроков вводного курса: p. 20-22, 32-34, 47-49, 62-63, 99, 115.

Написать транскрипцию слов из упражнений:

Ex 4, p. 22-23

Ex 4, p. 34

Ex 3, p. 50

Ex 4, p. 64

6) Правила ударения, p. 63-65.

7) Числительные: количественные и порядковые: p. 52, 67, 116-117, 143-144.

Ex 1, 2, p. 116.

Время, дата, дни недели: p. 144-145.

Ex 9, 11, 12, p. 147-148.

8) артикль, p. 24

Ex 3, p. 24, 42

Ex 29, p. 43

9) to be, p. 25, 54

Ex 8, p. 54

Ex 13, p. 56

10) множественное число существительных, p. 27,82

Ex 1,2, p. 82, 83

11) указательные местоимения this и that, p. 36, 37, 38, 40

Ex 21, 22, p. 41

Ex 25, p. 42

Ex 29, p. 43

12) местоимения: личные, притяжательные (p. 53, 84), объектные (p. 102)

Ex 5, p. 53

Ex 7, p. 85

Ex 8, p. 103-104

13) повелительное наклонение, p. 90

14) местоимения mush, many, few, little, p. 72, 73

Ex 22, 23, p. 73

15) притяжательный падеж существительных, p. 83

Ex 3, p. 83

Ex 5, p. 84

16) оборот there is/ there are, p. 85-86, 88

Ex 11, p. 86

Ex 21, p. 89

17) местоимения some, any, no, p. 100-101

Ex 2, 3, p. 101

18) Времена:

Present Indefinite (Simple) p. 148-149, 150-151, 152-153.

Ex 17, p. 150

Ex 21, p. 151

Ex 23, 24, p. 152

Ex 30, 31, p. 154

Present Continuous p. 118-119.

Ex 8, 9, p. 118-119

Ex 11, p. 119-120

Past Indefinite (Simple) p. 231-232, 233-235.

Ex 7, p. 233

Ex 10, p. 234

Ex 13, p. 235

19) Степени сравнения наречий и прилагательных, p. 211

Ex 4, 5, 6 p. 211-212

p. 214

Ex 11, 12, 13, p. 214

Сравнительные конструкции, p. 214

Ex 11, 12, 13, p. 214

II. Выполнить Контрольную работу № 1 в рабочей тетеради:

Контрольная работа № 1


Task 1. Вставьте артикль (a, the, an) где необходимо. Переведите текст.


My brother is … doctor. His flat is in …new house. There are …tree rooms in … flat. … living-room is … largest of all. It is …nice light room. There are … pictures on … walls. There is …round table in … middle of … room. There is … sofa at … wall with large thick carpet in … front of it …. Study and … bedroom are small, but very … comfortable


Task 2. Вставьте some, any, no или их производные. Переведите предложения.


1.Are there... cinemas or theatres in your town? – There aren’t... cinemas – but there is a theatre festival in summer. 2. Is there... for young people – a zoo, interesting museums? – I’m sorry there is... zoo in our town. But there are... museums,... discos and every three weeks there is a rock concert for young people here. 3. Have you... relations? – No, I haven’t..., I have... relations. 4. Has she...nephews or nieces? – She has... nephews. 5. She has... sisters, she has only brothers. 6. Do you know... about Chinese art? 7. They have... cousins in Minsk. 8. Have you... brothers? – No, I haven’t..., I have... brothers. 9. I have... good friends. 10. We did not know... about his problems: he told us.... 11. Have you got... interesting books? 12. Have you... friends in America? 13. He has... English books in this bookcase. 14. Did you meet... on your way to school? 15. Have you got... pencils in your bag? 16. Do we have... chalk on the blackboard? 17. How could I know that he was ill?... told me.... 18. She has... mistakes in her test.


Task 3. Вставьте глагол to be в Present, Past или Future Simple. Переведите предложения.


1.The students... in the Russian Museum. 2. Last month they... in the Hermitage. There... an interesting exhibition there. 3. In two weeks they... in the Tretyakov Gallery. They... lucky. 4. My father... a teacher. 5. He... a pupil twenty years ago. 6. I... a doctor when I grow up. 7. My sister... not... at home tomorrow. 8. She... at school tomorrow. 9.... you... at home tomorrow? 10.... your father at work yesterday? 11. My sister... ill last week. 12. She... not ill now. 13. Yesterday we... at the theatre. 14. Where... your mother now? – She... in the kitchen. 15. Where... you yesterday? – I... at the cinema. 16. When I come home tomorrow, all my family... at home. 17.... your little sister in bed now? – Ye, she... 18.... you... at school tomorrow? – Yes, I.... 19. When my granny... young, she... an actress. 20. My friend... in Moscow now. 21. He... in St. Petersburg tomorrow. 22. Where... your books now? – They... in my bag.


Task 4. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глагол to be в Present, Past или Future Simple.


1.Вчера они были в библиотеке. 2. Сейчас они в школе. 3. Завтра они будут в театре. 4. В данный момент его здесь нет. 5. В воскресенье он будет на концерте. 6. В прошлую субботу он был на стадионе. 7. Мой брат сейчас в школе. 8. Мой брат был вчера в кино. 9. Мой брат будет завтра дома. 10. Ты будешь дома завтра? 11. Она была вчера в перке? 12. Он сейчас во дворе? 13. Где папа? 14. Где вы были вчера? 15. Где он будет завтра? 16. Мои книги были на столе. Где они сейчас?


Task 5. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past или Future Simple и переведите предложения.


1.I (to go) to bed at ten o’clock every day. 2. I (to go) to bed at ten o’clock yesterday. 3. I (to go) to bed at ten o’clock tomorrow. 4. I (not to go) to the cinema every day. 5. I (not to go) to the cinema yesterday. 6. I (no to go) to the cinema tomorrow. 7. You (to watch) TV every day? 8. You (to watch) TV yesterday? 9. You (to watch) TV tomorrow? 10. When you (to leave) home for school every day? 11. When you (to leave) home for school yesterday? 12. When you (to leave) home for school tomorrow? 13. My brother (to go) to work every day. He (to leave) home at a quarter past eight. As the office he (to work) at (to be) near our house, he (to walk) there. He (not to take) a bus. Yesterday he (not to go) to work. Yesterday he (to get) up at nine o’clock. 14. You (to have) a PT lesson yesterday? – No, I.... 15. What you (to buy) at the shop yesterday? – I (to buy) a book. 16. Yesterday my father (not to read) newspapers because he (to be) very busy. He (to read) newspaper tomorrow.


Task 6. Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму прилагательного. Переведите предложения.


1. Her eyes are (grey) than mine. 2. He was the (fat) man in the village. 3. As he went on, the box became (heavy) and (heavy). 4. My sister is the (tall) girl in her class. 5. Who is the (attentive) student in your group? 6. It is autumn. Every day the air becomes (cold), the leaves (yellow). 7. This is the (beautiful) view I have ever seen in my life. 8. Your handwriting is now (good) than it was last year; but still it is not so (good) as Nick's handwriting. Nick has a (good) handwriting than you. And of course Nellie has the (good) handwriting of all. 9. Oil is (light) than water. 10. We shall wait for a (dry) day to go on the excursion.


Task 7. Переведите текст письменно.


The Great Waltz


“The Great Waltz” is an old American film about the life and music career of Strauss. The director of the film is Duvivier. This film-maker is the author of many commercial films. They say that among his films there are many original productions. “The Great Waltz” is one of his popular films.

The action takes place during the bourgeois revolution of 1848 in Vienna. In the opening scenes we see young Straus at the beginning of his career. He works as a clerk at a bank and writes waltzes instead of financial documents during his working day. He dreams to become a musician. Suddenly his chief learns about it and Strauss loses his job at the bank but he is not sorry about it all. He is even glad, because he still hopes to be a success as a musician. He decides to become a professional composer and conductor. Soon he organizes his own little orchestra of amateur musicians. His orchestra plays his waltzes and performs at restaurants and in parks. Little by little his waltzes become very popular not only among simple people but also in the palaces. There is a love-story in the film too. At the beginning of his music career Strauss marries a lovely girl Poldy. She becomes his wife, and his real friend. She believes in his talent and tries to help him. But when Strauss becomes a popular composer, he meets a brilliant opera-singer Carla Donner. They fall in love with each other.

Fernand Gravet as Strauss gives a vivid portrayal of a modest and promising musician. M. Corius as the opera-singer is very attractive, her voice is strong and full of charm. As usual Duvivier uses excellent actors. I think it is an excellent film.

Task 8. Ответьте на вопросы по содержанию текста:


1. What is the name of American film about Strauss?

2. Where does the action of the film take place?

3. What was Strauss at the beginning of his career?

4. What does Strauss organize?

5. What music does this orchestra play?

6. Is there a love-story in the film?

7. Who plays the role of Strauss?

8. Did you see this film?


III. Перевести тексты письменно в рабочей тетради, выписав незнакомые слова в словарь с транскрипцией и переводом.


Text № 1.

My Family


My name is George. I'm a businessman.

Our family is large.

My father's name is Fred. He is an engineer. My mother's name is Jane. She is a doctor.

My parents are not old but they are not very young.

My grandfather and grandmother are rather old. They are on pension.

I have a brother and a sister.

My sister is a student. Her name is Ann. She is not married.

My brother is an interpreter. His name is John. He is married. His wife's name is Kate. She is an economist.

John and his wife have no children.


to be on pension [‘pensn] - быть на пенсии.



Text № 2.

Film reviews


  1. “Vassa” by Gleb Panfilov (1983)


My favourite film is “Vassa”. Its director is Gleb Panfilov. His productions are popular in our country. Panfilov is an experienced film-maker. His films are first class. Some of his films are “The Beginning”, “Valentina” and “The Theme”. They are well-known to our film-goers. “Vassa” is a screen-adaptation of a play by Gorky. Its interpretation is original. As for Churikova as Vassa, she is very good. Her acting is brilliant. “Vassa” is a wide-screen colour film. Its photographic effects are expressive. I like this film very much.


2. “The Legend of the Dinosaur” (1975)


This is a Japanese film by Kurata. Kurata is a young director. This film is a thriller. Its story is trivial. Thrillers are very popular in the world today. This is an interesting social problem. “The Legend” is a wide-screen colour film. As for its photography, it is professional, but many special effects are elementary and primitive. Its horror-scenes are vulgar and shocking. In short “The Legent” is a typical commercial film. I don’t like this film because it is banal and trivial.


Text № 3

At a film show

Not long ago Peter and I decided to go to the cinema. The show lasted two hours. On the way home we talked about the film. In general, we liked it. Some famous actors played in it. They performed their parts very well. Peter tried to remember the names of the film-makers who produced the film, directed it, designed the sets and composed the music. As for me, I remembered only the names of the leading actors, because their performance impressed me. Peter enjoyed this film too. He agreed with me that the authors managed to produce an enjoyable picture.



Text № 4

A visit to the theatre

Last night I went to the theatre with my girl-friend. It was difficult to buy tickets because there was a long line at the box-office. But we were lucky. We got the tickets 15 minutes before the show began. We went in, left our coats in the cloak-room and entered the hall. The house was packed. We took our seats in the 16th row. During the interval I went to the buffet and bought some chocolate for my companion. The play made a great impression on both of us. After the performance I saw my friend home. It was late when I came back home. I went to bed after midnight. This morning I woke up late and ran to the institute without breakfast.


Text № 5

An interview with a film director

Reporter: May I ask you a traditional question?

Director: Certainly.

R.: What are your plans for the future?

D.: I can’t plan very far ahead. Now we are shooting the last scene on location.

R.: Can you tell our readers a little about the work of your production unit?

D.: You see, in some days we’re returning to Moscow. There we must shoot one scene on the set.

R.: What other work are you going to do in Moscow?

D.: We must cut the film. It may take us some 2 weeks and then we must synchronize the film.

R.: And how long may this take you?

D.: Well, it may take us a month or so.

R.: Thank you very much. Your film must be a success.

D.: Thank you. I hope so.

Text № 6

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