






, . , , .

iostream.h iomanip.h ( ).





int a = 157;

double b = 1.55555;

cout << setw(10) << a << endl;

/* setw (n) , .. n , . 8- , 7 : 157 ( ). . */

cout << setw(10) << setfill(z) << a << endl;

/* setwfill (kod) , ( 122 ' z '). : zzzzzzz157. setwfill (0).*/

cout << oct << a << endl;

/* oct 8- . : 235 */

cout << hex << a << endl;

// hex 16- . : 9d

cout << dec << a << endl;

// dec 10-. : 157

cout << b << endl; // : 1.55555

cout << setprecision(3) << b << endl;

/* setprecision (n) n , . :

1.56 1.556 */

return 0;



, ios, .

setiosflags (ios:: flag);

resetiosflags (ios:: flag);

, | ( ) .





void main(void) {

int a = 157;

cout<<setiosflags(ios:: showbase)<<a<< <<oct<<a<<

<<hex<<a<< endl;

/* showbase , . : 157 0235 09d */

double a1 = 12.99, a2 = 15;

cout << setiosflags(ios:: showpoint | ios:: fixed)

/* showpoint , fixed */

<< setprecision(2) << setfill(*) << setiosflags(ios:: right)

// right ( left)

<< a1 << setw(10) << a1

<< a2 << setw(10) << a2 << endl;

// : a1 *****12.99 a2 *****15.00

double pi = 3.14159;

cout << Pi << setw(15) << setfill(_)

// _

<< setiosflags(ios:: showpos | ios:: scientific)

<< setprecision(5) << pi << endl;

/* showpos +, scientific . : Pi _ _ _ +3.14159e+00 */



, , .


16.3. - Visual C++

Visual C++ 6.0 ( ) . , , , - , . Visual C++ 6.0 :

#include <iostream.h>

int main()


cout << "Welcome to C++!" << endl;

cout << " C++!" << endl;

return 0;



Welcome to C++!

─ C++!

Press any key to continue

. MS DOS Windows.

- ASCII. , .. 0 127, 128 255 . , , (Alt), (Mai), (MIC), -8 (KOI), . ASCII.

, Visual C++, ANSI. ASCII, , Visual , MS DOS ASCII.

, , CharToOem, ANSI ASCII. , () ANSI, OemToChar. windows. h.


#include <iostream.h>

#include <windows.h>

char* Rus(const char* text);

char bufRus[255];

int main()


char s[] = "!", ss[100];

cout << Rus(" ") << Rus(s) <<endl;

cout << Rus(" :");

cin >> ss;

cout << Rus(" : ") << ss << endl;

return 0;


char* Rus (const char* text)


CharToOem(text, bufRus);

return bufRus;





: !

: !

, Visual C++ 6.0 Rus, CharToOem, . bufRus. : ( ) Rus ( ).

CharToOem, , , BOOL, . , : Rus << , .

new delete

++ new delete. :

1) type * p = new type (); sizeof (type), , ;


delete p; .

2) type * p = new type [ n ]; n , n * sizeof (type); ;


delete [] p; .

, delete , , .

delete [ ] , , . .



: 2016-11-12; !; : 362 |



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